- Deepak Gupta (2018), Javascript - Generator-Yield/Next & Async-Await - https://codeburst.io/javascript-generator-yield-next-async-await-e428b0cb52e4
- Deepak Gupta (2019), Fractal pattern for Node.js app design - https://codeburst.io/fractal-a-nodejs-app-structure-for-infinite-scale-d74dda57ee11
- Dan Golant (2017), Hapi-er Express Routing with
middleware forJoi
validation) andJoi
(the built-in schema validation library for Hapi) - https://hackernoon.com/hapi-er-express-routing-with-celebrate-and-joi-9986cc421e24 - validation middleware - Jason Watmore (2018),
NodeJS + MongoDB - Simple API for Authentication, Registration and User Management
- https://jasonwatmore.com/post/2018/06/14/nodejs-mongodb-simple-api-for-authentication-registration-and-user-management - usesexpress-jwt
, 'mongoose`, and a super useful global error handler. - Jared Hanson (2013), fork of Mozilla's mock LDAP server - https://github.com/jaredhanson/mozilla-idp/tree/master/mock-ldap-server
- veo-labs (2017), another mock ldap server - https://github.com/veo-labs/ldap-server-mock
- Ori Pomerantz (2018), Use LDAP and Active Directory to authenticate Node.js users - https://developer.ibm.com/tutorials/se-use-ldap-authentication-authorization-nodejs-cloud-application/
- Gleb Bahmutov (2015), How to correctly unit test Express server - https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/how-to-correctly-unit-test-express-server/
- Tom Yitav (2017), Starter project for creating a MVC express server with MongoDB - https://github.com/tomyitav/express-es6-starter
- Olatunde Garuba (2017), All You Need to Know About Integration Testing: SuperTest, Mocha, and Chai - https://www.codementor.io/olatundegaruba/integration-testing-supertest-mocha-chai-6zbh6sefz
- importing Chai modules - https://github.com/chaijs/chai#usage
- chai-http - https://github.com/chaijs/chai-http
- supertest - https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest
- (Manuel Moreale, 2019), Monochrome, A Simple Browser app for Mac - https://manuelmoreale.com/a-simple-browser
- get the app here - https://sellfy.com/p/CCC9/ - test your app in mobile mode
- (2019) WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1 (with examples) - https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/
- Matthew Parker (2018), Starting Out with TLA+ - https://codingagainstchaos.com/2018/06/04/starting-out-with-tla.html
A programming language tells a computer how to do something. A specification language focuses on what the programmer wants to do. TLA+ is not executable and is not meant for translation.
- Richard Cook (2000), How Complex Systems Fail (pdf) - https://web.mit.edu/2.75/resources/random/How%20Complex%20Systems%20Fail.pdf
Safety is a characteristic of systems and not of their components
- Jared Spool (2109), Consistency in Design is the Wrong Approach - https://medium.com/@jmspool/consistency-in-design-is-the-wrong-approach-3cfbc87a327
Current Knowledge [user's perspective] is a much better way to think about the problem.*
- W. Ross Ashby (1958), Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex systems - http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/books/AshbyReqVar.pdf - specifically, short article by the originator on The Law of Requisite Variety...
...consider whether a regulation which is excessively difficult to design when it is controlled by error may not be easier to design if it is controlled not by the error but by what gives rise to the error.
- Nancy Leveson (2004), A New Accident Model for Engineering Safer Systems - http://sunnyday.mit.edu/accidents/safetyscience-single.pdf - a model based on systems theory
Instead of defining safety management in terms of preventing component failure events, it isdefined as a continuous control task to impose the constraints necessary to limit system behavior tosafe changes and adaptations.
- Joel Spolsky (2001), In Defense of Not-Invented-Here Syndrome - https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2001/10/14/in-defense-of-not-invented-here-syndrome/
“Find the dependencies — and eliminate them.” If it’s a core business function — do it yourself, no matter what.
- Steve Yegge (2008), Business Requirements are Bullshit - http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/08/business-requirements-are-bullshit.html
We're not talking about a failure mode for Gathering Business Requirements (GBR). We're talking about something more fundamental: the GBR phase of a project is a leading indicator that the project will fail.
- Rachel Andrew (2019), Margins in CSS (esp dealing with margin collapsing) - https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/07/margins-in-css/
- ref Harry Roberts (2012), single margin directions - https://csswizardry.com/2012/06/single-direction-margin-declarations/
- sounds like the owl selector - https://alistapart.com/article/axiomatic-css-and-lobotomized-owls/
- ref Harry Roberts (2012), single margin directions - https://csswizardry.com/2012/06/single-direction-margin-declarations/
- Oussama Hamdaoui (2019),
contains a few helper functions to help developpers write almost vanilla javascript - https://github.com/oussamahamdaoui/noframework.js - Bryan Lunduke (2019), Without a GUI--How to Live Entirely in a Terminal - https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/without-gui-how-live-entirely-terminal
- Miriam Suzanne (2019), CSS Custom Properties In The Cascade - https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/07/css-custom-properties-cascade/
git pull --autostash
- kudos to Tejas Kumar for this tip - https://twitter.com/TejasKumar_/status/1149700419129618433- Robin Schulz (2015), List A Directory With Tree Command On Mac OS X- https://rschu.me/list-a-directory-with-tree-command-on-mac-os-x-3b2d4c4a4827
- Updataing a JAR file from the commmand line - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/update.html
- Ross Kendle (2017),
on macOS - https://medium.com/notes-for-geeks/java-home-and-java-home-on-macos-f246cab643bd