- Changing the minor version because we've rewritten several things to accommodate Kickstarter's change to public search
- This encapsulates the changes starting at v 0.1.2
- changes
- Using ssl (https) for all public www.kickstarter.com searches
- changes
- Using the public url for categories instead of the api url
- Fixing project comments and updates so that they are now pulled in when a project didn't already have them
- Adding more tests to cover the new scenarios for pulling public info from Kickstarter without API credentials
- changes
- Using the public search instead of the authenticated API for project searches
- Allowing configuration with no email/pass (which now works for some features)
- NOTE: These changes were made in response to a change in Kickstarter's API, and there are currently some broken features
- Adding a created_projects method to user
bug fixes
- Fixing the backed_projects and starred_projects methods for user
- Fixes an error when searching for projects with spaces in the name
- adding support for Kickstarter categories!
- basic pagination when searching projects
- huge refactor of tests to DRY them up
- client.newest_projects (replaced by client.recently_launched_projects)
- client.can_load_more_projects (replaced by client.more_projects_available?)
bug fixes
- a little bit more error handling
- added tests!
- a little bit of basic error checking
- DRYing up the API calls
bug fixes
- updating the search for "newest" projects, which was renamed by Kickstarter
- handling special characters in searches
- enhancements
- Project searches (popular, recent, ending soon)
- User biography
- Basic working API (getting projects and users)