- Leslie Lamport, Composition: A Way to Make Proofs Harder
- John C. Reynolds, Separation Logic: A Logic for Shared Mutable Data Structures
- Michael Hutchings, Introduction to mathematical arguments: background handout for courses requiring proofs
- Mark Chu-Carroll, Paxos, a really beautiful protocol for distributed consensus
- Kent C. Dodds, DOM-testing-library
- "Simple and complete DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices."
- Fred Daoud, aka github/@FoxDonut, aka twitter/@FoxDonut00, temperature model from SAM-plus-meiosis example
- Introduction to the meiosis pattern
- Marc van Zee, Translator from Temporal Action Logic to Prolog programs
- @mcsoto, LogicJS adds logic programming to JavaScript
- Peteris Erins, Temporal logic programming in Clojure core.logic
- Robert Kolter, Inductive Temporal Logic Programming: Learning Temporal Logic Programs from Examples
- Mehmet A. Orgun and Wanli Ma, Overview of Temporal and Modal Logic Programming
- Harry Roberts, [using tracking pixels to detect no-js, print-css, un-dead-css]https://csswizardry.com/2018/03/measuring-the-hard-to-measure/
- Rachel Andrew, Understanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Context
is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format- How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSS
- Giap Nguyen, Hates Redux...
- Circular Times Tables (Times Table Visualization)
- Small Tweaks That Can Make a Huge Impact on Your Website’s Accessibility
- a ridiculously small responsive css frameworkHTML templating with vanilla JavaScript
ES2015 Template Literals- A simple
DOM template
language Burnside
- Fast and Reliable E2E Web Testing with only Javascript- Rachel Andrew, Using Media Queries For Responsive Design In 2018
- A. Sharif, {Testing D3.js with Jasmine](http://busypeoples.github.io/post/testing-d3-with-jasmine/)
- Subfolders as
Dependencies - How to make any part of any repo available as a package with NPM in 5 minutes without splitting or restructuring your project
- Adam B. Silver, The disadvantages of single page applications
- Using web workers for safe, concurrent JavaScript
- from April 2017, The Benefits of Server Side Rendering Over Client Side Rendering
- Data-Driven Tests in JavaScript Using Mocha
- Faster Unit Testing in a Legacy
on Rails App - Code Golf in Javascript (progoramming a game)
- [Immutability in JavaScript: A Contrarian View](http://desalasworks.com/article/immutability-in-javascript-a-contrarian-view/
- When types and functional programming fail (in JavaScript)
- Software Testing Anti-Pattern List
- BlackJack Application with JavaScript
- from 2014, array.grep
- from 2010, Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
- Fast 2kB alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
- [Are functional programs easier to verify than imperative programs?](http://semantic-domain.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/are-functional-programs-easier-to.html
- DOM ViewModel - A thin, fast, dependency-free vdom view layer