- Rachel Opperman (2020), 10 Foolproof Tips for Maximizing Website Accessibility → https://zaengle.com/blog/10-foolproof-tips-for-maximizing-website-accessibility
- Josh W. Comeau (2021), An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions → https://www.joshwcomeau.com/animation/css-transitions/
- Very nice!
- Josh W. Comeau (2021), What the heck, z-index?? → https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/stacking-contexts/
- Stacking contexts.
- Tamás Losonczi (2020), Introduction to Data-Oriented Programming: A Shift from objects to data → https://medium.com/mirum-budapest/introduction-to-data-oriented-programming-85b51b99572d
- Promises to be a trend...
- Shachee Swadia (2021), How to Create a Diverging Bar Chart with a JavaScript Charting Library → https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/diverging-bar-chart-javascript/
- Hillel Wayne (Feb 24, 2021), Hilleogram's Twitter thread on Predicate Logic → https://twitter.com/hillelogram/status/1364723003720925185
No, I am not letting this go.
- Ryan Carniato (2020), The Trouble with TypeScript → https://dev.to/ryansolid/the-trouble-with-typescript-4fpp
What I've witnessed with TypeScript is that 30 line CoffeeScript file is now 150 lines.
- Dave Sag (2019), Don’t do ‘this’ — Part Two: The Trouble with TypeScript → https://itnext.io/dont-do-this-part-two-the-trouble-with-typescript-8ea9b26892e2
- Dave Sag (2019), Don’t do ‘this’ — Part Two: The Trouble with TypeScript → https://itnext.io/dont-do-this-part-two-the-trouble-with-typescript-8ea9b26892e2
- Leonardo Freitas (2017), The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of TypeScript: Is TypeScript really worth it? → https://blog.codeminer42.com/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-of-typescript-58a3ff3e248/
- Bradley Taunt (2021), Browser localStorage note taking app → https://writxt.fun/
- with the ability to export content as output.txt
- Simon Cruanes (2019), Solving Sudokus with msat → https://blag.cedeela.fr/sudoku-msat/
- John Au-Yeung (2020), Best practices for REST API design → https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/03/02/best-practices-for-rest-api-design/
- Pascal Grange (ongoing), bash_unit → https://github.com/pgrange/bash_unit
- Unit testing framework for bash.
- Vavr.io (ongoing), Vavr → https://www.vavr.io/
- A functional library for Java