- aria bookmarklets
- strummer Structural matching for JavaScript
- unistyle-flat
- understanding transducers
- progressive loading via code-splitting
- compiling to javascript
- tap into the React lifecycle methods without writing classes
- beyond console debugging tricks
- 12 useful js hacks
- angus croll - just
- diff
- @webreflection's stringtemplate
- testcheck-js ~ Generative property testing for JavaScript
- iterall ~ Minimal zero-dependency utilities for using Iterables in all JavaScript environments.
- page-scroll in vanilla js
- terse-webpack is Webpack simplified in a fluent API…
- dwitter is tweet sized code samples - pretty neat
- mdn guide to iterators and generators
- Number.prototype.
- structured clone algorithm
- choo - A 5kb framework for creating sturdy frontend applications
- Element Queries
- awesome
hack - plugins done this well can go 4+ years without an update jquery.rest plugin (use it with sinatra - see @nebraskajs)
- diff ~ get/observe/apply structural differences between two objects
- the
trick - Target=”_blank” — the most underestimated vulnerability ever
- @developit's 1kb minimally viable DOM Document implementation
- Javascript based Kalman filter for 1D data
- @airporty's MonkeyPatcher
- InstantClick a JavaScript library that dramatically speeds up your website
- js-breakpoints uses CSS media queries to trigger breakpoints in Javascript
- Everything I Know About The Script Tag
- anime-js - pretty slick...
- sinon test spies, stubs and mocks
- jscheck property-based testing
- blanketjs code coverage