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Emissary in Docker


Please start with the guide,, which is available in the root of the project. This guide will help on getting started with Emissary and setting up your maven environment.

Additionally, Docker needs to be installed locally to build images. To download and install, see : If developing on Linux, the maven plugin for Docker cannot be run with sudo. Please see: for post-install instructions to manage Docker as a non-root user.

To start docker (on Centos 7):

sudo systemctl start docker


Using Maven

Maven is used to create the docker image. There is a profile that was created to run the docker image build that, by default, has been turned off. We'll need to add the docker profile, along with the dist profile, to trigger an assembly. From the project root, run the following maven command:

mvn clean package -Pdist,docker


To run manually without maven running the docker commands, run a full maven build:

mvn clean package -Pdist

Run the docker build:

docker build -t emissary:latest .


Once the image is successfully built, the image should be in your list of local images. Run docker images and there should be an entry for REPOSITORY:emissary and TAG:latest:

[~]$ docker images
   REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
   emissary            latest              e740d5f23a79        44 hours ago        620MB
   centos              7                   49f7960eb7e4        2 days ago          200MB

To run files through Emissary, we'll need to volume mount local directories into the running container. Let's create two local directories for input/output to Emissary:

mkdir input
mkdir output

Now that we have two target directories, we can use the -v option to mount them into the container. To start Emissary, run the sample command:

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/input:/opt/emissary/target/data -v ${PWD}/output:/opt/emissary/localoutput --name emissary emissary

Once Emissary starts up, we should see a log line that says: "Started EmissaryServer at http://localhost:8001." We now can copy files into input/InputData/ for Emissary to process. When the processing has finish, the files will be moved to input/DoneData. All extracted content can be found in the local output directory. Depending on your specific configuration, there should be output in the output/json directory.

Container without a name

If the --name emissary flag is not specified, you can find the name/id of the container that is running the Emissary image by running docker ps:

[~]$ docker ps
   CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
   dda57bfdfa9e        emissary:latest           "./emissary server -a?"  17 seconds ago      Up 16 seconds       8001/tcp            priceless_galileo


To see the Emissary logs from the docker container, run:

docker logs emissary

Monitor Emissary

To monitor Emissary in a container, we need to connect to the running container. If we want to run the agents command, we simply need to run the following command:

docker exec -it emissary ./emissary agents -p 8001 --mon

To see the environment settings:

docker exec -it emissary ./emissary env

To attach to the running container, run:

docker exec -it emissary /bin/bash

Emissary Cluster Mode

We can use a Docker compose file to simulate cluster mode. We'll start a feeder and two workers by default. To start the cluster, run the sample docker-compose.yml file:

docker-compose up

Once the cluster has started, we can manage input and output by looking at the volumes that were created by the compose file. The volume location can be found in /var/lib/docker/volumes/. Simply move a file into the input directory for Emissary to process it:

cp emissary-knight.png /var/lib/docker/volumes/emissary_input/_data/InputData/

Emissary UI

If you want to connect to the web front-end for Emissary, some additional steps are need to configure jetty. We need to give the container a hostname and pass that onto Emissary from the command line. Sample command:

docker run -it --rm --name emissary --hostname emissary-001 -p 8001:8001 emissary server -a 2 -p 8001 -s http -h emissary-001

Then from a browser, go to http://localhost:8001/ to see the endpoints.

Basic Testing with Docker Compose

If you like to test an emissary cluster automatically ingesting a set of sample files you can place any files you'd like to test within the src/test/resources/test_input directory then build a Docker image using the Dockerfile-test_feeder file in addition to the Docker image created earlier. This can easily be done by executing the following command:

sudo docker build -f Dockerfile-test_feeder -t emissary-feeder-test:latest --build-arg PROJ_VERS=$(./emissary version | grep Version: | 
awk {'print $3 " " '}) --build-arg IMG_NAME=latest .

Then execute docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up to start the cluster and execute docker-compose down or CTRL+C to exit the docker-compose. Alternatively you could execute ./ to execute a cursory check that the cluster will successfully ingest emissary-knight.png in a timely manner.