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Additional information, the specification and more in depth tutorials can be found at


The resources folder contains folder for different projects. Each folder will contain seperate folders per resource. Each resource folder will then contain a folder for input, for maps and a folder for expected out. See the directory diagram in the README at the root of the repo for further details.

This section will cover other tools, such as the Matchbox server that has a working %covert operation for converting FML to StructureMap's.

This section will describe carrying out transforms using the $covert and $transform operations in the Matchbox server. It will also cover the following usuage of the validator_cli, which is want the pipeline in this repo uses.

java -jar validator_cli.jar <input source> -transform <Transform name> -version <FHIR version> -ig <FML or StructureMap defining transform> -output <output file>

A demo of using the validator_cli in the following way

java -jar validator_cli.jar <input source> -version <source FHIR version> -to-version <transformed FHIR version> -output <output file>

can be found at hapi-fhir-3to4-demo. This mode uses StructureMap's that are downloaded to a local cache, i.e. the FML or StructureMap is not passed in with -ig. The primary use of this would be to transform between base resources as opposed to custom extensions as is the case in this repo.

Example transform to perform

The values of


will be updated in the source

  "resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
  "extension": [
      "url": "",
      "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "code": "acute",
            "display": "Acute",
            "system": ""

Perform a transform using the Matchbox server

The Matchbox FHIR server is based on HAPI-FHIR Starter Project has working StructureMap/$convert and StructureMap/$transform operations

The server has working StructureMap/$convert and StructureMap/$transform operations. The FML must be first loaded into the server as a StructureMap. The transform can then be performed.

a. Run the Matchbox server

For details on how to build and run the docker image of the matchbox server, see the README here

b. Load the StructureMap into the server

To convert the FML to a StructureMap that can be posted to the server using cURL (assuming a local instance of the server listening on 8080)

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/fhir+json;fhirVersion=4.0" -H "Content-Type: text/fhir-mapping" --data-binary "@./resourcename/maps/" http://localhost:8080/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/$convert



is the FML. The server will also return the StructureMap.

TIP: When using the validator_cli.jar, the input to -ig switch can be FML or a StructureMap, but generating a StructureMap using the server can be useful in providing a level of analysis on the validity of the FML.

c. Perform the transform

To perform the transform using cURL

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/fhir+json;fhirVersion=4.0" -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json;fhirVersion=4.0" --data-binary "@./resourcename/input/sourcename_001.json" http://localhost:8080/matchbox/fhir/StructureMap/\$transform?source=



is the resource to transform, and the source parameter in the URL

needs to match the name of the map in the FML to indicate which transform to run, e.g.

map "" = "Example map"

See here for the definition of the FML line above

Perform a transform using the validator_cli

The pipeline in github actions uses this way of carrying out the transforms by downloading the latest pre-built validator_cli.jar

The FHIR Validator is part of the HAPI FHIR - HL7 FHIR Core Artifacts

Conversion using the FML (as opposed to StructureMap)

NOTE: The StructureMap that is returned from the Matchbox server in [(b. Load the StructureMap into the server)](####b. Load the StructureMap into the server), can be directly used in place of the FML, e.g. structuremap.json instead of

The following usage of the validator_cli

java -jar validator_cli.jar ./resourcename/input/sourcename_001.json -transform -version 4.0.1 -ig ./resourcename/maps/ -output /tmp/output.json

will update the values of


where the ./resourcename/input/sourcename_001.json is a basic example of a PrescriptionType-1 extension,


  "resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
  "extension": [
      "url": "",
      "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "code": "acute",
            "display": "Acute",
            "system": ""

and ./resourcename/maps/ contains the FHIR Mapping Language for the conversion. The updated values are hardcoded string literals, i.e. UPDATED DEFINITION HERE and UPDATED CODESYSTEM HERE


map "" = "Example map"
uses "" alias MedicationRequest as source
uses "" alias MedicationRequest as target
uses "" alias Coding as source
uses "" alias Coding as target

group MedicationRequest(source src : MedicationRequest, target tgt : MedicationRequest)  {
    src.extension as ext where $this.url=''
        -> tgt.extension as tgtext, tgtext.url='UPDATED DEFINITION HERE' then {
        ext.value : CodeableConcept as vs -> tgtext.value = create('CodeableConcept') as vt then CodeableConceptPrescriptionType(vs, vt);

group CodeableConceptPrescriptionType(source src, target tgt) {
    src.coding -> tgt.coding;
    src.text as text -> tgt.text = text;

group Coding(source src : Coding, target tgt : Coding) <<type+>> {
    src.system as system where $this='' -> tgt.system = 'UPDATED CODESYSTEM HERE';
    src.version as version -> tgt.version = version;
    src.code as code -> tgt.code = code;
    src.display as display -> tgt.display = display;
    src.userSelected as userSelected -> tgt.userSelected = userSelected;

the output produced, i.e. /tmp/output.json should be


  "resourceType": "MedicationRequest",
  "extension": [
      "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "UPDATED CODESYSTEM HERE",
            "code": "acute",
            "display": "Acute"