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Statisticians get their first taste of optimisation when they learn about penalised linear regression: $$ \min_{\beta} |Y - X \beta|_2^2 + \lambda|\beta|_p. $$ It turns out that there's an equivalent formulation (as a constrained minimisation) that provides a little more intuition: $$ \min |Y - X \beta|_2^2 \text{ s.t. } |\beta|_p \leq s, $$
where there is a one-to-one relation between
Note that the above equivalence is exact only when the loss and the penalty are both convex. In the matrix completion setting ([[penalty-project]]), this is no longer the case.
The (classical) convex program [@Candes:2009kj] is given by: $$ \min |W|_\star \text{ s.t. } |\mathcal{A}(W) - y |2^2 \leq \epsilon, $$ where setting $\epsilon = 0$ reduces to the noise-less setting. The more recent development using a penalised linear model is given by: $$ \min{W} | \mathcal{A}(W) - y |2^2 + \lambda |W|{\star} $$ Since they're both convex, you have equivalence just like for the Lasso.^[I'm pretty sure that people have profitably used this equivalence in this context.]
What happens when we move to non-convex penalties though? Then, I think what you have is a duality gap (I could be wrong). If we use our penalty $\frac{|{W}{\star}}{|{W}{F}}$, then these two views are no longer equivalent. And here I think actually going back to the penalised loss function gives better results. For one thing, it's no longer a convex program, amenable to simple solvers.