Django REST app. Reads a public currency exchange rates API, and tries to predict future values for a specific currency.
This repo is a simple django application for a simple time series forecasting test. The application features are:
- Read information about currency conversion (EUR to USD, for instance) from a public API. In this case I use, which is very nice, free API. Please, don't abuse of this API, use it with responsibility.
- Load this retrieved information into the local database.
- Train a statistic model to predict the next possible value.
- Allows to retrieve information using commands, REST views or HTML pages.
The goal here is not to preform a 100% accurate prediction (if I was able to do that, I won't publish the code!), but simply to create a test application to demonstrate some Django features:
- Django models.
- Read data from a REST API.
- Use a serializer to load the read info into the database.
- Use of a statistic model with statsmodels to perform forecasting for a time series, using the SARIMAX model.
- Django management command to load data and to run a prediction.
- REST view to retrieve information and to retrieve a prediction.
- Automatic testing for serializer, components and REST views.
- MVT (model view template) Django views using Semantic UI to retrieve information and to perform predictions.
I've tried to do everything as clear as I could, so this can be used by other developers starting with Django.
- Install Django
- Create a virtual environment and activate it
- Clone or download this repo.
- Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute migrate to create the required tables.
- Now the application can be started with runserver
Use of the application:
- Load data. You can execute load to load data in batch coming from the API. The command receives startdate and enddate as arguments. The command will sleep a second between calls to not overload the API. If no dates passed, the last 3 months will be loaded. Image
- Predict. You can execute predict to predict the possible value for the next date, considering the last date loaded. Image
REST views.
Pages (MVT views)