Collection of kermit configs so tech team member never have to remember baud rates and flowcontrol settings
Make sure your user is added to the dialer
group so that you dont have to sudo
to user the console devices
To make a connection using kermit:
kermit bhyve.kermit
To get back to your own system, you must type the "escape character", which is Control-Backslash (^) unless you have changed it with the SET ESCAPE command, followed by a single-character command, such as C for "close connection". Single-character commands may be entered in upper or lower case. They include:
C Return to C-Kermit. If you gave an interactive CONNECT command, return
to the C-Kermit prompt. If you gave a -c or -n option on the command
line, close the connection and return to the system prompt.
B Send a BREAK signal.
0 (zero) send a null.
S Give a status report about the connection.
H Hangup the phone.
! Escape to the system command processor "under" Kermit. Exit or logout
to return to your CONNECT session.
Z Suspend Kermit (UNIX only).
\nnn A character in backslash-code form.
^\ Send Control-Backslash itself (whatever you have defined the escape
character to be, typed twice in a row sends one copy of it).