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87 lines (66 loc) · 3.83 KB

Advent of Code solutions

Source code for a site featuring R and Python solutions to Advent of Code challenges.

Steps to reproduce the site

  1. For every day and part that has a script written, save your input files to <year>/input/day<number>.txt like 2024/input/day1.txt.

  2. Run quarto render at the project root. The site will be rendered to the docs/ folder.

Project Structure

All Quarto markdown documents are made by generate_content.R and the functions it calls from pre-render/. The project directories are searched for solutions by year, language, day and part. Solutions are then pieced together into one content.qmd per year.

Aside from utils/ scripts that are shared between years, years are largely self-contained. Each year will have its own input/ subdirectory, and subdirectories for each language with solutions.

├── _quarto.yml                   # Quarto project definition     
├── generate_content.R            # Control script to create .qmd files
├── pre-render/                   # Functions used to create .qmd files
│   ├── language_configuration.R    # Config for languages e.g. R and Python
│   ├── get_file_info.R             # Search <year>/<lang>/ for scripts
│   ├── add_year_heading.R          # Content that's the same for all days
│   ├── add_days_content.R          # Add individual day and part content
│   └── generate_index_page.R       # Build index.qmd and star count table
├── docs/                         # Rendered content for GitHub pages
├── utils/                        
│   ├── aoc_utils.R                 # Utility funcs included by add_year_heading
│   └──                # Utility funcs included by add_year_heading
├──                     # Home page introduction text
├── index.qmd                    # Auto-generated Quarto home page
└── <year>/                      # Separate folders for each year
    ├── content.qmd/              # Auto-generated Quarto page per year
    ├── input/                      # Save inputs as text files here
    ├── markdown/                   # Year and day overview markdown files
    ├── R/                          # R lang solution functions
    └── python/                     # Python solution functions

Add a new solution (day/part)

Within the year directory, under the solution's language subdirectory, add a new file solve_day<number>_part<number>.<extension> which hosts a function called solve_day<number>_part<number>.

For example to add the first task of 2024, I created 2024/R/solve_day1_part1.R and function solve_day1_part1().

Add a new language

There are utils functions for each language:

  • aoc_source(day, part) to load the functions needed for each part's solution.
  • aoc_read(day) to import the input for the respective day.
  • aoc_run() to run, time and print the results of a solution function.
  1. A new language will need its own utils functions setup, or otherwise be supported from within R. To make the functions available on each year's page, import them from files in utils/ in the script pre-render/add_year_heading.R.

  2. Fill out the details for the language in pre-render/language_configuration.R.

  3. In the file pre-render/add_days_content.R there is a function add_part_content(). Ensure that it's variable exec_code_block supports executing code in the new language, a long with executing the aoc_run_template specified in the language config.

  4. Start adding scripts for the new language in its own subdirectory within each year.

Add a new year

  1. Create a new folder with a 4-digit name for the year. Populate as above with input/ and solutions by language.

  2. Add - <year>/content.qmd to the navbar in _quarto.yml.