diff --git a/cv.pdf b/cv.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56c824c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/cv.pdf differ diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8981f955 --- /dev/null +++ b/cv.tex @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Deedy CV/Resume +% XeLaTeX Template +% Version 1.0 (5/5/2014) +% +% This template has been downloaded from: +% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com +% +% Original author: +% Debarghya Das (http://www.debarghyadas.com) +% With extensive modifications by: +% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) +% +% License: +% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) +% +% Important notes: +% This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX. +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\documentclass[letterpaper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4 +%\documentclass[a4paper]{deedy-resume} % Use US Letter paper, change to a4paper for A4 + +\usepackage{xeCJK} + +\begin{document} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% TITLE SECTION +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%\lastupdated % Print the Last Updated text at the top right +\jobapplied{控制工程师} + +\namesection{康}{昌霖}{ % Your name +\urlstyle{same}\url{http://cn.linkedin.com/in/kangchanglin} \\ % Your website, LinkedIn profile or other web address +\href{mailto:kangchanglin0509@hotmail.com}{kangchanglin0509@hotmail.com} | TEL:XXX-XXXX-XXXX % Your contact information +} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% LEFT COLUMN +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\begin{minipage}[t]{0.30\textwidth} % The left column takes up 33% of the text width of the page + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Education +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{教育背景} + +\subsection{浙江大学} +\descript{工学硕士 \textbullet{} 控制科学与工程} +\location{就读时间:2014.9 - 2017.3 \\ 研究方向:控制科学与控制工程 \\ GPA: 89.89/100} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +\subsection{厦门大学} + +\descript{工学学士 \\ 机械设计制造及其自动化专业} +\location{就读时间:2010.9 - 2014.6 \\ 专业排名: 5/96} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +\descript{经济学学士 \textbullet{} 经济学(辅修)} +\location{就读时间:2011.9 - 2014.6 +%\\ GPA: ??/100 +} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Coursework +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{课程} + +\subsection{硕士} + +线性系统理论 ,最优化与最优控制\\ +矩阵论 ,系统辨识与滤波\\ +模式识别与人工智能 + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\subsection{本科} + +理论力学,材料力学,流体力学 \\ +微机原理与接口技术,机电一体化 \\ +自动控制原理,计算机图形学 \\ + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Skills +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{技能} +\subsection{编程} +\descript{熟练(超过5000行):} +\location{Matlab \textbullet{} \LaTeX\ +} +\descript{使用过(超过1000行):} +\location{C(单片机代码编写) \textbullet{}VC++(WinAPI和QT)\textbullet{} Android \textbullet{} 汇编 +} +\descript{了解:} +\location{Labview \textbullet{} ARM编程} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +\subsection{设计} +\descript{机械设计:} +\location{三维建模 \textbullet{} AutoCAD \textbullet{} ANSYS +} +\descript{电子设计:} +\location{Altium Designer \textbullet{} Multisim +} +\descript{其它:} +\location{幻灯片排版设计 \textbullet{} MS Visio} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section +\subsection{英语} +\location{TOEFL iBT: 90(2013.8)} +%------------------------------------------------ +% Links +%------------------------------------------------ + +%\section{链接} +% +%LinkedIn:// \href{https://cn.linkedin.com/in/kangchanglin}{\bf KANG Changlin} + + +%\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\end{minipage} % The end of the left column +\hfill\hfill\hfill +% +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% RIGHT COLUMN +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% +\begin{minipage}[t]{0.65\textwidth} % The right column takes up 66% of the text width of the page + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Experience +%------------------------------------------------ + +%\section{EXPERIENCE} +% +%\runsubsection{Coursera} +%\descript{| KPCB Fellow + Software Engineering Intern} +% +%\location{Expected June 2014 – Sep 2014 | Mountain View, CA} +%\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space +%\begin{tightitemize} +%\item 52 out of 2500 applicants chosen to be a KPCB Fellow 2014. +%\end{tightitemize} +% +%\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section +% +%%------------------------------------------------ +% +%\runsubsection{Google} +%\descript{| Software Engineering Intern} +% +%\location{May 2013 – Aug 2013 | Mountain View, CA} +%\begin{tightitemize} +%\item Worked on the YouTube Captions team in primarily vanilla Javascript and Python to plan, design and develop the full stack implementation of a new framework to add and edit Automatic Speech Recognition captions. +%\item Created a backbone.js-like framework for the Captions editor. +%\item All code was reviewed, perfected, and pushed to production. +%\end{tightitemize} +% +%\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section +% +%%------------------------------------------------ +% +%\runsubsection{Phabricator} +%\descript{| Open Source Contributor \& Team Leader} +% +%\location{Jan 2013 – May 2013 | Palo Alto, CA \& Ithaca, NY} +%\begin{tightitemize} +%\item Phabricator is used daily by Facebook, Dropbox, Quora, Asana and more. +%\item I created the Meme generator, the entire Lipsum application, ported Tokens to different apps, fixed many bugs and more in PHP and Shell. +%\item Led a team from MIT, Cornell, IC London and UHelsinki for the project. +%\end{tightitemize} +% +%\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Research +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{项目经历} + +\runsubsection{作业型水下自主机器人系统开发及其相关控制研究} +\descript{| 研究生负责人} + +\location{2014.9 – 现在 | 浙江大学} +负责协助导师系统设计,项目执行管理和任务分配。并完成相关具体的设计研究工作。团队包括一名研究生和一名本科生,曾协助导师指导一份本科毕设。\textbf{两项发明专利已公开,一篇会议论文即将发表}。具体地:\\ +\vspace{\topsep} +\begin{tightitemize} +\item 水下机器人浮沉控制装置的设计开发和控制研究:已公开两项发明专利;已提交一份会议论文,即将发表;协助指导一位本科毕业生毕设。系统动力学建模,时间最优控制算法的证明推导,并使用Matlab仿真验证;分别基于Matlab和Android开发了上位机控制程序;下位机控制电路设计;机械设计(包括液压系统、防水设计等)、交外加工和组装调试。 +\item 水下机器人缩小验证模型的制作:上位机(基于QT\&WinAPI)控制端实现,包括对3D鼠标(3DConnexion)的二次开发、串口操作、界面操作、多线程等工作内容。姿态稳定控制算法设计、仿真和实现。机械设计。 +\item 水下机器人机体系统设计,控制、电气架构设计。机架结构设计。相关控制算法设计、仿真。 +\end{tightitemize} +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%%------------------------------------------------ + +\runsubsection{非球面轴承的研制(挑战杯)} +\descript{| 队员} + +\location{2012.11 – 2013.4 | 厦门大学} +主要负责轴承实体的加工和实验,专利撰写,参赛文本中的插图制作及原理部分的撰写。团队作品取得\textbf{校级特等奖}。 + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\runsubsection{分形演示软件(计算机图形学课程项目)} +\descript{| 独自完成} + +\location{2012.12 | 厦门大学} +在VC环境下制作了一个小程序,用于实现利用分形绘制Caley树的功能,其中树干长度、绘制起点固定,树干和树枝夹角、迭代次数和树干树枝比例可变,由输入值指定。 + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%------------------------------------------------ +% Awards +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{学术成果} +\subsection{专利} +\begin{tabular}{rll} +2015 & 发明专利 & 水下机器人自排油浮力调节装置, CN105173040A\\ +2015 & 发明专利 & 活塞式浮力调节装置, CN104828222A\\ +2014 & 实用新型 & 一种辊压精成形机齿条高度调节装置, CN201420071039\\ +2013 & 实用新型 & 贴片式无线传输电子运动采集装置, CN201320668356\\ +2013 & 实用新型 & 一种用于小功率电器的无线充电装置, CN203119584U\\ +\end{tabular} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +\subsection{论文} +\begin{tabular}{rl} +2016 & "Development of a Hydraulic Buoyance Adjustment Module for \\ + & Underwater Robots", 即将发表\\ +2013 & "A Technology of CNC Punching of Chinese Characters" , 已发表\\ +\end{tabular} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section +%------------------------------------------------ +% Societies +%------------------------------------------------ + +\section{获奖与荣誉} + +\begin{tabular}{rll} +2013.12 &中国电机工程学会杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛& 全国二等奖 \\ +2013.5 &第十三届”挑战杯“学生课外学术科技作品竞赛& 校级特等奖 \\ +%2013.2 &美国大学生数学建模大赛& Successful \\ +2014.4 &厦门大学物理与机电工程学院萨本栋奖学金& \\ +2012.9 &厦门大学校一级奖学金& \\ +%2011.9 &厦门大学校一级奖学金& \\ +2014.6 &厦门大学优秀三好学生& \\ +2014.6 &厦门大学优秀毕业设计& \\ +\end{tabular} + +\sectionspace % Some whitespace after the section + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\end{minipage} % The end of the right column + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% SECOND PAGE (EXAMPLE) +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%\newpage % Start a new page + +%\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} % The left column takes up 33% of the text width of the page + +%\section{Example Section} + +%\end{minipage} % The end of the left column +%\hfill +%\begin{minipage}[t]{0.66\textwidth} % The right column takes up 66% of the text width of the page + +%\section{Example Section 2} + +%\end{minipage} % The end of the right column + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\end{document} diff --git a/deedy-resume.cls b/deedy-resume.cls new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71c60203 --- /dev/null +++ b/deedy-resume.cls @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% CLASS OPTIONS AND REQUIRED PACKAGES 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