description |
not liquid |
: Single Responsibility Principle- Each class should have only one sole purpose, and not be filled with excessive functionality
- ex : loan class, there can be multiple loans, car, personal, home.
- ex : send otp class, there can be multiple ways to send otp, email, sms, whatsapp.
: Open & Close Principle- Classes should be open for extension, closed for modification.
- In other words, you should not have to rewrite an existing class for implementing new features.
- ex: using interfaces, can can implement create new class to implement new features.
: Leskov's Subsititution Principle- This means that every subclass or derived class should be substitutable for their base or parent class.
- ex: we have 3 social media: facebook, instagram & whatsapp
- whatsapp doesnt support features like publish posts
- there is no calling on instagram
- we create interface that contain common functionality, have our classes extend from them
- for specific features, we create new interfaces for them
: Interfae Segragation Principle- Interfaces should not force classes to implement what they can’t do.
- Large interfaces should be divided into small ones.
: Dependency Inversion Principle- The principle states that we must use abstraction (abstract classes and interfaces) instead of concrete implementation.
- High level modules should not depend on the low level module but both should depend on the abstraction.
- ex: when perform payment, it doesnt matter whether you visa or mastercard, debit or credit card, payment provider will take it.
- instead of taking input a specific class, take a interface which can be implemented by classes
For examples with code :