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File metadata and controls

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Architecture | Features | Examples | Environment variables | Volumes

Documentation: Architecture

  1. Tools
  2. Execution Chain
  3. Directories and files

👷 Tools

This project is using four core tools that interact with each other in order to achieve automated project-based mass virtual hosting with HTTPS support from SSL certificates signed by an internal CA.

Tool Usage
vhost-gen An arbitrary vhost generator for Nginx (mainline and stable), Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4 to ensure one config generates the same vhost functionality independently of underlying webserver
cert-gen A tool to generate and validate Certificate Authorities and SSL certificates which are signed by a Certificate Authority
watcherd A file system change detecter (inotify-based or bash-based), which acts on changes (add or delete of directories in this case) with custom commands and offers a trigger command on change. (in this configuration, it will call vhost-gen, when a new directory is added in order to make the mass vhost possible. It will call a generic rm ... commad for a delete and restarts the webserver as its trigger command.
supervisord A daemon that manages the run-time of multiple other daemons. In this case it ensures that watcherd and the webserver are up and running.

👷 Execution Chain

This is the execution chain for how the mass virtual hosting or single vhost is achieved:

       # mass-vhost                                     # main-vhost only                   
                |                                                |
                ↓                                                ↓
           supervisord (pid 1)                                 httpd (pid 1)
          /     |
         /      |
       ↙        ↓
  start       start
  httpd      watcherd
            /    |    \
           /     |     \
          ↓      ↓      ↘
        sgn     rm
       httpd   vhost     |           |
                         |           |
                         ↓           ↓
                      cert-gen    vhost-gen ⭢ generate vhost

The basics

  1. The script sets and validates given options
  2. It then passes over to supervisord via exec
  3. supervisord ensures the web server is running
  4. supervisord ensures watcherd is running
  5. watcherd listens for file system changed (directory created or directory removed)[1]

[1] A renamed directory is: directory removed and directory created

What does watcherd do?

  • watcherd is setup with two events:
    • event: directory created
    • event: directory removed
  • watcherd is setup with two event actions (one for each event):
    • directory created: call
    • directory removed: remove webserver vhost config for this project
  • watcherd is setup with one trigger that acts after any event action has been executed:
    • send a reload or stop signal to webserver

So in simple terms, when watcherd detects that a new directory was created, it calls and sends a reload or stop signal to the webserver. In case the webserver will shutdown gracefully, it will immediately be started by supervisord. In both cases, the new webserver configuration will be applied.
When watcherd detects that a directory was removed, it will remove the corresponding webserver vhost configuration file and send a reload or stop signal to the webserver (In case of a stop signal, supervisord will again ensure the webserver will come up).

What does do? is a minimalistic run-time version of the entrypoint script and does thorough validation on anything that could not be validated during startup-time. Additionally it does the following:

  • will generate SSL certificates (signed by internal CA) via cert-gen
  • will generate a customized vhost-gen configuration file
  • will move any custom vhost-gen templates into place
  • will passes over to vhost-gen, which will then generate a virtual host configuration file.

Once vhost-gen is done, the execution cycle is returned to watcherd, which will apply its trigger.

👷 Directories and files

To get some insights on the internals, here is an overview about all directory paths and files that are being used:

Directories / Files Description
/var/www/default/ Main Vhost base directory
/shared/httpd/ Mass Vhost base directory
/ca/ Directory where generated Certificate Authoriy will be placed (You can mount this and place your own, if you prefer to use another one)
/etc/httpd/cert/ Directory where Vhost SSL certificates and keys are stored
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ Webserer configuration directory: Stores main vhost configuration file
/etc/httpd/vhost.d/ Webserver configuration directory: Stores mass vhost configuration files
/etc/httpd-custom.d/ Webserver configuration directory: Mount this and place your custom webserver configuration files in here
/var/logs/httpd/ Webserver log directory
/etc/vhost-gen/ Directory for vhost-gen: contains its default configuration (placed during install time)
/etc/vhost-gen.d/ Directory for vhost-gen: mount this and place custom vhost-gen templates to override vhost-gen's behaviour. Templates can be found: here
/ Entrypoint script that will be executed by the container during startup
/docker-entrypoint.d/ Entrypoint validators and functions that are used by /
/etc/supervisord.conf Supervisord coniguration file. Supervisord will only be started, whenn MASS_VHOST_ENABLE is set to 1
/usr/local/bin/ A wrapper script to create a vhost (validation, ssl certificates and calls vhost-gen