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FDBeye is a collection of tools to ease working with eyetracker data. I'm slowly migrating stuff from my junkpile of project specific code into this package. FDBeye is about post-acquisition data processing. What's here now is focussed on my own workflows involving data from SRR Eyelink systems, although some stuff may be more generally useful. Functionality is a bit thin at present. Pitch in and help if you like (see Contributing).
Before you try FDBeye, you might want to look at what else is available. What follows is a list of mostly free and open source eye tracking tools.
I've kept this list short, including only tools whose focus is post-acquisition summarization and analysis, and where the source code can be freely downloaded (i.e., you don't have to ask for it, but some of the stuff I've linked to lacks an explicit Open Source License). I'm sure the list is incomplete. If you know of something that seems like it ought to be included, let me know. Better yet, fork this repository, make the changes yourself, and send me a pull request.
- bdots provides techniques for analyzing eyetracking data, as well as other types of highly correlated data that consist of many consecutive tests. We explain how to set the data up in a fashion for the package to use, how to analyze the data using the built in functions, and how to check the t to the data. On github at https://github.com/MichaelSeedorff/bdots, and CRAN at https://cran.rstudio.org/web/packages/bdots/index.html.
- edfR: R package for reading SRR *edf files directly. Codebase is both R and C++, and requires SRR's edfapi. Source available on github https://github.com/jashubbard/edfR. Linux and OSX only (no Windows), as of May 2016. Alternate download at SRR help forum https://www.sr-support.com/showthread.php?1416-Reading-EDF-files-in-GNU-R (requires login via free account).
- em2: "package for computing reading time measures for psycholinguistics," i.e. regional reading time measures. R package, underlying code mostly C++. Source available on github https://github.com/cran/em2.
- emov: Functions for fixation/saccade detection. On CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/emov/. Source is available on github https://github.com/schw4b/emov.
- ETRAN: Fixation detection, plotting. Available from this web site https://sites.google.com/site/azhegallo/, and written up in the journal Perception here: http://pec.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/08/14/0301006615594944.full.
- eyelinker: Tool for converting SRR *ASC files to data.frames. Available on github https://github.com/dahtah/eyelinker. Not clearly open source; no license statement at all.
- eyetracking: Compute pixel-to-pixel and eye-to-screen distances. On CRAN. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/eyetracking/.
- eyetrackingR: Package oriented toward post-acquisition workflow, mostly for 'visual world' style studies. On CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/eyetrackingR/. It also has its own web site here: http://www.eyetracking-r.com/. The source is available on github https://github.com/jwdink/eyetrackingR.
- eyeTrackR: on github at https://github.com/hjgodwin/eyeTrackR. Focussed on SRR systems, and particularly reports output by DataViewer. Last updated in 2012.
- fix_align.R: automatically adjusts y coordinate of fixations in multi-line reading paradigm so that each falls on a specific line of text. As written, code is specific to SRR systems (requires SRR ASC files as input). At UMass http://www.psych.umass.edu/PACLab/resources/. Described in Behav Res: http://people.umass.edu/eyelab/CohenBRM.pdf. Source file (v0p92) includes the notice "(c) 2012, University of Massachussetts, All rights reserved". The latter bit seems to entail that the code may not be modified, redistributed, or even used without first obtaining explicit permission from UMass. Odd.
- gazepath: Functions for fixation/saccade detection. On CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gazepath/. Source on github https://github.com/cran/gazepath.
- gazetools: Functions for processing and classifying eye gaze data (into blinks, fixations, etc.). Centered on SMI trackers, but includes some generally useful stuff. Available on github https://github.com/RyanHope/gazetools.
- itrackR: Read and analyze data from SRR eyelink systems. On github https://github.com/jashubbard/itrackR.
- lookr provides a set of tools for analyzing looking-while-listening eye-tracking experiments performed by the Learning to Talk project. Development is ongoing. On github at https://github.com/tjmahr/lookr.
- saccades: Functions for fixation/saccade detection. On CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/saccades/. Source on github https://github.com/tmalsburg/saccades.
- ScaSim: Tools for analyzing scanpaths https://github.com/tmalsburg/scanpath
- pdata: Purports to "Process data analysis and visualization for large scale educational assessments" but also includes some tools for visualization of gaze data. See heatmapanalysis() and scanpathPlot(). Available on github at https://github.com/garyfeng/pdata.
- VWPre: Provides functions for preparing visual world eye-tracking data for statistical analysis and plotting in R. Designed for handling data from SRR Eyelink trackers using Sample Reports created in SRR Data Viewer. Available on CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/VWPre/index.html, and also on github https://github.com/cran/VWPre.
- cili: on github https://github.com/beOn/cili. Reduce overhead in working with SRR Eyelink data. Extracts events from SRR ASC files and provides as pandas DataFrames.
- DynAOI: on launchpad https://launchpad.net/dynaoi. Described in Behav Res https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/cybermedia/dynaoi/PapenmeierHuffBRM.pdf. Analysis of EM in relation to moving objects. Python codebase, relies on Blender for some functions. Last update in 2011.
- EMDAT: A library for processing eye gaze data exported from Tobii studio software. Available from authors' web site https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~skardan/EMDAT/. Last update in 2012.
- eventdetect: on github https://github.com/gian/eventdetect. Repository of event detection algorithms. Python codebase. Last update in 2015.
- EyeSimplify: web site at http://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/seminare/studpro06/eyesimplify/. Convenience wrapper with automation for UMass tools (EyeDoctor etc.). Possibly superceded by RoboDoc.py. Python codebase. Last update in 2007.
- GazeParser: "an open-source library for low-cost eye tracking and data analysis; it includes libraries for data recording and analysis." On sourceforge at http://gazeparser.sourceforge.net/. Also written up in Behav Res here http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-012-0286-x/fulltext.html. System designed to record EM with commercially available cameras. Not clear that included analysis tools have more general utility.
- ocupy: on github https://github.com/nwilming/ocupy. Python codebase. "tools for analyzing eye-tracking data". last update in 2015. Also see pyedfread.
- pyarbus: on github https://github.com/ivanov/pyarbus. Python codebase. Major functionality seems to be for extracting sample and message info from SRR *asc files. Last update in 2013.
- pyedfread: on github https://github.com/nwilming/pyedfread. "A utility that parses SR research EDF data files into pandas DataFrames." From the author of ocupy.
- pyeparse: on github https://github.com/pyeparse/pyeparse. Python codebase. "analyzing eye tracking data from cogntive sciences experiments," SRR eyelink trackers. Last update in 2015. Seems active.
- PyGaze: on github https://github.com/esdalmaijer/PyGaze. Python codebase. Focussed on data collection "programming of eyetracking experiments". Web site at http://www.pygaze.org/. Also see BRM paper http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758%2Fs13428-013-0422-2. Actively developed.
- PyGazeAnalyser: Post-acquisition processing tools associated with PyGaze. On GitHub at https://github.com/esdalmaijer/PyGazeAnalyser. Parses SRR ASC files and SensoMotoric IDF ASCII files. Plots heatmaps, scanpaths, fixation locations.
- Samara: on github https://github.com/m-macaskill/Samara. Python codebase. Saccade analysis, SMI iView trackers. Last update in 2013.
- calib_adjust_code web page at http://langcog.stanford.edu/materials/calib.html. Method for offline calibration adjustment of Tobii eyetrackers, specifically geared toward work with infants. Additional description in the journal Infancy http://langcog.stanford.edu/papers/FVS-infancy2012.pdf.
- EALab: web site https://ealab-matlabtoolbox.rhcloud.com/. Described in Neuroinform http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12021-015-9275-4. Matlab toolbox. Classification and extraction of eye activity/events. Seems current.
- ETML: on github https://github.com/jwdink/ETML. Matlab codebase. "Framework for running eyetracking experiments in MATLAB," with SRR eyelink systems. Seems active.
- EYE-EEG: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/eyetracking-eeg/ is an EEGLAB/Matlab plugin for working with time-locked EEG and gaze signals.
- EyeMMV: on github https://github.com/krasvas/EyeMMV. Matlab toolbox. post-collection eye movement analysis. Last update in 2014. Described in J. of Eye Movement Research http://www.jemr.org/online/7/1/1.
- eyetrack-tools: on github https://github.com/racheldenison/eyetrack-tools. "Tools for interfacing between EyeLink 1000 and Psychtoolbox (Matlab)". No updates since April 2014.
- FieldTrip: Primarily geared toward EEG/MEG data work, but also includes some functions for working with SRR ET data. Developed at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, it can be downloaded from http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org.
- GazeAlyze: Purports to handle data from ISCAN, SMI, Arrington Research, and Tobii devices. Deals with both static and dynamic stimuli. Last release in Dec. 2015. Code available on SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/projects/gazealyze/files/gazealyze170.zip/download.
- iEye: Matlab toolbox providing GUI based interface for interacting with eye-movement data. On Github https://github.com/wemackey/iEye. Install instructions on developer's web site http://wemackey.github.io/iEye/. Uses SRR edf2asc command line utility to convert *edf files to *asc files. Reads data from SRR *asc files.
- iMap: author's website http://perso.unifr.ch/roberto.caldara/index.php?page=3. Fixation pattern analysis and visualization. Described in a couple of journal articles: Behav Res http://perso.unifr.ch/roberto.caldara/pdfs/caldara_11.pdf and J of Vision http://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2433901. Matlab toolbox. Seems current.
- iTrack: on github https://github.com/jashubbard/iTrack. "Matlab toolbox for importing and processing eye tracking data from EyeLink eye trackers".
- ScanMatch: web page http://seis.bris.ac.uk/~psidg/ScanMatch/. Described in Behav Res http://seis.bris.ac.uk/~psidg/ScanMatch/CMTG2010.pdf. Scan path analysis. Matlab toolbox. Last update 2009.
- TimeStudio: A general purpose workflow system that includes some components for processing gaze data from Tobii ET systems. Project URL is http://timestudioproject.com/. Also written up in Behav Res http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-015-0616-x.
- CARPE: on google code https://code.google.com/archive/p/dynamic-images-and-eye-movements/. visualization and collection of gaze patterns over dynamic images. Project home page on wordpress https://thediemproject.wordpress.com/. Looks fairly polished, but no recent development (since 2010).
- EyeMap: on sourceforge http:/openeyemap.sourceforge.net/. Java codebase. Looks like reasonably good tools for analysis of EM over print. Supports data from both SRR and Tobii systems. It's not clear to me that there are means to specify interest areas other than for single words. Last update in 2012.
- EyePatterns: on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/eyepatterns/. Looks for patterns/similarities in fixation sequences. Java codebase. Last update in 2013.
- eyetracker: on github https://github.com/stefan-k/eyetracker. C++ codebase. Last update in 2012.
- EyeTrack, EyeDoctor, EyeDry, RoboDoc.py: Designed for reading studies and for use with SRR ET systems. Available from Staub lab at UMass https://blogs.umass.edu/eyelab/software/. C++ codebase, some Python. Seems current.
- OGAMA: on codeplex http://www.ogama.net/. Data collection, fixation detection, scanpath analysis, and heatmaps. Supports Tobii and Alea Tech ET systems only. Also does mouse tracking. C# codebase. Seems current.
- VizFix: A "tool for visualizing gaze fixations and other data from eye tracking experiments." Seems to be focussed on data from LC Tech devices. Objective-C codebase requires Mac OS X 10.5 or better. Download source at Google Code: https://code.google.com/archive/p/vizfix/source. Authors' web site is here: https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/cm-hci/VizFix/. Last update in 2010.
- Get Reading Measures (GRM) is a tool from a commercial vendor, SR Research. It's purpose is to extract conventional regional summary measures from studies of gaze behavior while reading. It is designed to work with Fixation Reports output by their proprietary Data Viewer software. But, I believe, the GRM tool itself is freely downloadable, so I've included it on this list. It can be downloaded from the SRR support forum at https://www.sr-support.com/showthread.php?1289-Reading-Measures-from-Data-Viewer&highlight=Reading+Measures. Access requires login via free account.