These instructions are for the UNET implementation of spectator view For the HoloToolkit sharing service implementation, see the Legacy Documentation.
Sample Unity projects to demonstrate the end to end process of rendering an application's view over an external camera's color image. This app is a shared experiences using one or more HoloLens devices and Unity as clients. Look at the Holograms 240 course in the Holographic Academy to learn more about the core tech. Look at the Player Controller script and the UNET documentation for more information on the neworking stack.
The app has a directory "Assets\Addons\HolographicCameraRig" which, alongside HoloToolkit, includes everything you need for adding photo and video functionality to your own Unity app.
Before launching Unity:
- Ensure CalibrationData.txt from your calibration has been copied to the root of your Assets directory.
- Build the UnityCompositorInterface and CompositorDLL in the Compositor sln (see Compositor Readme).
- Run CopyDLL to get compositor dependencies copied to your Unity project.
In the Unity Hierarchy Panel, select the SpectatorViewManager prefab:
- Set the Spectator View ID field to the HoloLens name or the IP of the spectator view HoloLens attached to your camera. This defaults to a spectator view HoloLens named "SpectatorViewDevice". You can change your HoloLens' name in the device portal.
- Set the Server field to be the HoloLens/ computer name or IP of the device you wish to host the session - for best results, this defaults to the Unity editor ("editor").
- Set the Client HoloLens CSV field to a comma separated list of HoloLens IPs that you wish to deploy to using the App Management buttons below.
Walk around your playspace with all of the HoloLens devices that will be in the experience, so each device has an internal model of the space that it is in.
Build and Deploy:
- Build the application as a D3D UWP
- Deploy the app to the HoloLens attached to your camera.
- Deploy the app to any other HoloLens devices you want to see the experience.
Press Play in Unity to get realtime Hologram frames for the Compositor.
Open the Compositor in the Unity menu bar under "Spectator View\Compositor".
Ensure the Unity Game window is visible and "edit/ project settings/ player/ Run in Background" is checked for WSA and standalone.
If you have selected the Auto Connect checkbox on the SpectatorViewManager prefab, your clients will automatically join your shared session once the host device starts.
- Otherwise, a network connection UI will appear on launch. Select the session your Host started and then select Join.
This sample project has been set up as a shared experience, but if you would like to add this functionality to your existing app, or would like to start from a new project, follow these instructions:
Copy Assets\Addons\HolographicCameraRig to *Assets\Addons* in your project.
Download the latest HoloToolkit and add it to your project.
Add Assets\Addons\HolographicCameraRig\Prefabs\SpectatorViewManager to the root of your hierarchy.
Copy CalibrationData.txt to your Assets directory.
Populate the ID fields in SpectatorViewManager with the IP or name of your spectator view HoloLens and host device.
If your scene has any GameObjects you would not like in your photos or videos, hide their renderers in the Unity editor using the HideRenderer script or SV_ToggleEnabled scripts.
- The Toggle script will allow you to enable or disable those GameObjects at runtime by pressing T in the Game window.
DISCLAIMER: Any interactions with the app will have to be networked events from your client HoloLens devices back to Unity.
- If any app state in the device does not get updated in Unity, it will not appear in the Compositor.
- Look at the Player Controller script and the UNET documentation for more information on Unity networking.
DISCLAIMER: If your application was already a shared experience, the sharing prefab or any of its child GameObjects should not be included twice.
- Overview
- Calibration
- Compositor
- Sample