Shift + Enter - run the code and create new cell below Ctrl + Enter - run the code and escape current cell Alt + Enter - run the code, and enter a newly created cell below escape - toggles you out (similar to vim/vi) escape + a - create a new cell above escape + b - create a new cell below escape + x - cuts a cell escape + v - paste a cell escape + dd - delete a cell enter - enters a cell Ctrl + Shift + M - splits a cell escape, highlight cells with shift, and then Shift + M - merges cell escape + m - converts a cell to markdown escape + y - converts a cell to code ctrl + s - to save your file Ctrl + z - undoes the change in the cell block Ctrl + y - redoes the change in the cell block escape + z - undoes the cell change in the notebook escape + shift + z - redoes the cell change in the notebook ctrl + shift + [] - navigate tabs alt + w - closes a tab Ctrl + Shift + T - Firefox-chrome shortcut Shift + Tab - View a tooltip documentation if available Shift + Space - Navigate the notebook up a page Space - Navigate the notebook down a apge Ctrl + ] Or Ctrl + [ - Indent or dedent, when highlighted Ctrl + Home - Go to cell start Ctrl + End - Go to cell end Ctrl + Shift + L - New Launcher Alt + W - Close a tab Ctrl + Shift + R - In a cell, replace values with Regex
Merging Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown
!jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-drawio
Installs Drawio Capabilities for Jupyter Lab
!jupyter labextension install @mflevine/jupyterlab_html
Renders HTML Documents in Jupyter Lab
View SQL in Jupyter
!jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/latex
Enable LaTeX Previews in Jupyter
Table of Contents
Google Drive Integration
Git integration
Vim bindings