Создаем клиент для ноды тестнета
Node node = new Node (Profile .TESTNET );
PrivateKey alice = PrivateKey .fromSeed ("some seed 1" );
PrivateKey bob = PrivateKey .fromSeed ("some seed 2" );
IssueTransaction (Builder creation)
// создаем транзакцию создания ассета с названием Asset в количесвте 1000 штук и двумя знаками после запятой
IssueTransaction tx = IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 )
.getSignedWith (alice ); // и подписываем транзакцию приватный ключем Алисы
// публикуем транзакцию и дожидаемся пока она положится в блокчейн
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
//пример созданной транзакции DmpqeTZdXwrxPymZhn9nVBjgnACeXLWyJvriouFaBTc3 на тестнете
// после этого читаем транзакцию из ноды
IssueTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + txInfo .tx ().name ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + txInfo .tx ().quantity ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + txInfo .tx ().reissuable ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + txInfo .tx ().decimals ());
System .out .println ("description:" + txInfo .tx ().description ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
IssueTransaction (Constructor creation)
// создаем транзакцию
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (), // публичный ключ Алисы
"Asset" , // название ассета
"description" , // описание ассета
1000 , // количество ассета
2 , // количество знаков после запятой
false , // перевыпускаемость
null ) // compileScript
.addProof (alice ); // добавляем подпись приватныйм ключом Алисы
// публикуем транзакцию и дожидаемся пока она положится в блокчейн
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
//пример созданной транзакции 7NZ3W2dv8dASFA3oXtHWBRoBWwWuoZb6yUxeDJLADWyu на тестнете
// после этого читаем транзакцию из ноды
IssueTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + txInfo .tx ().name ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + txInfo .tx ().quantity ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + txInfo .tx ().reissuable ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + txInfo .tx ().decimals ());
System .out .println ("description:" + txInfo .tx ().description ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Transfer transaction (Builder creation)
// создаем транзакцию
TransferTransaction tx = TransferTransaction
.builder (
bob .address (), // указываем получателя
Amount .of (1000 ) // указываем количество и ассет, который передаем
.getSignedWith (alice ); // подписываем приватным ключом Алисы
// публикуем и ждем
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
// читаем
TransferTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), TransferTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().recipient ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("attachment:" + txInfo .tx ().attachment ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Transfer transaction (Constructor creation)
// создаем транзакцию
TransferTransaction tx = new TransferTransaction (
alice .publicKey (), // sender public key
bob .address (), // recipient
Amount .of (1000 ), // amount
null // attachment
.addProof (alice );
// публикуем и ждем
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
// читаем
TransferTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), TransferTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().recipient ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("attachment:" + txInfo .tx ().attachment ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Reissue transaction (Builder creation)
// создаем ассет
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class )
.tx ().assetId ();
// создаем транзакцию довыпуска и подписываем приватным ключем Алисы
ReissueTransaction tx = ReissueTransaction .builder (Amount .of (1000 , assetId )).getSignedWith (alice );
// ждем
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
// пример транзакции GSFk5Ziwx33g8KuMyh6wYerxJcHXdcGgXFiBYXH58AE6
// читаем
ReissueTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), ReissueTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + txInfo .tx ().reissuable ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Reissue transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
ReissueTransaction tx = new ReissueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
Amount .of (1000 , assetId ),
).addProof (alice );
// ждем
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
// читаем
ReissueTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), ReissueTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + txInfo .tx ().reissuable ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Burn transaction (Builder creation)
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
BurnTransaction tx = BurnTransaction .builder (Amount .of (100 , assetId )).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
// пример транзакции HXnCkfFg9qqYodSygPgkXdyezZiYxao5fVFtKRfphLUY
BurnTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), BurnTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Burn transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
BurnTransaction tx = new BurnTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
new Amount (100 , assetId )
).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
BurnTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), BurnTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Exchange transaction (Builder creation)
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
Amount amount = Amount .of (1 );
Amount price = Amount .of (100 , assetId );
long matcherFee = 300000 ;
Order buy = Order .builder (OrderType .BUY , amount , price , alice .publicKey ()).getSignedWith (bob );
Order sell = Order .builder (OrderType .SELL , amount , price , alice .publicKey ()).getSignedWith (alice );
ExchangeTransaction tx = ExchangeTransaction
.builder (buy , sell , amount .value (), price .value (), matcherFee , matcherFee ).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
ExchangeTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), ExchangeTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("order1 version:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().version ());
System .out .println ("order1 id:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().id ());
System .out .println ("order1 sender:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 matcherPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().matcher ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 assetPair amountAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().assetPair ().left ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 assetPair priceAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().assetPair ().right ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 orderType:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().type ());
System .out .println ("order1 amount:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 price:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().price ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("order1 expiration:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().expiration ());
System .out .println ("order1 matcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 signature:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order1 proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order1 matcherFeeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 eip712Signature:" + Arrays .toString (txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().eip712Signature ()));
System .out .println ("order2 version:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().version ());
System .out .println ("order2 id:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().id ());
System .out .println ("order2 sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 matcherPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().matcher ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 assetPair amountAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().assetPair ().left ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 assetPair priceAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().assetPair ().right ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 orderType:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().type ());
System .out .println ("order2 amount:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 price:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().price ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("order2 expiration:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().expiration ());
System .out .println ("order2 matcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 signature:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order2 proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order2 matcherFeeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 eip712Signature:" + Arrays .toString (txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().eip712Signature ()));
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ());
System .out .println ("price:" + txInfo .tx ().price ());
System .out .println ("buyMatcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().buyMatcherFee ());
System .out .println ("sellMatcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().sellMatcherFee ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Exchange transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
Amount amount = Amount .of (1 );
Amount price = Amount .of (100 , assetId );
long matcherFee = 300000 ;
Order buy = new Order (bob .publicKey (), OrderType .BUY , amount , price , alice .publicKey ()).addProof (bob );
Order sell = new Order (alice .publicKey (), OrderType .SELL , amount , price , alice .publicKey ()).addProof (alice );
ExchangeTransaction tx = new ExchangeTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
buy ,
sell ,
amount .value (),
price .value (),
matcherFee ,
).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
ExchangeTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), ExchangeTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("order1 version:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().version ());
System .out .println ("order1 id:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().id ());
System .out .println ("order1 sender:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 matcherPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().matcher ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 assetPair amountAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().assetPair ().left ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 assetPair priceAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().assetPair ().right ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 orderType:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().type ());
System .out .println ("order1 amount:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 price:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().price ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("order1 expiration:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().expiration ());
System .out .println ("order1 matcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("order1 signature:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order1 proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order1 matcherFeeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order1 eip712Signature:" + Arrays .toString (txInfo .tx ().buyOrder ().eip712Signature ()));
System .out .println ("order2 version:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().version ());
System .out .println ("order2 id:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().id ());
System .out .println ("order2 sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 matcherPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().matcher ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 assetPair amountAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().assetPair ().left ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 assetPair priceAsset:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().assetPair ().right ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 orderType:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().type ());
System .out .println ("order2 amount:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 price:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().price ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("order2 expiration:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().expiration ());
System .out .println ("order2 matcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("order2 signature:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order2 proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().proofs ().get (0 ));
System .out .println ("order2 matcherFeeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("order2 eip712Signature:" + Arrays .toString (txInfo .tx ().sellOrder ().eip712Signature ()));
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ());
System .out .println ("price:" + txInfo .tx ().price ());
System .out .println ("buyMatcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().buyMatcherFee ());
System .out .println ("sellMatcherFee:" + txInfo .tx ().sellMatcherFee ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Lease transaction (Builder creation)
LeaseTransaction tx = LeaseTransaction .builder (bob .address (), 1000 ).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
LeaseTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), LeaseTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Lease transaction (Constructor creation)
LeaseTransaction tx = LeaseTransaction tx = new LeaseTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
bob .address (),
).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
LeaseTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), LeaseTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + txInfo .tx ().amount ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Lease cancel transaction (Builder creation)
long amount = 1000 ;
LeaseTransaction leaseTx = LeaseTransaction .builder (bob .address (), amount ).getSignedWith (alice );
int leaseHeight = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (leaseTx ).id ()).height ();
LeaseCancelTransaction tx = LeaseCancelTransaction .builder (leaseTx .id ()).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
LeaseCancelTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), LeaseCancelTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("leaseId:" + txInfo .tx ().leaseId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("lease id:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().id ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease originTransactionId:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().originTransactionId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease sender:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease recipient:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease recipient:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease amount:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().amount ());
System .out .println ("lease height:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().height ());
System .out .println ("lease status:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().status ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease cancelHeight:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().cancelHeight ().getAsInt ());
System .out .println ("lease cancelTransactionId:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().cancelTransactionId ().get ().encoded ());
Lease cancel transaction (Constructor creation)
long amount = 1000 ;
LeaseTransaction leaseTx = new LeaseTransaction (alice .publicKey (), bob .address (), amount ).addProof (alice );
int leaseHeight = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (leaseTx ).id ()).height ();
LeaseCancelTransaction tx = new LeaseCancelTransaction (alice .publicKey (), leaseTx .id ()).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
LeaseCancelTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), LeaseCancelTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("leaseId:" + txInfo .tx ().leaseId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("lease id:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().id ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease originTransactionId:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().originTransactionId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease sender:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("lease recipient:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease recipient:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease amount:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().amount ());
System .out .println ("lease height:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().height ());
System .out .println ("lease status:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().status ().toString ());
System .out .println ("lease cancelHeight:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().cancelHeight ().getAsInt ());
System .out .println ("lease cancelTransactionId:" + txInfo .leaseInfo ().cancelTransactionId ().get ().encoded ());
Create alias transaction (Builder creation)
Alias alias = Alias .as ("alice_" + System .currentTimeMillis ());
CreateAliasTransaction tx = CreateAliasTransaction .builder (alias .toString ()).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
CreateAliasTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), CreateAliasTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("alias:" + txInfo .tx ().alias ().toString ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Create alias transaction (Constructor creation)
Alias alias = Alias .as ("alice_" + System .currentTimeMillis ());
CreateAliasTransaction tx = new CreateAliasTransaction (alice .publicKey (), alias .toString ()).addProof (alice );;
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
CreateAliasTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), CreateAliasTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("alias:" + txInfo .tx ().alias ().toString ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Mass transfer transaction (Builder creation)
MassTransferTransaction tx = MassTransferTransaction .builder (Transfer .to (bob .address (), 1000 )).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
MassTransferTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), MassTransferTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("attachment:" + txInfo .tx ().attachment ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("transferCount:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().size ());
System .out .println ("totalAmount:" + txInfo .tx ().total ());
System .out .println ("transfers recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().get (0 ).recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("transfers amount:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().get (0 ).amount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Mass transfer transaction (Constructor creation)
MassTransferTransaction tx = new MassTransferTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
AssetId .WAVES ,
Collections .singletonList (Transfer .to (bob .address (), 1000 )),
null )
.addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
MassTransferTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), MassTransferTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("attachment:" + txInfo .tx ().attachment ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("transferCount:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().size ());
System .out .println ("totalAmount:" + txInfo .tx ().total ());
System .out .println ("transfers recipient:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().get (0 ).recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("transfers amount:" + txInfo .tx ().transfers ().get (0 ).amount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Data transaction (Builder creation)
DataTransaction tx = DataTransaction .builder (StringEntry .as ("str" , alice .address ().toString ())).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
DataTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), DataTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("data key:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).key ());
System .out .println ("data type:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).type ().name ());
System .out .println ("data value:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).valueAsObject ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Data transaction (Constructor creation)
DataTransaction tx = new DataTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
Collections .singletonList (StringEntry .as ("str" , alice .address ().encoded ()))
).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
DataTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), DataTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("data key:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).key ());
System .out .println ("data type:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).type ().name ());
System .out .println ("data value:" + txInfo .tx ().data ().get (0 ).valueAsObject ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Sponsor fee transaction (Builder creation)
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
SponsorFeeTransaction tx = SponsorFeeTransaction .builder (assetId , 5 ).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SponsorFeeTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SponsorFeeTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + txInfo .tx ().minSponsoredFee ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Sponsor fee transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
SponsorFeeTransaction tx = new SponsorFeeTransaction (alice .publicKey (), assetId , 5 ).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SponsorFeeTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SponsorFeeTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + txInfo .tx ().minSponsoredFee ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Set script transaction (Builder creation)
Base64String script = node .compileScript ("{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} true" ).script ();
SetScriptTransaction tx = SetScriptTransaction .builder (script ).getSignedWith (bob );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SetScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SetScriptTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Set script transaction (Constructor creation)
Base64String script = node .compileScript ("{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-} true" ).script ();
SetScriptTransaction tx = new SetScriptTransaction (bob .publicKey (), script ).addProof (bob );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SetScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SetScriptTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Set asset script (Builder creation)
Base64String script = node .compileScript ("{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ASSET #-} true" ).script ();
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 )
.script (script ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
SetAssetScriptTransaction tx = SetAssetScriptTransaction .builder (assetId , script ).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SetAssetScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SetAssetScriptTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Set asset script (Constructor creation)
Base64String script = node .compileScript ("{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ASSET #-} true" ).script ();
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ()
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
SetAssetScriptTransaction tx = new SetAssetScriptTransaction (alice .publicKey (), assetId , script ).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id ());
SetAssetScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (tx .id (), SetAssetScriptTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("script:" + txInfo .tx ().script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Invoke script transaction (Builder creation)
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
Base64String script = node .compileScript (
"{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}\n " +
"{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-}\n " +
"{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-}\n " +
"@Callable(inv)\n " +
"func call(bv: ByteVector, b: Boolean, int: Int, str: String, list: List[Int]) = {\n " +
" let asset = Issue(\" Asset\" , \" \" , 1, 0, true)\n " +
" let assetId = asset.calculateAssetId()\n " +
" let lease = Lease(inv.caller, 7)\n " +
" let leaseId = lease.calculateLeaseId()\n " +
" [\n " +
" BinaryEntry(\" bin\" , assetId),\n " +
" BooleanEntry(\" bool\" , true),\n " +
" IntegerEntry(\" int\" , 100500),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" assetId\" , assetId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" leaseId\" , leaseId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" del\" , \" \" ),\n " +
" DeleteEntry(\" del\" ),\n " +
" asset,\n " +
" SponsorFee(assetId, 1),\n " +
" Reissue(assetId, 4, false),\n " +
" Burn(assetId, 3),\n " +
" ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 2, assetId),\n " +
" lease,\n " +
" LeaseCancel(lease.calculateLeaseId())\n " +
" ]\n " +
"}" ).script ();
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (SetScriptTransaction .builder (script ).getSignedWith (bob )).id ());
InvokeScriptTransaction tx = InvokeScriptTransaction
.builder (bob .address (), Function .as ("call" ,
BinaryArg .as (alice .address ().bytes ()),
BooleanArg .as (true ),
IntegerArg .as (100500 ),
StringArg .as (alice .address ().toString ()),
ListArg .as (IntegerArg .as (100500 ))
.payments (
Amount .of (1 , assetId ),
Amount .of (2 , assetId ),
Amount .of (3 , assetId ),
Amount .of (4 , assetId ),
Amount .of (5 , assetId ),
Amount .of (6 , assetId ),
Amount .of (7 , assetId ),
Amount .of (8 , assetId ),
Amount .of (9 , assetId ),
Amount .of (10 , assetId )
.extraFee (1_00000000 )
.getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
InvokeScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (
new Id ("68qf34fyrKSRWP95kaLnS1kysLJKXuM14E1qtr3WAky7" ),
InvokeScriptTransactionInfo .class
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("dApp:" + txInfo .tx ().dApp ().toString ());
System .out .println ("payment:" + txInfo .tx ().payments ());
System .out .println ("call function:" + txInfo .tx ().function ().name ());
System .out .println ("call args:" + txInfo .tx ().function ().args ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("state changes:" + txInfo .stateChanges ().toString ());
Invoke script transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
Base64String script = node .compileScript (
"{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}\n " +
"{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-}\n " +
"{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-}\n " +
"@Callable(inv)\n " +
"func call(bv: ByteVector, b: Boolean, int: Int, str: String, list: List[Int]) = {\n " +
" let asset = Issue(\" Asset\" , \" \" , 1, 0, true)\n " +
" let assetId = asset.calculateAssetId()\n " +
" let lease = Lease(inv.caller, 7)\n " +
" let leaseId = lease.calculateLeaseId()\n " +
" [\n " +
" BinaryEntry(\" bin\" , assetId),\n " +
" BooleanEntry(\" bool\" , true),\n " +
" IntegerEntry(\" int\" , 100500),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" assetId\" , assetId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" leaseId\" , leaseId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" del\" , \" \" ),\n " +
" DeleteEntry(\" del\" ),\n " +
" asset,\n " +
" SponsorFee(assetId, 1),\n " +
" Reissue(assetId, 4, false),\n " +
" Burn(assetId, 3),\n " +
" ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 2, assetId),\n " +
" lease,\n " +
" LeaseCancel(lease.calculateLeaseId())\n " +
" ]\n " +
"}" ).script ();
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (new SetScriptTransaction (bob .publicKey (), script ).addProof (bob )).id ());
ArrayList <Amount > payments = new ArrayList <>();
payments .add (Amount .of (1 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (2 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (3 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (4 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (5 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (6 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (7 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (8 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (9 , assetId ));
payments .add (Amount .of (10 , assetId ));
InvokeScriptTransaction tx = new InvokeScriptTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
bob .address (),
Function .as ("call" ,
BinaryArg .as (alice .address ().bytes ()),
BooleanArg .as (true ),
IntegerArg .as (100500 ),
StringArg .as (alice .address ().toString ()),
ListArg .as (IntegerArg .as (100500 ))
.addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
InvokeScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (
new Id ("68qf34fyrKSRWP95kaLnS1kysLJKXuM14E1qtr3WAky7" ),
InvokeScriptTransactionInfo .class
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("dApp:" + txInfo .tx ().dApp ().toString ());
System .out .println ("payment:" + txInfo .tx ().payments ());
System .out .println ("call function:" + txInfo .tx ().function ().name ());
System .out .println ("call args:" + txInfo .tx ().function ().args ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("state changes:" + txInfo .stateChanges ().toString ());
Update asset info transaction (Builder creation)
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (
IssueTransaction .builder ("Asset" , 1000 , 2 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id (),
IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
node .waitBlocks (2 );
UpdateAssetInfoTransaction tx = UpdateAssetInfoTransaction
.builder (assetId , "New Asset" , "New description" ).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + txInfo .tx ().name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + txInfo .tx ().description ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Update asset info transaction (Constructor creation)
IssueTransaction tx = new IssueTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
"Asset" ,
"" ,
1000 ,
2 ,
true ,
Base64String .empty ())
.addProof (alice );
AssetId assetId = node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id (), IssueTransactionInfo .class ).tx ().assetId ();
node .waitBlocks (2 );
UpdateAssetInfoTransaction tx = new UpdateAssetInfoTransaction (
alice .publicKey (),
assetId ,
"New Asset" ,
"New description"
).addProof (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
System .out .println ("type:" + txInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + txInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + txInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + txInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + txInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + txInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + txInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("assetId:" + txInfo .tx ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + txInfo .tx ().name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + txInfo .tx ().description ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txInfo .applicationStatus ());
Ethereum transfer transaction
Credentials charlie = MetamaskHelper .generateCredentials ("some mnemonic" );
String charlieAddress = WavesEthConverter .ethToWavesAddress (charlie .getAddress (), ChainId .TESTNET );
TransferTransaction tx = TransferTransaction .builder (new Address (charlieAddress ), Amount .of (1_00_000_000 )).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
EthereumTransaction transferTx = EthereumTransaction .createAndSign (
new EthereumTransaction .Transfer (
new Address (alice .address ().encoded ()),
new Amount (1000 , AssetId .WAVES )
WavesConfig .chainId (),
100000L ,
Instant .now ().toEpochMilli (),
charlie .getEcKeyPair ()
EthRpcResponse rs = node .broadcastEthTransaction (transferTx );
node .waitForTransaction (transferTx .id ());
EthereumTransactionInfo ethTxInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (transferTx .id (), EthereumTransactionInfo .class );
EthereumTransaction .Transfer payload = (EthereumTransaction .Transfer ) ethTxInfo .tx ().payload ();
System .out .println ("isTransfer transaction:" + ethTxInfo .isTransferTransaction ());
System .out .println ("type:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + ethTxInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("payload recipient:" + payload .recipient ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("payload asset:" + payload .amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("payload amount:" + payload .amount ().value ());
System .out .println ("asset:" + payload .amount ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("height:" + ethTxInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + ethTxInfo .applicationStatus ());
Ethereum invoke script transaction
Credentials charlie = MetamaskHelper .generateCredentials ("some mnemonic" );
String charlieAddress = WavesEthConverter .ethToWavesAddress (charlie .getAddress (), ChainId .TESTNET );
Base64String script = node .compileScript (
"{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}\n " +
"{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-}\n " +
"{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-}\n " +
"@Callable(inv)\n " +
"func call(bv: ByteVector, b: Boolean, int: Int, str: String, list: List[Int]) = {\n " +
" let asset = Issue(\" Asset\" , \" \" , 1, 0, true)\n " +
" let assetId = asset.calculateAssetId()\n " +
" let lease = Lease(inv.caller, 7)\n " +
" let leaseId = lease.calculateLeaseId()\n " +
" [\n " +
" BinaryEntry(\" bin\" , assetId),\n " +
" BooleanEntry(\" bool\" , true),\n " +
" IntegerEntry(\" int\" , 100500),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" assetId\" , assetId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" leaseId\" , leaseId.toBase58String()),\n " +
" StringEntry(\" del\" , \" \" ),\n " +
" DeleteEntry(\" del\" ),\n " +
" asset,\n " +
" SponsorFee(assetId, 1),\n " +
" Reissue(assetId, 4, false),\n " +
" Burn(assetId, 3),\n " +
" ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 2, assetId),\n " +
" lease,\n " +
" LeaseCancel(lease.calculateLeaseId())\n " +
" ]\n " +
"}" ).script ();
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (SetScriptTransaction .builder (script ).fee (3400000 ).getSignedWith (alice )).id ());
TransferTransaction tx = TransferTransaction .builder (
new Address (charlieAddress ), Amount .of (1_00_000_000 )).getSignedWith (alice );
node .waitForTransaction (node .broadcast (tx ).id ());
ArrayList <Amount > payments = new ArrayList <>();
payments .add (Amount .of (1 , AssetId .WAVES ));
payments .add (Amount .of (2 , AssetId .WAVES ));
payments .add (Amount .of (3 , AssetId .WAVES ));
EthereumTransaction ethInvokeTx = EthereumTransaction .createAndSign (
new EthereumTransaction .Invocation (
alice .address (),
Function .as ("call" ,
BinaryArg .as (new Address (charlieAddress ).bytes ()),
BooleanArg .as (true ),
IntegerArg .as (100500 ),
StringArg .as (alice .address ().toString ()),
ListArg .as (IntegerArg .as (100500 ))
WavesConfig .chainId (),
100500000L ,
Instant .now ().toEpochMilli (),
charlie .getEcKeyPair ()
EthRpcResponse rs = node .broadcastEthTransaction (ethInvokeTx );
node .waitForTransaction (ethInvokeTx .id ());
EthereumTransactionInfo ethInvokeTxInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (ethInvokeTx .id (), EthereumTransactionInfo .class );
System .out .println ("isInvocation:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .isInvokeTransaction ());
System .out .println ("type:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().type ());
System .out .println ("id:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().id ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().fee ().value ());
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().fee ().assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().timestamp ());
System .out .println ("version:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().version ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().chainId ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().sender ().address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("senderPublicKey:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("proofs:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .tx ().proofs ());
System .out .println ("payload dApp:" + invocation .dApp ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("payload call function:" + invocation .function ().name ());
System .out .println ("payload call args:" + invocation .function ().args ());
System .out .println ("payment:" + invocation .payments ());
System .out .println ("stateChanges:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .getStateChanges ());
System .out .println ("height:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + ethInvokeTxInfo .applicationStatus ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getWalletAddresses
List <Address > addresses = node .getAddresses ();
for (Address address : addresses ) {
System .out .println ("address:" + address .encoded ());
System .out .println ("chainId:" + address .chainId ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getMultipleBalances
ArrayList <Address > addresses = new ArrayList <>();
addresses .add (alice .address ());
addresses .add (bob .address ());
// at current height
List <Balance > balances = node .getBalances (addresses );
for (Balance balance : balances ) {
System .out .println ("address:" + balance .getAddress ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("balance:" + balance .getBalance ());
// at specific height
List <Balance > balancesOnHeight = node .getBalances (addresses , node .getHeight () - 10 );
for (Balance balance : balancesOnHeight ) {
System .out .println ("address:" + balance .getAddress ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("balance:" + balance .getBalance ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getRegularBalance
long balance = node .getBalance (alice .address ());
System .out .println ("Alice balance: " + balance );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getConfirmedRegularBalance
long balance = node .getBalance (alice .address (), 2 );
System .out .println ("Alice balance: " + balance );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getWavesBalances
BalanceDetails balanceDetails = node .getBalanceDetails (alice .address ());
System .out .println ("address: " + balanceDetails .address ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("generating balance: " + balanceDetails .generating ());
System .out .println ("available balance: " + balanceDetails .available ());
System .out .println ("effective balance: " + balanceDetails .effective ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getDataByFilter
List <DataEntry > dataByAddress = node .getData (alice .address ());
System .out .println ("Data by address" );
for (DataEntry data : dataByAddress ) {
System .out .println ("key:" + data .key ());
System .out .println ("type:" + data .type ());
System .out .println ("value:" + data .valueAsObject ());
// match key that ends with "Id"
Pattern regex = Pattern .compile (".*Id$" );
List <DataEntry > dataByRegex = node .getData (alice .address (), regex );
System .out .println ("Data by regex" );
for (DataEntry data : dataByRegex ) {
System .out .println ("key:" + data .key ());
System .out .println ("type:" + data .type ());
System .out .println ("value:" + data .valueAsObject ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getDataByMultipleKeysViaPost
ArrayList <String > keys = new ArrayList <>();
keys .add ("str" );
keys .add ("leaseId" );
List <DataEntry > dataByKeys = node .getData (alice .address (), keys );
System .out .println ("Data by keys" );
for (DataEntry data : dataByKeys ) {
System .out .println ("key:" + data .key ());
System .out .println ("type:" + data .type ());
System .out .println ("value:" + data .valueAsObject ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getDataByKey
DataEntry dataByKey = node .getData (alice .address (), "str" );
System .out .println ("Data by key" );
System .out .println ("key:" + dataByKey .key ());
System .out .println ("type:" + dataByKey .type ());
System .out .println ("value:" + dataByKey .valueAsObject ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getScriptInfo
ScriptInfo scriptInfo = node .getScriptInfo (alice .address ());
System .out .println ("script:" + scriptInfo .script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("complexity:" + scriptInfo .complexity ());
System .out .println ("verifierComplexity:" + scriptInfo .verifierComplexity ());
System .out .println ("callableComplexities:" + scriptInfo .callableComplexities ().toString ());
System .out .println ("extraFee:" + scriptInfo .extraFee ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getScriptMeta
ScriptMeta scriptMeta = node .getScriptMeta (alice .address ());
System .out .println ("version:" + scriptMeta .metaVersion ());
System .out .println ("callableFuncTypes:" + scriptMeta .callableFunctions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/getWalletAddressesRange
List <Address > addresses = node .getAddresses (0 , 5 );
for (Address address : addresses ) {
System .out .println (address .encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/addresses/validateAddress
boolean valid = Address .isValid ("3P274YB5qseSE9DTTL3bpSjosZrYBPDpJ8k" );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/alias/getAliasesByAddress
List <Alias > aliasesByAddress = node .getAliasesByAddress (alice .address ());
for (Alias alias : aliasesByAddress ) {
System .out .println (alias .name ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/alias/getAddressByAlias
Address addressByAlias = node .getAddressByAlias (Alias .as ("alice_1655991632139" ));
System .out .println (addressByAlias .encoded ());
// https://nodes.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getAssetDistribution
Node mainnetNode = new Node (Profile .MAINNET );
// USDN asset
AssetId assetId = AssetId .as ("DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p" );
int nodeHeight = mainnetNode .getHeight ();
// default limit 1000
AssetDistribution assetDistributionWithLimit1000 = mainnetNode .getAssetDistribution (assetId , nodeHeight - 20 );
System .out .println ("hasNext:" + assetDistributionWithLimit1000 .hasNext ());
System .out .println ("lastItem:" + assetDistributionWithLimit1000 .lastItem ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("items:" + assetDistributionWithLimit1000 .items ());
AssetDistribution assetDistributionWithLimit5 = mainnetNode .getAssetDistribution (assetId , nodeHeight - 20 , 5 );
System .out .println ("hasNext:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5 .hasNext ());
System .out .println ("lastItem:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5 .lastItem ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("items:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5 .items ());
AssetDistribution assetDistributionWithLimit5WithPagination =
mainnetNode .getAssetDistribution (
assetId ,
nodeHeight - 20 ,
5 ,
assetDistributionWithLimit5 .lastItem ()
System .out .println ("hasNext:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5WithPagination .hasNext ());
System .out .println ("lastItem:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5WithPagination .lastItem ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("items:" + assetDistributionWithLimit5WithPagination .items ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getAssetBalances
List <AssetBalance > assetsBalance = node .getAssetsBalance (alice .address ());
for (AssetBalance assetBalance : assetsBalance ) {
System .out .println ("assetId:" + assetBalance .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + assetBalance .isReissuable ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + assetBalance .minSponsoredAssetFee ());
System .out .println ("sponsorBalance:" + assetBalance .sponsorBalance ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + assetBalance .quantity ());
// need link to issue transaction
System .out .println ("issueTransaction:" + assetBalance .issueTransaction ());
System .out .println ("balance:" + assetBalance .balance ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getAssetBalanceByAddress
AssetId assetId = AssetId .as ("KQqRZRAfkfoyjPNDDXD6K1fP5ePFYcx5y5aDycXARLm" );
long assetBalance = node .getAssetBalance (alice .address (), assetId );
System .out .println ("asset balance:" + assetBalance );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getMultipleAssetDetails
ArrayList <AssetId > assetIds = new ArrayList <>();
assetIds .add (AssetId .as ("KQqRZRAfkfoyjPNDDXD6K1fP5ePFYcx5y5aDycXARLm" ));
assetIds .add (AssetId .as ("o9r6h6VFpFcuKakxwhu6yYyCrnmLdo6TU4p7rdPP7WG" ));
List <AssetDetails > assetsDetails = node .getAssetsDetails (assetIds );
for (AssetDetails assetDetails : assetsDetails ) {
System .out .println ("assetId:" + assetDetails .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("issueHeight:" + assetDetails .issueHeight ());
System .out .println ("issueTimestamp:" + assetDetails .issueTimestamp ());
System .out .println ("issuerPublicKey:" + assetDetails .issuerPublicKey ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + assetDetails .name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + assetDetails .description ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + assetDetails .decimals ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + assetDetails .isReissuable ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + assetDetails .quantity ());
System .out .println ("scripted:" + assetDetails .isScripted ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + assetDetails .minSponsoredAssetFee ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + assetDetails .originTransactionId ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getAssetDetails
AssetDetails assetDetails = node .getAssetDetails (AssetId .as ("KQqRZRAfkfoyjPNDDXD6K1fP5ePFYcx5y5aDycXARLm" ));
System .out .println ("assetId:" + assetDetails .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("issueHeight:" + assetDetails .issueHeight ());
System .out .println ("issueTimestamp:" + assetDetails .issueTimestamp ());
System .out .println ("issuerPublicKey:" + assetDetails .issuerPublicKey ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + assetDetails .name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + assetDetails .description ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + assetDetails .decimals ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + assetDetails .isReissuable ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + assetDetails .quantity ());
System .out .println ("scripted:" + assetDetails .isScripted ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + assetDetails .minSponsoredAssetFee ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + assetDetails .originTransactionId ());
// https://nodes.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/assets/getNfts
// тут лучше все таки сделать на тестнете на своем адрессе пару nft в примере а не брать чужой адрес
Node node = new Node (Profile .MAINNET );
Address addressWithNft = Address .as ("3P3ohGCRmJzjTsP7RQ7jZV7QNw76wB1Nsnn" );
List <AssetDetails > nft = node .getNft (addressWithNft , 10 );
for (AssetDetails assetDetails : nft ) {
System .out .println ("assetId:" + assetDetails .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("issueHeight:" + assetDetails .issueHeight ());
System .out .println ("issueTimestamp:" + assetDetails .issueTimestamp ());
System .out .println ("issuerPublicKey:" + assetDetails .issuerPublicKey ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + assetDetails .name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + assetDetails .description ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + assetDetails .decimals ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + assetDetails .isReissuable ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + assetDetails .quantity ());
System .out .println ("scripted:" + assetDetails .isScripted ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + assetDetails .minSponsoredAssetFee ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + assetDetails .originTransactionId ());
AssetDetails lastReadNft = nft .get (nft .size () - 1 );
List <AssetDetails > nftWithPagination = node .getNft (addressWithNft , 10 , lastReadNft .assetId ());
for (AssetDetails assetDetails : nftWithPagination ) {
System .out .println ("assetId:" + assetDetails .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("issueHeight:" + assetDetails .issueHeight ());
System .out .println ("issueTimestamp:" + assetDetails .issueTimestamp ());
System .out .println ("issuerPublicKey:" + assetDetails .issuerPublicKey ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("name:" + assetDetails .name ());
System .out .println ("description:" + assetDetails .description ());
System .out .println ("decimals:" + assetDetails .decimals ());
System .out .println ("reissuable:" + assetDetails .isReissuable ());
System .out .println ("quantity:" + assetDetails .quantity ());
System .out .println ("scripted:" + assetDetails .isScripted ());
System .out .println ("minSponsoredAssetFee:" + assetDetails .minSponsoredAssetFee ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + assetDetails .originTransactionId ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blockchain/getRewardStatus
BlockchainRewards blockchainRewards = node .getBlockchainRewards ();
System .out .println ("height:" + blockchainRewards .height ());
System .out .println ("totalWavesAmount:" + blockchainRewards .totalWavesAmount ());
System .out .println ("currentReward:" + blockchainRewards .currentReward ());
System .out .println ("minIncrement:" + blockchainRewards .minIncrement ());
System .out .println ("term:" + blockchainRewards .term ());
System .out .println ("nextCheck:" + blockchainRewards .nextCheck ());
System .out .println ("height:" + blockchainRewards .height ());
System .out .println ("votingIntervalStart:" + blockchainRewards .votingIntervalStart ());
System .out .println ("votingInterval:" + blockchainRewards .votingInterval ());
System .out .println ("votingThreshold:" + blockchainRewards .votingThreshold ());
System .out .println ("votes:" + blockchainRewards .votes ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blockchain/getRewardStatusAtHeight
BlockchainRewards blockchainRewards = node .getBlockchainRewards (node .getHeight () - 20 );
System .out .println ("height:" + blockchainRewards .height ());
System .out .println ("totalWavesAmount:" + blockchainRewards .totalWavesAmount ());
System .out .println ("currentReward:" + blockchainRewards .currentReward ());
System .out .println ("minIncrement:" + blockchainRewards .minIncrement ());
System .out .println ("term:" + blockchainRewards .term ());
System .out .println ("nextCheck:" + blockchainRewards .nextCheck ());
System .out .println ("height:" + blockchainRewards .height ());
System .out .println ("votingIntervalStart:" + blockchainRewards .votingIntervalStart ());
System .out .println ("votingInterval:" + blockchainRewards .votingInterval ());
System .out .println ("votingThreshold:" + blockchainRewards .votingThreshold ());
System .out .println ("votes:" + blockchainRewards .votes ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockById
Block block = node .getBlock (new Base58String ("CmzK4azp2HXVMr9X6H2w9YmaGToRrW124pFyMeptFq9S" ));
System .out .println ("version:" + block .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + block .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + block .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + block .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + block .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + block .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + block .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + block .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + block .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + block .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + block .transactions ().size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + block .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + block .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + block .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + block .vrf ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + block .fee ());
System .out .println ("transactions:" + block .transactions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlocksByAddress
int nodeHeight = node .getHeight ();
List <Block > blocks = node .getBlocks (nodeHeight - 5 , nodeHeight );
for (Block block : blocks ) {
System .out .println ("version:" + block .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + block .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + block .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + block .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + block .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + block .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + block .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + block .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + block .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + block .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + block .transactions ().size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + block .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + block .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + block .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + block .vrf ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + block .fee ());
System .out .println ("transactions:" + block .transactions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockByHeight
int nodeHeight = node .getHeight ();
Block block = node .getBlock (nodeHeight );
System .out .println ("version:" + block .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + block .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + block .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + block .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + block .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + block .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + block .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + block .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + block .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + block .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + block .transactions ().size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + block .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + block .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + block .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + block .vrf ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + block .fee ());
System .out .println ("transactions:" + block .transactions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockDelay
int blocksDelay = node .getBlocksDelay (new Base58String ("CmzK4azp2HXVMr9X6H2w9YmaGToRrW124pFyMeptFq9S" ),10 );
System .out .println ("delay:" + blocksDelay );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockHeadersById
BlockHeaders blockHeaders = node .getBlockHeaders (new Base58String ("CmzK4azp2HXVMr9X6H2w9YmaGToRrW124pFyMeptFq9S" ));
System .out .println ("version:" + blockHeaders .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + blockHeaders .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + blockHeaders .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + blockHeaders .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + blockHeaders .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + blockHeaders .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + blockHeaders .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + blockHeaders .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + blockHeaders .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + blockHeaders .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + blockHeaders .transactionsCount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + blockHeaders .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + blockHeaders .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + blockHeaders .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + blockHeaders .vrf ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockHeadersByHeight
BlockHeaders blockHeaders = node .getBlockHeaders (node .getHeight ());
System .out .println ("version:" + blockHeaders .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + blockHeaders .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + blockHeaders .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + blockHeaders .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + blockHeaders .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + blockHeaders .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + blockHeaders .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + blockHeaders .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + blockHeaders .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + blockHeaders .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + blockHeaders .transactionsCount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + blockHeaders .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + blockHeaders .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + blockHeaders .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + blockHeaders .vrf ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getLastBlockHeaders
BlockHeaders blockHeaders = node .getLastBlockHeaders ();
System .out .println ("version:" + blockHeaders .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + blockHeaders .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + blockHeaders .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + blockHeaders .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + blockHeaders .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + blockHeaders .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + blockHeaders .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + blockHeaders .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + blockHeaders .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + blockHeaders .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + blockHeaders .transactionsCount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + blockHeaders .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + blockHeaders .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + blockHeaders .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + blockHeaders .vrf ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockHeadersRange
int nodeHeight = node .getHeight ();
List <BlockHeaders > blocksHeaders = node .getBlocksHeaders (nodeHeight - 5 , nodeHeight );
for (BlockHeaders block : blocksHeaders ) {
System .out .println ("version:" + block .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + block .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + block .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + block .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + block .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + block .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + block .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + block .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + block .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + block .size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + block .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + block .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + block .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + block .vrf ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getHeight
int nodeHeight = node .getHeight ();
System .out .println ("current blockchain height" + nodeHeight );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlockHeightbyId
int nodeHeight = node .getBlockHeight (new Base58String ("CmzK4azp2HXVMr9X6H2w9YmaGToRrW124pFyMeptFq9S" ));
System .out .println ("height at block:" + nodeHeight );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getHeightByTimestamp
int nodeHeight = node .getBlockHeight (Instant .now ().toEpochMilli ());
System .out .println ("block heigth at timestamp:" + nodeHeight );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getLastBlock
Block lastBlock = node .getLastBlock ();
System .out .println ("version:" + lastBlock .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + lastBlock .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + lastBlock .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + lastBlock .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + lastBlock .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + lastBlock .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + lastBlock .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + lastBlock .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + lastBlock .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + lastBlock .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + lastBlock .transactions ().size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + lastBlock .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + lastBlock .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + lastBlock .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + lastBlock .vrf ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + lastBlock .fee ());
System .out .println ("transactions:" + lastBlock .transactions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/blocks/getBlocksRange
int nodeHeight = node .getHeight ();
List <Block > blocks = node .getBlocks (nodeHeight - 5 , nodeHeight );
for (Block block : blocks ) {
System .out .println ("version:" + block .version ());
System .out .println ("timestamp:" + block .timestamp ());
System .out .println ("reference:" + block .reference ());
System .out .println ("transactionsRoot:" + block .transactionsRoot ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("id:" + block .id ());
System .out .println ("features:" + block .features ());
System .out .println ("desiredReward:" + block .desiredReward ());
System .out .println ("generator:" + block .generator ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("signature:" + block .signature ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("blocksize:" + block .size ());
System .out .println ("transactionCount:" + block .transactions ().size ());
System .out .println ("height:" + block .height ());
System .out .println ("totalFee:" + block .totalFee ());
System .out .println ("reward:" + block .reward ());
System .out .println ("VRF:" + block .vrf ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("fee:" + block .fee ());
System .out .println ("transactions:" + block .transactions ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/debug/getBalanceHistory
List <HistoryBalance > balanceHistory = node .getBalanceHistory (alice .address ());
for (HistoryBalance historyBalance : balanceHistory ) {
System .out .println ("height:" + historyBalance .height ());
System .out .println ("balance:" + historyBalance .balance ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/debug/validateTx
TransferTransaction tx = TransferTransaction
.builder (
bob .address (),
Amount .of (1000 )
.getSignedWith (alice );
Validation validation = node .validateTransaction (tx );
System .out .println ("valid:" + validation .isValid ());
System .out .println ("validationTime:" + validation .validationTime ());
System .out .println ("error:" + validation .error ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/leasing/getActiveLeases
List <LeaseInfo > activeLeases = node .getActiveLeases (alice .address ());
for (LeaseInfo leaseInfo : activeLeases ) {
System .out .println ("id:" + leaseInfo .id ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + leaseInfo .originTransactionId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + leaseInfo .sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + leaseInfo .recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + leaseInfo .amount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + leaseInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("status:" + leaseInfo .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().orElse (0 ));
leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().ifPresent (height -> System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + height ));
leaseInfo .cancelTransactionId ().ifPresent (id -> System .out .println ("cancelTransactionId:" + id .encoded ()));
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/leasing/getMultipleLeasesViaPost
ArrayList <Id > leaseIds = new ArrayList <>();
leaseIds .add (Id .as ("3WYy8BuCwMd91NcbUqUgSnuNYtww3oBoeSZSZ3YWE8iY" ));
leaseIds .add (Id .as ("ED3UUVXoJEeG8h55FhTrMmTuUNTtL6g8BhxsXM4fwjV7" ));
List <LeaseInfo > leasesInfo = node .getLeasesInfo (leaseIds );
for (LeaseInfo leaseInfo : leasesInfo ) {
System .out .println ("id:" + leaseInfo .id ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + leaseInfo .originTransactionId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + leaseInfo .sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + leaseInfo .recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + leaseInfo .amount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + leaseInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("status:" + leaseInfo .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().orElse (0 ));
leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().ifPresent (height -> System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + height ));
leaseInfo .cancelTransactionId ().ifPresent (id -> System .out .println ("cancelTransactionId:" + id .encoded ()));
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/leasing/getLease
LeaseInfo leaseInfo = node .getLeaseInfo (Id .as ("3WYy8BuCwMd91NcbUqUgSnuNYtww3oBoeSZSZ3YWE8iY" ));
System .out .println ("id:" + leaseInfo .id ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("originTransactionId:" + leaseInfo .originTransactionId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("sender:" + leaseInfo .sender ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("recipient:" + leaseInfo .recipient ().toString ());
System .out .println ("amount:" + leaseInfo .amount ());
System .out .println ("height:" + leaseInfo .height ());
System .out .println ("status:" + leaseInfo .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().orElse (0 ));
leaseInfo .cancelHeight ().ifPresent (height -> System .out .println ("cancelHeight:" + height ));
leaseInfo .cancelTransactionId ().ifPresent (id -> System .out .println ("cancelTransactionId:" + id .encoded ()));
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/node/getNodeVersion
String version = node .getVersion ();
System .out .println ("version:" + version );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getTxsByAddress
List <TransactionInfo > transactionsByAddressWithLimit1000 = node .getTransactionsByAddress (alice .address ());
List <TransactionInfo > transactionsByAddressWithLimit5 = node .getTransactionsByAddress (alice .address (), 5 );
Id lastTxIdInRs = transactionsByAddressWithLimit5 .get (transactionsByAddressWithLimit5 .size () - 1 ).tx ().id ();
List <TransactionInfo > transactionsByAddressWithLimit5AndPagination =
node .getTransactionsByAddress (alice .address (), 5 , lastTxIdInRs );
// read transaction in "working with transaction"
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/broadcastSignedTx
// broadcast transaction in "working with transaction"
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/calculateTxFee
TransferTransaction tx = TransferTransaction
.builder (
bob .address (),
Amount .of (1000 )
.getSignedWith (alice );
Amount amount = node .calculateTransactionFee (tx );
System .out .println ("feeAssetId:" + amount .assetId ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("feeAmount:" + amount .value ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getTxById
TransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionInfo (Id .as ("HxRYSfWWuhkqLqDgfcbV8Gz5e2ri96E5HfukT6vSRDHx" ));
TransferTransactionInfo transferTxInfo =
node .getTransactionInfo (Id .as ("HxRYSfWWuhkqLqDgfcbV8Gz5e2ri96E5HfukT6vSRDHx" ), TransferTransactionInfo .class );
// read transaction in "working with transaction"
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getTxStatuses
TransactionInfo txInfo = node .getTransactionsByAddress (alice .address (), 1 ).get (0 );
List <TransactionStatus > transactionsStatus = node .getTransactionsStatus (txInfo .tx ().id ());
TransactionStatus firstTxStatus = transactionsStatus .get (0 );
System .out .println ("status:" + firstTxStatus .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("height:" + firstTxStatus .height ());
System .out .println ("confirmations:" + firstTxStatus .confirmations ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + firstTxStatus .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("id:" + firstTxStatus .id ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getTxStatuses
List <TransactionInfo > transactionsByAddress = node .getTransactionsByAddress (alice .address (), 2 );
TransactionInfo txInfo = transactionsByAddress .get (0 );
List <TransactionStatus > transactionsStatus = node .getTransactionsStatus (txInfo .tx ().id ());
TransactionStatus firstTxStatus = transactionsStatus .get (0 );
System .out .println ("status:" + firstTxStatus .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("height:" + firstTxStatus .height ());
System .out .println ("confirmations:" + firstTxStatus .confirmations ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + firstTxStatus .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("id:" + firstTxStatus .id ().encoded ());
List <Id > ids = transactionsByAddress .stream ().map (info -> info .tx ().id ()).collect (Collectors .toList ());
List <TransactionStatus > transactionsStatuses = node .getTransactionsStatus (ids );
for (TransactionStatus txStatus : transactionsStatuses ) {
System .out .println ("status:" + txStatus .status ().name ());
System .out .println ("height:" + txStatus .height ());
System .out .println ("confirmations:" + txStatus .confirmations ());
System .out .println ("applicationStatus:" + txStatus .applicationStatus ());
System .out .println ("id:" + txStatus .id ().encoded ());
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getUnconfirmedTxs
List <Transaction > unconfirmedTransactions = node .getUnconfirmedTransactions ();
// read transaction in "working with transaction"
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getUnconfirmedTxById
Transaction unconfirmedTransaction = node .getUnconfirmedTransaction (Id .as ("HxRYSfWWuhkqLqDgfcbV8Gz5e2ri96E5HfukT6vSRDHx" ));
// read transaction in "working with transaction"
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/transactions/getUtxPoolSize
int utxSize = node .getUtxSize ();
System .out .println ("number of transactions in the UTX pool:" + utxSize );
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/utils/hashFast
String message = "message" ;
byte [] blake = Hash .blake (message .getBytes (StandardCharsets .UTF_8 ));
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/utils/hashSecure
byte [] keccak = Hash .keccak (Hash .blake (message .getBytes (StandardCharsets .UTF_8 )));
System .out .println (Base58 .encode (blake ));
System .out .println (Base58 .encode (keccak ));
// https://nodes-testnet.wavesnodes.com/api-docs/index.html#/utils/compileCode
ScriptInfo scriptInfo = node .compileScript ("{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}\n " +
"{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-}\n " +
"{-# SCRIPT_TYPE ACCOUNT #-}\n " +
"\n " +
"@Callable(i)\n " +
"func storeData() = {\n " +
" [\n " +
" StringEntry(\" caller\" , i.caller.toString())\n " +
" ]\n " +
"}" );
System .out .println ("script:" + scriptInfo .script ().encoded ());
System .out .println ("complexity:" + scriptInfo .complexity ());
System .out .println ("verifierComplexity:" + scriptInfo .verifierComplexity ());
System .out .println ("callableComplexities:" + scriptInfo .callableComplexities ());
System .out .println ("extraFee:" + scriptInfo .extraFee ());