All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.3.2 (2024-12-31)
- handle pitch (e283991) - by @deemaagog
0.2.2 (2024-11-04)
- node-skia-renderer: add export svg (0acc744) - by @deemaagog
0.2.1 (2024-10-29)
- add node skia renderer (4001290) - by @deemaagog
0.1.1 (2024-10-24)
Note: Version bump only for package score-storm
- fix editor iframe url (f116053) - by @deemaagog
- add bounding box in debug mode and adjust x position of clef and time (baf7153) - by @deemaagog
- add event manager (a955fa7), closes #29 - by @deemaagog
- basic clef rendering implementation (1bd9cf2) - by @deemaagog
- canvas dynamic width (f89a8d3) - by @deemaagog
- canvas-renderer: fix rendering for high resolution displays (5639144) - by @deemaagog
- core: init score model (15891f1) - by @deemaagog
- core: introduce graphical score model (2866485) - by @deemaagog
- implement svg renderer (4107f3f) - by @deemaagog
- improve object selection (47ed0ae) - by @deemaagog
- improve score height calculation (dbe20cf), closes #16 - by @deemaagog
- init full featured editor implementation (c31d841) - by @deemaagog
- init global measure justification (7efcc78) - by @deemaagog
- init object selection (9fcb18c) - by @deemaagog
- render 8th, 16th, 32nd, 64th notes and rests (e3e22cc) - by @deemaagog
- render and edit accidentals (38bc677) - by @deemaagog
- render instruments (65113cc), closes #28 - by @deemaagog
- render whole, half and quarter notes and rests (404def0), closes #14 - by @deemaagog
- restore selection after rerender (602c187) - by @deemaagog