- migrate to bbolt (boltdb)
- write basic cli
- write tui with bubble-tea
- refactor file creation/storage
- format entry-view list so that dates are aligned
- !! Make entries editable
- !! implement read-journal page
- !! include command hints at bottom of each page
- Include date of creation in entryView
- Include list of entries in current journal for entryView
- Check for and deny blank titles/names
- Make it prettier and resizable with charmbracelet/lipgloss
- rewrite to better handle tags for querying
- ? migrate to sqlite (modernc.org/sqlite)
- make separate 'tags' bucket
- make separate 'entryTags' bucket to grab entry ids
- add ability to create/use templates (with prompts, or for a coffee journal, etc.)
- change page message to be between top status bar and main content, with coloured text
- !! encrypt passwords
- introduce vector db integration to query & chat with your journal
- introduce markdown write/display
- add ability to listen to entries as TTS?
- add ability to upload handwritten notes with OCR