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executable file
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executable file
140 lines (84 loc) · 3.02 KB

Serverless Fuck You 4KB

Allow you to inject every environements variables as you want.

Note :

I will make an example and fix my grammar soon

Note 2 :

DO NOT USE serverless-export-env with this library. It will replace your .env and you don't want that!


At anytime, you can check your configuration with sls print --stage dev or beta or prod.


On your Serverless Framework project

npm install --save serverless-fuck-you-4kb


Step 1 : Creating your own config folder

Create a folder like ./config at the root of your SLS project.

Then, create a javascript file, something like env.js.

Now we have a folder and a js file at : ./config/env.js

Step 2 : Create an .env file

At the root of your project, create an .env file.

You'll write all of your variables here!

Step 3 : Migrate or create your environement variables

Note that you can't have other variable references inside, like ${self:....blablabla}.

But, you can compute them later with serverless-fuck-you-4kb.

For example, you have a s3_bucket_name variable inside of your provider.environement part of your serverless.yml that is "computed" like this s3_bucket_name: bucket-${self:provider.environment.application}.

Another variable is computed with a string to create your variable. Just keep the bucket part and write into your .env file : s3_bucket_name=bucket.

Step 4 : Writing your own importer

Back to ./config/env.js, write this code :

module.exports = require("serverless-fuck-you-4kb")({
	log: true,
		This function is use twice!
		- during serverless printing : before your serverless.yml is computed
		- during the injection : at the top of your function
	map: (key, value, environment) => {
		if (key == "application") {
			return value;
		if (key == "region") {
			return value;
		if (key == "stage") {
			return value;
		// We only want other vars to be affected with "application" var
		return value + "-" + environment.application;

Your .env file look like this :


Your serverless.yml look like this :

service: serverless-application

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs6.10
  stage: ${opt:stage, 'prod'}
  region: us-east-1
  memorySize: 1536
  timeout: 300
    region: ${self:provider.region}
    stage: ${self:provider.stage}
    application: ${self:service}-${self:provider.region}-${self:provider.stage}
# ... other properties like functions and resoures... 

Step 5 : Inject environement variables inside of your functions

Inside of your function file, at the top of it, add :

const config = require("../config/env");
config.inject(); // this will inject your mapping 

console.log(process.env.s3_bucket_name); // bucket-serverless-application-us-east-1-dev

Step 6 : Overcome

You're done.

How can you get those variables to yml ?

Like this :

BucketName: ${file(./config/env.js):s3_bucket_name}

You're welcome.