Port of EOCV-AprilTag-Plugin to the desktop EOCV-Sim
- Windows x86_64 (tested in Windows 10)
- MacOS x86_64
- Linux x86_64 (tested in Ubuntu 20.04)
See the example pipeline in the EOCV-Sim repo to learn how to use the library. Some parts have been changed from the original sample to make it work in EOCV-Sim. Make sure to check the samples folder in the original repo to learn how to use it within the FTC SDK!
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.com' } //add jitpack as a maven repo
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.deltacv:AprilTagDesktop:1.1.0' //add the dependency
Adding the jitpack maven repo
Adding the dependecy
Almost all the source code in this repository was extracted from the EOCV-AprilTag-Plugin repo, made by Windwoes (NPE) from the OpenFTC team. The Linux & Windows native libraries were also compiled by them. Many thanks for developing the plugin and providing us with the libraries!