- *** and this => derivablejs ~ "Derivables make it trivial to maintain consistent (i.e. sense-making) state at all times without requiring that it be kept all in one place."
- this=> instant, self-rewriting application using ServiceWorker
- run-js: A prototyping server that just works
- => is.js
- highway router
- pidgeon ~ HTML preprocessor / template engine written in JavaScript
- Promises Represent the Dependence Graph of Values
- Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- remy sharp's node test strategy
- crystal lang
- mutationObserver shim
- transpilers how-to
- heydonworks: spas w/progressive enhancement
- batarang ~ angular inspector for Chrome
- angScope ~ angular inspector for Firefox
- Server side vanilla Angular rendering under Node
- js-interview-review: Testing with AngularJS, Karma, Jasmine
- karma tap example
- ngMessageFormat
- karma: How to Unit Test Controllers In AngularJS Without Setting Your Hair On Fire
- angular's "controller as" syntax
- karma, jasmine: unit and e2e testing
- karma: not just for angular
- A Karma, Mocha, Gulp and Browserify Workflow
- Testing Project Browserify Modules in Karma Test Runner with Gulp
- Browser Testing and Code Coverage with Karma, Tape, and Webpack
- superagent & plugins
- karma, qunit
- karma tape reporter
- Thoughts on Testem vs Karma
- unit testing angular on testem, jasmine, coffeescript
- jsdom
- mocha-jsdom
- => From Karma to Mocha, with a taste of jsdom
- prova - Test runner based on Tape and Browserify