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Quarto templates for INRAE


The goal of this quarto extension is to provide a wide range of quarto-based formats for INRAE engineers and researchers. These are an unofficial and opiniated templates.

⚠️ The announcement of the new brand.yml feature coming for quarto 1.6 will definitely have an impact on this extension. Stay tuned !

Related work

Installing in a new project

You will need to do this to get all the folders with all the templates, assets and prefilled quarto templates :

quarto use template davidcarayon/quarto-inrae-extension

Note: Previous versions of this extension can still be downloaded using GitHub release tags :

quarto use template davidcarayon/[email protected]

Installing for an existing project

You may also use this format with an existing project to download only the _extensions folder (not recommended because you won't have the preconfigured qmd files).

quarto add davidcarayon/quarto-inrae-extension

How to use it

You can use the any of the template_*.qmd templates which all have an inrae-* format pre-configured.

You will also find a _quarto.yml file to use if you want to use custom projects (manuscripts, websites, books). These projects will use the index.qmd file.

Of course, this extension offers more features than you will typically need, so you can delete all the unnecessary qmd files.

These formats and designs are opiniated. Feel free to modify them to suit your needs in _extensions/davidcarayon/inrae. All suggestions and PR's are warmly welcomed.

To customise your formats, see the relevant documentations :

Standalone documents


  • inrae-html : Provides an html document that can be hosted online (quarto-pub, github/lab pages, etc.). See Publishing in Quarto's documentation
  • inrae-pdf : Generates a PDF document using the Weasyprint engine, similar to paged.js.
  • inrae-docx : Generates a word document, typically to share for revisions


  • inrae-revealjs : Generates HTML slides that can be hosted online (quarto-pub, github/lab pages, etc.). See Publishing in Quarto's documentation
  • inrae-beamer : Generates PDF beamer slides using LaTeX
  • inrae-pptx : Generates a Powerpoint presentation, typically to... whatever.

NB : Some obscure error may occur when rendering Beamer if you are using 2023's version of texlive. If so, I can only suggest to follow this article to try and go back to 2022's version.


If you wish to use one of the 2 project formats, you can edit the _extensions/davidcarayon/inrae/_extension.yml to comment/uncomment your desired output :

  ## Project definition
      type: default
     #type: website
     #type: book
    format: inrae-html
  • website : Quarto Websites are a convenient way to publish groups of documents. They can also be used as easy to deploy research project websites. See more here

  • book : Quarto Books are combinations of multiple documents (chapters) into a single manuscript while not breaking cross-references. They can be typically used for complex reports. See more here

Real-life examples

  • RevealJS presentation of using R in VSCode : slides | code
  • RevealJS presentation prepared for a training on phylogenetic methods : slides
  • Quarto website filled with html docs and revealjs slides, all based on this extension, with a few tweaks :


quarto-inrae-extension 1.1.0

  • Dropped manuscript project format
  • Switched from Typst to CSS with weasyprint for PDF reports
  • Much better HTML reports
  • Basic gitlab CI file for publishing on Gitlab Pages

quarto-inrae-extension 1.0.0

  • Cleaned the extension file tree
  • new Typst format to replace the laggy LaTeX format for PDF reports
  • Better documentation
  • New feature : Projects (Manuscripts / websites / books)