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- @volument (2019), BareTest. An extremely minimalistic alternative to Jest → https://volument.com/baretest - 44 lines of code, one dependency with 12 lines of code!
- @volument (2019), BareServer. Express.js alternative for Minimalists → https://volument.com/blog/bareserver-express-alternative-for-minimalists
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Pattern: Where should I put this code? → https://dev.to/dagatsoin/sam-pattern-where-should-i-put-this-code-4hoh - Scott O'Hara (2012), Short note on the accessibility of styled form controls → https://developer.paciellogroup.com/blog/2018/07/short-note-on-the-accessibility-of-styled-form-controls/
- Adam B. Silver (2019), Where to put buttons on forms → https://adamsilver.io/articles/where-to-put-buttons-in-forms/
- Heather Migliorisi (2016), Accessible SVGs → https://css-tricks.com/accessible-svgs/
- @leymannx (2013), answered on superuser.com: Shortcuts to move faster in browsers and documents → https://superuser.com/a/676012
- Huiming Teo (2012), Shortcuts to move faster in Bash command line → http://teohm.com/blog/shortcuts-to-move-faster-in-bash-command-line/
Resource Override
, Chrome extension → https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/resource-override/pkoacgokdfckfpndoffpifphamojphii?hl=enJest
Advanced Settings → https://create-react-app.dev/docs/advanced-configuration/
- Ginny Fahs (2018), GitHub Error: Authentication Failed from the Command Line → https://medium.com/@ginnyfahs/github-error-authentication-failed-from-command-line-3a545bfd0ca8
- Lifesaving instructions on Github → https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line
- Sylvain Saurel (2019), Building A Sudoku Solver In Java With Dancing Links → https://medium.com/javarevisited/building-a-sudoku-solver-in-java-with-dancing-links-180274b0b6c1
- Matt Merkes (2014), Sudoku Solver from Scratch in JavaScript (TDD Style): A Tutorial → https://www.codefellows.org/blog/sudoku-solver-from-scratch-in-javascript-tdd-style-a-tutorial/
- Naoki Shibuya (2017), Sudoku Solver by Peter Norvig → https://medium.com/activating-robotic-minds/peter-norvigs-sudoku-solver-25779bb349ce
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- Garrett Heinlen (2019), Not Sold Yet, GraphQL: A Humble Tale from Skeptic to Enthusiast → https://www.infoq.com/presentations/netflix-graphql/
- presentation at QCon, July 2019 - how Netflix builds and deploys GraphQL and how they are running it in production
- Michał Lytek (2018), GraphQL + TypeScript = TypeGraphQL → https://medium.com/@MichalLytek/graphql-typescript-typegraphql-ba0225cb4bed
- Trey Huffine (2019), Build a GraphQL + React App with TypeScript → https://levelup.gitconnected.com/build-a-graphql-react-app-with-typescript-9661f908b26