In memory of Joe Armstrong (@joeerl), creator of
- Why do we need modules at all? - http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2011-May/058768.html
- [video] The Mess We're In - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXe3HUG2l4
Dave Sullivan, Agile Lite - https://github.com/davebs/AgileLite
Cody Lindley, JavaScript Enlightenment updated for ES-2015+ - https://frontendmasters.com/books/javascript-enlightenment/
- Adrian Roselli, Avoid Messages Under Fields - http://adrianroselli.com/2017/01/avoid-messages-under-fields.html
- Matt Reyer, Developing a JavaScript-free Frontend - https://javascript.works-hub.com/learn/a-javascript-free-frontend-61275
- Brad Frost, Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Automatically-Generated IDs - http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/enforcing-accessibility-best-practices-with-automatically-generated-ids/
Other good stuff
- Sebastiano Guerriero, Theme-switching with CSS custom properties (variables) - https://codyhouse.co/blog/post/dark-light-switch-css-javascript
- Avik Das, A graphical introduction to dynamic programming - https://avikdas.com/2019/04/15/a-graphical-introduction-to-dynamic-programming.html
- Iven Marquardt, Taming the DOM - https://medium.com/@iquardt/taming-the-dom-50c8f1a6e892
- (gist) Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) implemented with a couple rules, types and combinators - https://gist.github.com/ivenmarquardt/9f9d53e2469b3df438f3628297e2dc9f
- Bret Cameron, Useful tips for writing more concise and performant JavaScript - https://medium.com/@bretcameron/12-javascript-tricks-you-wont-find-in-most-tutorials-a9c9331f169d
- Michal Zalecki, Solve code sharing and setup project with Lerna and monorepo - https://michalzalecki.com/solve-code-sharing-and-setup-project-with-lerna-and-monorepo/ - this one uses
- good, fast, and cheap - Markus Oberlehner, Monorepos in the Wild - https://medium.com/@maoberlehner/monorepos-in-the-wild-33c6eb246cb9
- John Tucker, Monorepos by Example:
, A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages - https://github.com/lerna/lerna- sidebar on
- https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scope
- sidebar on
- Andrico Karoulla, Develop and Deploy your own React monorepo app in under 2 hours, using Lerna, Travis and Now. - https://codeburst.io/develop-and-deploy-your-own-react-monorepo-app-in-under-2-hours-using-lerna-travis-and-now-2b140d647238
- git repo: Lerna Monorepo Article (Starter) - https://github.com/andrico1234/lerna-monorepo-finisher
- Michal Zalecki, Solve code sharing and setup project with Lerna and monorepo - https://michalzalecki.com/solve-code-sharing-and-setup-project-with-lerna-and-monorepo/ - this one uses
M.J. Parnell, The use of “science” (or "best practices" or "it's a standard") as a superficial lacquer designed to impress (or silence), with scant regard for truth, has only one description: bullshit. - http://mjparnell.com/bullshit_science_ux_design/ - fire the pretentious dilettante charlatans who know they can't bullshit you but still do it anyway, hoping you'll shut up and do as you're told.
Examples of Bullshit with Harmful Consequences
Liferay 7 + React (JS)
- Portlet API - http://portals.apache.org/pluto/portlet-1.0-apidocs/
- Deploy jar files into running docker instance of liferay - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46434606/how-to-deploy-the-jar-files-into-liferay-running-on-docker-from-local-machine
- Sharing session data across portlets - https://community.liferay.com/blogs/-/blogs/how-can-i-share-session-data-across-portlets-in-liferay-
- Search for "map LDAP" - https://liferay4all.blogspot.com/
- Customize liferay navigation (persist) - https://community.liferay.com/forums/-/message_boards/message/94612790
- A Liferay JavaScript portlet to speed up development - https://github.com/hannikkala/liferay-javascript-portlet
- Alexander Konovalov, Liferay 7 + React JS (or anyone other JS framework) - https://medium.com/@s2dent/liferay-7-react-js-or-anyone-other-js-framework-cb7193f6dbfa
- Liferay npm bundler - https://community.liferay.com/it/blogs/-/blogs/why-we-need-a-new-liferay-npm-bundler-2-of-3-
React/JSX, Redux...:
- Anton Lavrenov (@lavrton), Optimizing react-redux store for high performance updates - https://lavrton.com/optimizing-react-redux-store-for-high-performance-updates-3ae6f7f1e4c1/
- Alex Gilleran, JSX Control Statements - https://github.com/AlexGilleran/jsx-control-statements - (JSTL/XSLT tags but for the browser, so it's "cool" now)
- Matt Crowder,
- https://dev.to/mcrowder65/you-ve-been-doing-mapdispatchtoprops-wrong-this-entire-time-582m - Koen Bok, ES6 / React Cheatsheet - https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/ES6-React-Cheatsheet-Th7joG9fFSSiyZgOFYqj6
JSX alternatives:
- https://github.com/mlmorg/react-hyperscripthtm
by Jason Miller (@_developit) - https://github.com/developit/htm - do it at build time, or on the server...ijk
- https://github.com/lukejacksonn/ijk
React alternatives:
- preact by @_developit - https://preactjs.com/
- hyperapp (version coming soon) - https://github.com/jorgebucaran/hyperapp
React application testing
- @Raathigesh,
, Zero Config desktop UI for Jest - https://majestic.debuggable.io/ - electron app, pretty snazzy - Dominic Frazer, Testing React with Jest and Enzyme:
- Dominic Frazer, Mocking HTTP requests with Nock - https://codeburst.io/testing-mocking-http-requests-with-nock-480e3f164851
- Vijay Thirugnanam, Unit Testing React Components: Jest or Enzyme? - https://www.codementor.io/vijayst/unit-testing-react-components-jest-or-enzyme-du1087lh8
- Kent C. Dodds,
- https://github.com/kentcdodds/react-testing-library - Matt Crowder, How to test implementation details with react-testing-library - https://dev.to/mcrowder65/how-to-test-implementation-details-with-react-testing-library-4bln
- @Raathigesh,