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207 lines (150 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (150 loc) · 11 KB


  • Added Get-DIBBlock and `ConvertFrom-DIB' converts a dib to an ipynb
  • Updated Add-NotebookCode to check $DotNetInteractive and gen the correct metadata
  • Added ConvertTo-Dib. Converts an ipynb file to a dib file.

DF 2.9.3

  • Add -DotNetInteractive in ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook
  • Add vscode languageId dotnet-interactive.pwsh to New-PSNotebook

DF 6/12/2021

  • Added
    • New-InteractiveNotebook - Create a new interactive notebook as a dib or ipynb, launching vscode
    • Open-InteractiveNotebook - Open a local notebook or from remote source

Check out the 'How To Use' short video


JO'N May 2021

  • Merged DF's code with my additions from late 2020 - see below ...
  • Added Horizontal rules either side of output in ConvertFrom-ipynb
  • Added -AddLanguageLabels to ConvertFrom-ipynb for polyglot notebooks in .net interactive
  • Added improved html rendering for PowerShell and HTML code cells in ConvertFrom-ipynb
  • Changed encoding in New-PSNotebook to UTFNoBOM, Byte order mark breaks in VS Code. Must check this is OK elsewhere

DF 5/6/2021

  • Added Cell number to ouput of Get-NotebookContent
Cell NoteBookName             Type     IsParameterCell Language                      Source
---- ------------             ----     --------------- --------                      ------
   1 UsedForCellNumbers.ipynb markdown           False C# (.NET Interactive)         ---…
   2 UsedForCellNumbers.ipynb code               False PowerShell (.NET Interactive) 'hello world'
   3 UsedForCellNumbers.ipynb markdown           False C# (.NET Interactive)         ---…
   4 UsedForCellNumbers.ipynb code               False PowerShell (.NET Interactive) 'hello world, again'

DF 3/18/2021

  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook executes a notebook, headless. Using the -DotNetInteractive switch, add the correct metadata so the notebook works in VS Code with the .NET Notebook extension
Invoke-ExecuteNotebook -InputNotebook .\PSInteractive.ipynb -OutputNotebook .\PSInteractiveOut.ipynb -Parameters @{max=15} -DotNetInteractive

DF 3/07/2021

  • Added support for .NET interactive notebooks, PowerShell, C#, F#, and SQL

DF 2/25/2021

  • Added IsParameterCell property to Get-NotebookContent. Shows what cell, if any, is a parameter cell

JO'N Nov 20 2020

  • Fixed a bug in ConvertTo-PowerShellNotebook (missing -raw)
  • Fixed a bug in ConvertToPowerShellNotebookTests (test-pat with no H)
  • Fixed a couple of other test issues, including skipping SQL tests if SQL server module is not present.
  • Revamped New-GistNotebook - Accepts piped input. Takes -Public switch. Looks up Personal Access Token if Git is setup locally and has saved the PAT for Github in Windows Cred Manager.
  • Added Set-NotebookToPS to convert a notebook from format used by the .Net Interactive add for VS code (C# notebook with #!Pwsh magic commands to turn cells into PowerShell ones. )
  • Added Language and presence of parameterized cells to Get-Notebook results.
  • Created a new ConvertFrom-IPYNB which incorporates the convertFrom-NotebookToMarkdown, and export-notebookToPowerShell script functionality and adds convert to html as well.
  • In several places I've changed the name of "path to notebook" parameters to be path (with the old name and "fullname" as aliases) and added ValueFromPipelineByProperty name so items can be pipe items in, and also ensured path can be a list and contain wildcards.
  • Added -Recurse to Get-Notebook.

JO'N Oct 1 2020

  • Export NotebookToPowerShellScript
    • Parameter change BREAKING Made IncludeTextCells a switch; added switch AsText, renamed Outpath to a more conventional Destination (keeping alias of outpath)
    • Removed different path split for URLs
    • Got date to output in local culture , and made the aligned header. (also did this for Export-NotebooktoSqlcript.)
    • Assume any type other than code will go in a comment block (i.e. if it isn't markdown, still put it in a comment if it isn't code), and insert a dummy comment between code adjacent codeblocks to prevent them merging
    • Return the file object created if there is one.
    • Added support for piping files in.
    • Fixed all the places I broke the test!

JO'N Sept 29 2020

  • Get-NotebookContent
    • parameter changes: gave JustCode an alias of NoMarkdown and JustMarkdown an alias of NoCode made them mutually exclusive. Added switch IncludeOutput
    • IncludeOutput tries to return either the stream output from Jupyter or the data::Text/plain output from the vs code extension sensibly, and will also return data::Text/html output / make reasonable sense of mixed outputs. -Also made sure that wildcards and piped input files are supported
  • ConvertFrom-NotebookToMarkdown
    • parameter changes: gave NoteBookName an alias of Path, added Destination - defaulting to current dir, and switch IncludeOutput
    • IncludeOutput is passed to Get-NotebookContent. If Get-NotebookContent returns output and it is a string we'll output it as preformatted block of markdown. If it is a single block of HTML we'll output that to into the MD.
    • If destination is a directory, use the source filename converted from .ipynb to .md, otherwise treat destination as a file name. At the end, output the file object, not the name
  • DSL/Add-NotebookCode
    • Gave function an experimental alias of codecell
    • parameter chanages: -code is now mandatory, also support non text-stream output through -Displaydata, allow the GUID for Azure data studio to be disabled with -NoGUID.
    • Add support for magic commands - about and time, remove pwsh if present.
    • Ensure code isn't run if DisplayData is provided.
    • Change process for building the cell to allow DisplayData to work, and also to make the azdata_cell_guid optional
  • DSL/Add-NotebookMarkdown
    • Gave function an experimental alias of mdcell
  • DSL New-PSNotebook
    • Gave function an experimental alias of PSNotebook. The aliases allow writing psnotebook {codecell $foo; mdcell $bar} file.ipynb
    • parameter chanages: added Runspace and switches DotNetInteractive (alias DNI) and SQL to select templates SQL IS UNTESTED
    • if Runspace is passed, add members needed to allow .Invoke() to work as it does for a created runspace.
    • Moved the template for the Azure-data-studio/Windows-PowerShell notebook to the top of the file, and created a template for a .net interactive notebook. Selection is made by presence of the -DotNetInteractive switch.
    • Made asText redundant - no output name = "as text" , and add .ipynb to file name if it is not present.


  • Refactored new functions to separate files
  • Added short animation on parameterized a notebook using Azure Data Studio
  • Added Test-HasParameterizedCell
  • Added alias xnb for Invoke-ExecuteNotebook
  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook now has Write-Progress, percent done is based on each cell executed
  • Added -ReturnAdObjects to Invoke-ExecuteNotebook. By default Invoke-ExecuteNotebook returns a string.
Invoke-ExecuteNotebook -InputNotebook .\basic.ipynb -ReturnAdObjects


  • Added Export-AsPowerShellNotebook super useful for things like converting your PowerShell history into an interactive notebook.

You need to Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools

Get-History | % command* | Out-ConsoleGridView | Export-AsPowerShellNotebook -OutputNotebook .\temp\testthis.ipynb
  • Added better handling of parameters to be injected into the notebook.
  • This will inject the variable $arr = 1, 2, 3 as the first cell in the notebook .\basic.ipynb and then execute all the cells in the notebook and output them to stdout.
$params = @{
    arr = 1, 2, 3

Invoke-ExecuteNotebook -InputNotebook .\basic.ipynb -Parameters $params


  • Added features to ConvertTo-PowerShellNotebook
    • Pipe files to the function
    • Handles URLs with PowerShell files as endpoints
    • Handles any mix of Files and URLs for conversion


  • Added -PassThru to Get-NotebookContent to get back all cell types beyond markdown and

    • This enables extracting output types like display_data for things like JavaScript which can be saved to an .html file and then displayed in browser
  • Added Get-NotebookDisplayData. Gets only cells with display_data for output_type. Helper function using the above function Get-NotebookContent.


  • ConvertTo-PowerShellNoteBook now supports reading a .ps1 from a URL


  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook supports -Force to overwrite -OutputNotebook if it exists locally


  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook supports the following for output paths:
    • Local file system: c:\temp\test.ipynb
    • GitHub gist: gist://
    • Azure Blob Store: abs://


  • Added Invoke-ExecuteNotebook lets you:

    • parameterize notebooks
    • execute notebooks

    This opens up new opportunities for how notebooks can be used. For example:

    • Perhaps you have a financial report that you wish to run with different values on the first or last day of a month or at the beginning or end of the year, using parameters makes this task easier.

    • Do you want to run a notebook and depending on its results, choose a particular notebook to run next? You can now programmatically execute a workflow without having to copy and paste from notebook to notebook manually.

    • Lets you save the execution to a new notebook using -OutputNoteBook

    • Lets you save the execution to a to a GitHub gist -OutputNoteBook gist://test.ipynb

      • Requires you to set $env:GITHUB_TOKEN to a GitHub PAT
  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook supports reading a notebook from a URL

  • Plus, after reading it from a url you can save out to a gist
Invoke-ExecuteNotebook -OutputNotebook gist://testout.ipynb

How parameters work

The parameters cell is assumed to specify default values which may be overridden by values specified at execution time.

  • Invoke-ExecuteNotebook inserts a new cell tagged injected-parameters after the parameters cell
  • injected-parameters contains only the overridden parameters subsequent cells are treated as normal cells, even if also tagged parameters
  • If no cell is tagged parameters, the injected-parameters cell is inserted at the top of the notebook


  • Added -Outfile to Invoke-PowerShellNotebook. It creates a new notebook, copies the old one, and executes each code cell, updating the new notebook with the results.