- Scott Jehl (2021), CSS responsive table with fixed column and row headers and scroll snap → https://codepen.io/scottjehl/pen/abJrPOP
- This is the one!
- Jan Schaumann (2021), Your E-Mail Validation Logic is Wrong → https://www.netmeister.org/blog/email.html
- 15 things to allow or prevent when validating email address strings.
- Guy Keulemans (2021), The problem with reinforced concrete → https://theconversation.com/the-problem-with-reinforced-concrete-56078
- The irony that steel reinforced concrete deteriorates faster because steel's electrical and moisture conductivity.
- This is really a metaphor for the overuse in software of strong types and one-pattern frameworks.
- Tim Harford (2021), The tyranny of spreadsheets → https://financialpost.com/fp-work/the-tyranny-of-spreadsheets-we-take-numbers-for-granted-until-we-run-out-of-them
- Data set truncated by use in outdate Excel format.
- Explores origin of double entry bookkeeping in the Middle Ages by one Francesco di Marco Datini.
- Michael Breen (2004), Statecharts: Some Critical Observations → https://mbreen.com/breenStatecharts.pdf
A "Statecharts considered harmful" article.
- Daniel Fedorin (2020), Math Rendering is Wrong → https://danilafe.com/blog/math_rendering_is_wrong/
- A challenge for the community to make server-side rendering of MathML from Markdown.
- Jim Nielsen (2021), Useful and Useless Code Comments → https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2021/useful-and-usless-code-comments/
- Useless to whom? Disagreement runs deep. Worth a read.
- Hillel Wayne (2020), Decision Table Patterns → https://www.hillelwayne.com/post/decision-table-patterns/
- Ways to work with decision tables (which are maps of input to output, and not finite state machines).
- Tomek Nieżurawski (2021), Sorting colors in JavaScript → https://tomekdev.com/posts/sorting-colors-in-js
- Hell of a post on a thorny problem that requires adding dimensions to the sort criteria.
- Bruno Calza (2021), Getting To Know Logical Clocks By Implementing Them → https://brunocalza.me/getting-to-know-logical-clocks-by-implementing-them/
- Includes implementations of Lamport clock and Vector clock.
- pkh (2021), The most useful math formulas → http://blog.pkh.me/p/29-the-most-useful-math-formulas.html
- Antigone Journal (2021), Ancient Greek Accents In Ten Rules → https://antigonejournal.com/2021/06/greek-accents-ten-rules/
- Jack Domleo (2021), A set of useful global CSS defaults to add to your site alongside a reset stylesheet (with explanations) → https://gist.github.com/jackdomleo7/55659bafe581d19cc341ef775d6a9e6b
- Turns out to be useful (!), especially
touch-action: manipulation;
to prevent button double taps zooming in mobile.
- Turns out to be useful (!), especially
- Automerge (2021), Automerge → https://github.com/automerge/automerge
Automerge is a library of data structures for building collaborative applications in JavaScript.
- JsonLogic (2021), JsonLogic → https://jsonlogic.com/
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, share them between front-end and back-end
- Sebastian Vollnhals (2021), sanitize.js - sanitize values to be exported in an csv file → https://gist.github.com/yetzt/59cddebf6e1f5d74c004ba839ff759d8
- Matt Baker (2014-2017), reactive.js → https://github.com/mattbaker/reactive.js
- Re-visiting this lib from a 2014 or so. > Reactive.js will augment ("reactify") a given Javascript function so that it may track dependencies on other reactive functions (similar to cells in a spreadsheet).