An online platform connecting patients with a wide range of expert doctors for efficient and accessible medical consultations.
- Sign up to create a patient or a doctor account.
- Select a speciality to generate a list of doctors.
- Choose any consultant according to your convenience and start chatting.
Client: React, CSS
Server: Node, Express
Authentication: JWT
Chatting: SocketIO
Password encryption: bcryptjs
Database: MongoDB
- Implemented RESTful API endpoints for data communication.
- Implemented JWT Authentication.
- Implemented user-roles(Doctor and patient) for differentiated access.
- Implemented one to one chat functionality.
- Salting and hashing techniques to protect password data.
Gives a brief overview of the application and path to login and signup.
Choose any one of the 12 categories as per your convenience.
- Choose your consultant.
- You can sort by reputation or fees.
- Choose one to view profile and start chatting.
(Note: Only doctors are allowed have their own profile.)
- Add other fields if you are signing up for the first time.
- If added already, you will see your complete profile along with the message requests.
Your feedback regarding any potential bugs or opportunities for improvement would be greatly appreciated.