Avoid accidental complexity in your app state https://hackernoon.com/avoiding-accidental-complexity-when-structuring-your-app-state-6e6d22ad5e2a
(forked) React JSX in vanilla js - https://gist.github.com/dfkaye/f3229e5ace79b6873022987f160c7b61
(forked) Stringify dom to json and revive - https://gist.github.com/dfkaye/2a163baa4f754b22cd985f7155456a46
A cup of coffee to illustrate The Five UI States
How to design UI states and communicate with developers using a Finite State Machine (FSM) table https://medium.freecodecamp.org/designing-ui-states-and-communicate-with-developers-effectively-by-fsm-fb420ca53215
for concise media rules https://robots.thoughtbot.com/concise-media-queries-with-css-grid -
ES6 proxy example: Two-way Data Binding https://www.sitepoint.com/es6-proxies/#proxyexample2twowaydatabinding
tests as native ES6 modules in a browser https://medium.com/dailyjs/running-mocha-tests-as-native-es6-modules-in-a-browser-882373f2ecb0 -
caffeinated stylesheets
, "parse extended CSS and separate out the JS-powered styles" -
- actually about gia, a minimalist framework for server rendered websites
- Timing attacks with CSS selectors
Timing attacks enable an attacker to extract secrets maintained in a security system by observing the time it takes the system to respond to various queries
- On timing attacks, my own gist => timing attack
- On timing attacks, my own gist => timing attack
- Why use Access tokens
- Timing attacks with CSS selectors
private npm registry (and monorepos)
- Matthew Amos, JavaSript monorepos
- Juan Picado Five use cases where a npm private proxy fits in your workflow
- "if you only rely on Github auth and AWS as a platform..." codebox-npm
- Gustavo Gondim, Verdaccio - private diy npm registry
and security testing- https://medium.com/@Gr3g0ire/automatic-security-tests-in-jenkins-with-owasp-zap-d81bdb8e65d6
- https://dzone.com/articles/beating-the-cost-time-and-quality-equation-with-ow
- http://blog.xaviermaso.com/2018/10/01/Scanning-modern-web-applications-with-OWASP-ZAP.html
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project
front-end things to re-read
- Accessibility Testing Tools for Mobile and Desktop websites, https://www.24a11y.com/2017/accessibility-testing-tools-desktop-mobile-websites/
- CSS Grid by Example, https://gridbyexample.com/examples/
- A simple development http server with live reload capability, live-server
- has bugs when it comes to strict CSP (no nonce support) and reattacheds styleSheets to the head rather than the original styleSheet's parentNode
- owl selector
- Heydon's Inclusive Components
- Heydon's inclusive design checklist
- front-end performance checklist
- Paul J Adam - #ally resources, etc.
- Adam B. Silver blog
- Tommy Hodgins jsincss
Understanding stacking contexts - Putting things on top of other things
Too many modals, https://modalzmodalzmodalz.com/
Copy API endpoints to your fs and run a local server using them SnapStub
freneticarray.com, An Evolutionary Approach To Problem Solving
series by @YassineElouafi2, Implementing Algebraic Effects and Handlers
- see also, Algebraic Effects on top of Generators
- and (PDF) the original tutorial, Algebraic Effects and Handlers
JS snippets at 30 seconds of code