- ripple: A tiny foundation for building reactive views
- fastest of all on dbmonster REPAINT RATE CHALLENGE
- A minimalistic function tester in Sass
- match: A JavaScript library to test JSON with some nice features
- 2006 - one of the most thought-provoking posts I've ever read
- High Performance WebWorker Messages
- NPM & left-pad: Have We Forgotten How To Program?
- Visual ARIA Bookmarklet
- Feature.js, a feature detection library in 1kb
- List.js, vanilla Javascript that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or anything
- "
is faster thanarray.sort
on any of the tested array types" ~ Timsort implementation in JavaScript - frpjs: Functional Reactive Programming Library for JavaScript
- paldepind: functional-frontend-architecture
- On
and Specificity - Float Label Pattern with HTML5 validation
- Pattern Matching in JavaScript
- Two Heapsort implementations in JavaScript:
- vhtml: Render JSX/Hyperscript to HTML strings, without VDOM
- @_ericelliott => React Pure Component Starter (with tape and cheerio)
- @adelieve => react-tags: A simple wrapper around React.DOM (similar to Wut)
- Basic example of using Marko with Hapi.js
- "single state atom" apps
- tl;dr prefer Reusable Stateless Components over Local Component State
- redux-actions: Flux Standard Action utilities for Redux.
- Dissecting ReactJS LifeCycle Methods
- Leveling Up With React: React Router
- State of the art web development with React.js
- yo-yo: A tiny library for building modular UI components using DOM diffing and ES6 tagged template literals
- brequire.js
- Lightweight framework for the SAM pattern
- Simple tooltips made of pure CSS
- @benlesh: Learning Observable By Building Observable
- Update outdated npm modules with zero pain™
- ES6 in a nutshell
- webreflection: string template impl
- yes element queries, yes
- superplaceholder.js brings placeholders to life by cycling multiple instructions in a single placeholder.
- rollupify: Browserify transform to apply Rollup
- good must: better BDD assertion syntax (awesome.must.be.true())
- interesting skiplist implementation in javascript
- David Nolen from 2013 CSP (communicating sequential processes) in JavaScript w/ES6 generators and channels
- my gist of sample code linked to babel -> online https://gist.github.com/dfkaye/b245c977517d6e97b06a
- Terrific JavaScript Framework
- document.onreadystatechange vs. DOMContentLoaded
- nice! Compose HTTP clients using JavaScript's fetch API
- Harry Roberts: @mixin is better than @extend for Performance