Helper scripts I've collected
Show truecolor colors in terminal
Show 8-bit colors in terminal
Add a certificate
brew repair
to hard reset and brew update
256color test script from base16-shell
Output centered text
Remove the bash completion script for git since I only want zsh to use site-functions.
Output bordered centered text
Get actual JRE home, not fake output of java_home
Draw a terminal-width line using =
Check for directory, prompt to create if it doesn't exist
or xdg-open
Check if two filepaths are the same after resolving symlinks.
Check if path A is symlinked to path B, prompt to do so if not.
Pretty print the $DKO_SOURCE
env variable to see sourced files
Shortcuts to update dotfiles, packages, and general system maintenance.
Open in single nvim socket instance or use $EDITOR
Edit a file in the git root
Find and edit the nginx.conf file
Find and edit the php.ini file
Recursively flatten a directory
Get directory total filesize
Look upwards from $PWD for filename $1, output to stdout
if found. Does not
follow symlinks.
macOS, FZF + SwitchAudioSource
FZF-interface for selecting a git branch
FZF-interface for selecting a git branch including remotes, sorted by latest
Switch to a different worktree using FZF
Switch to a different XCode version
Download nightly nvim.appimage
to ~/.local/bin/
List git committers and number of commits
Copy a git branch
Check if given directory is a git repository, and display its root and origin
Get user's ssh public keys from GitHub
List pull requests since last tag
Use GitHub or GitLab cli tools to open current repo in browser.
Fall back to dko-open if the repo origin is https
Side-by-side git diff
using delta
as the pager.
Takes regular git diff
Show commits since midnight
Linux. Join a group and reload user's groups
Show user's local ip
macOS. lock screen
Echo the git root or pwd if not in git repo
Pretty list path env
Rename a symlink's source file and update the symlink
Delete .git/tags if it exists in a repository
Start HTTP server in current directory
Get current connected ssid
Find missing steam libs in linux
Find missing steam libs in linux
Display terminal colors
Toggle macOS mouse acceleration (e.g. for gaming)
Get current wifi password in plaintext
Open nearest *.xcworkspace