This project is not affiliated with Impermax, this is not an official release.
This tool allows you to effortlessly compare the best APYs over:
- 250+ unique tokens supply and borrow APYs.
- 125+ pairs and their unique leveraged LP APYs.
- 6 blockchains (ETH, MATIC, ARB, AVAX, MOONRIVER, FTM)
Create a python file with the following code, then run it.
More detailed instructions are provided further down the page.
from src.impermax.impermax_to_csv import main, enable_logging
if __name__ == '__main__':
The console output will look something like this.
You may find examples of .CSV files generated by the script in the ./target/csv directory.
This little code snippet is all you need to generate a chart of the specified stablecoin APRs over time.
It even automatically detects variants such as USDC.e, DAI.e, etc.
Read more below to see the kind of data you can fetch, and plot.
from src.impermax.repositories.csv.csv_repository import CsvRepository
from src.impermax.plot_aprs import plot
repo = CsvRepository()
r = repo.find_by_tickers('USDC', 'DAI', 'USDT', 'MAI', 'MIM', ...)
This is from our dedicated Google Sheets template (linked below).
You can directly paste the data there!
Make a copy :
Filter used: Only stablecoins with a supply greater than $100k USD over all available blockchains in descending order.**
Comment: DAI from the USDC/DAI pair on SushiSwap on the MATIC chain has the best supply APR, followed by USDC.e from the USDC.e/USDT.e pair on TraderJoe (Avalanche chain).
- Python 3.9+ must be installed:
- Git should be installed:
Create a new folder, then cd into it with the terminal.
Then copy-paste these commands.
(Note for devs: of course, run this in a venv instead.)
git clone
cd impermax_to_csv
python install
Create a new python file with the following contents, this could be on your desktop:
from src.impermax.impermax_to_csv import main, enable_logging
if __name__ == '__main__':
Finally, run the python script:
from src.impermax.repositories.csv.csv_repository import CsvRepository
from src.impermax.plot_aprs import plot
from src.impermax.common.enums.data_columns_enum import PlottableColumns
# Step 1: specify the data you want.
# This fetches the data from the CSV files created in ./target/*.csv
# You have many ways to retrieve a specific subset of data.
# See all the different methods below.
repo = CsvRepository()
# returns all data
r = repo.find_all()
# returns data for similar tickers, in this case would return data for : IMX, IMX.e, IMX.a, etc.
r = repo.find_by_ticker("IMX")
# returns data for multiple similar tickers.
r = repo.find_by_tickers("IMX", "USDC", ...)
# returns data for IMX pairs only.
r = repo.find_by_ticker_strict("IMX")
# returns data for the IMX and USDC pairs only.
r = repo.find_by_tickers_strict("IMX", "USDC", ...)
# this example returns data for ETHEREUM_IMX_ETH_UNISWAP contract only.
r = repo.find_by_contract("0xa00d47b4b304792eb07b09233467b690db847c91")
# returns data for multiple contract addresses
r = repo.find_by_contracts(
"0xa00d47b4b304792eb07b09233467b690db847c91", # ETHEREUM_IMX_ETH_UNISWAP
"0x8ce3bf56767dd87e87487f3fae63e557b821ea32", # POLYGON_IMX_WETH_QUICKSWAP
# Step 2: chose what to plot.
# Select from the available options from this enum.
to_plot = PlottableColumns.SUPPLY_APR
to_plot = PlottableColumns.BORROWED_APR
to_plot = PlottableColumns.BORROWED
to_plot = PlottableColumns.SUPPLY
# Step 3: nothing more to do!
plot(repository_data=r, data_to_plot=to_plot)
Getting the webscraper running in a couple clicks/commands with docker regardless of the operating system.
# first cd into the root of this repository on your local machine, then
# Runs the webscraper
docker compose up
# Copies the generated .csv data file from the container to local host.
docker compose cp impermax-webscraper:/usr/src/app/target/csv ./target
This tool should save you tons of time and hopefully even more money.
Tips are appreciated :)
(ETH Mainnet, Avalanche, and Polygon are my preferred chains ♥)
Let me know your feedback via on Discord (DehiDehi#8605) or Twitter (@dehikupo)!
Any fork or improvement on this app must be open source as well (GPL-3.0 License).