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Ivan Ribeiro edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 82 revisions

Have you made a script? Add it to this page in alphabetical order, together with a very short description and a link to where one can read more and download it.

Important note before using

All of the scripts on this page are submitted by users. It's up to you to read the source before actually using them.

Script name Description Link
2fa-rofi No more phone! Let Rofi+oathtool put your 2FA TOTP tokens right into your clipboard ready to use on-demand Link
Applets & menus Comprehensive collection of themeable applets, menus, launchers and sidebars Link
Bitwarden-rofi Wrapper for Bitwarden Link
bolt A launcher wrapper for having a lightning fast Unix workflow Link
Bookmarks Minimal bookmark manager Link Search your book collection Link
buku_run Frontend for buku bookmarks manager Link
clerk mpd client Link Select a word and get its definition in rofi Link
dmenu-emacs-daemon Manage your Emacs daemons in rofi/dmenu style Link
dmenu_ffmpeg Simple launcher for screen recorder and live stream to some website like youtube, twitch, and others Link
dmenu-hotkeys View for your hotkeys in rofi/dmenu style Link
dofi UI for Link
empris Play-Pause media players Link Display all repositories connected with a GitHub user account and clone selected Link
gpt-chatbot-rofi Query OpenAI chatbot via rofi dmenu Link
i3layoutmenu Change the current layout of i3wm Link Jump to workspace Link
Kaomoji Rofi A simple kaomoji picker Link
Kappa Launcher Twitch launcher using rofi Link
menu-calc A calculator Link Switch monitor layout Link
mpdmenu Control mpd Link
mpv-search-menu Control mpv player Link
naivecalendar A calendar with rofi and python3 Link
nbrowser an easy way to open links in browsers, mimic the "Open URL with..." dialog on Android Link
nmcli_rofi A rip of nmcli_dmenu Link
nmvpnmenu Manage your active VPN connection Link
obsidian-rofi-helper A ~30 line Obsidian plugin plus a python script to allow for switching between Obsidian tabs with Rofi Link
powermenu A classic power menu Link
qlipmon Clipboard history manager with dbus interface support Link
rofi-blezz A plugin for rofi that emulates blezz behaviour Link
rofi-bluetooth A menu for managing bluetooth connections Link
rofi-calc an interface to qalc calculator Link
rofi-calculator Simple command-line calculator built on bc Link
rofi-clipster A rofi frontend for the clipboard manager clipster Link
rofi-code Use rofi to quickly open Visual Studio Code or Codium workspaces Link
rofi-control-center Search Control Center/System Settings on GNOME based distro using rofi Link
rofi-ddgr Run ddgr, duckduckgo search engine, from rofi. Link
rofi-epiclauncher Very simple wrapper for legendary Epic Games Store client. Link
rofi-expressvpn Control ExpressVPN from Rofi Link
rofi-file-selector Script to quickly find a file by name and choose an application to open it Link
rofi-favorites Simple rofi shell script that lists favorites Desktop Apps. Link
rofi-firefox Quickly navigate through bookmarks and search queries in firefox with rofi Link
rofi-fontawesome fontawesome icon list Link
rofi-gister Gist search and copy interface Link
rofi-gpaste Rofi frontend for GPaste clipboard manager Link
rofi-hamster Input activity interface for Hamster time tracker Link
rofi-i3-shortcut-help Script to search for i3 shortcut (need to add comments to i3 config) Link
rofi-json Simple shell script that reads a json file and display the items as rofi menu entries. Link
rofi-keepass A rofi frontend to quickly access entries in your keepass file Link
rofi-keepassxc Frontend in rofi for keepassxc. Faster than rofi-keepass and have some features more. Link
rofi-khard Access khard contacts and view / copy contact details Link
Rofi-Ico-Finder Find quickly font awesome characters Link
rofi-iwd Rofi/Wofi (dmenu) interface for iwd for use connecting to network Link
rofi-libvirt Manage your libvirt VMs Link
rofi-lpass Copy passwords from your Lastpass vault Link
rofimoji Emoji and character picker Link
rofi-modi-snippets A modi with snippets Link
rofi-mpc Fast graphical Rofi-Interface for contolling MPD Link
rofi-mpd Interact with the music play daemon Link
rofi-mpd Simple mpd client in rofi Link
rofi-network-manager A manager for network connections using bash, rofi, nmcli and Dunst. Link Manage notes stored in a text file using Rofi. Bonus: tiny calculator using Python's eval. Link
rofi-pass Handle Simple Password Store Link
rofi-pinboard Python3 script to search through pinboard bookmarks via rofi and open the URL in your default browser Link
rofi-power-menu Configurable power menu mode Link
rofi-rbw rofi frontend for the alternative Bitwarden client rbw Link
rofi-script-to-dmenu Run rofi scripts with dmenu (or in dmenu mode of rofi) Link
rofi-search Interactive Google search (search as you type) Link
rofi-spotify Wrapper for spotify Link
rofi-switch-browser-tabs Script to switch browser tabs from rofi. Link
Rofi-Themer Select dotfile themes using recursive menus Link
rofi-todo Script to manage JSON-style notes in rofi. Link
rofi_notes Tiny script for managing notes Link
rofi-virtualbox manage virtualbox machines with rofi Link
rofi-wal-theme-switcher Script for choosing background images for theme generation with pywal Link
rofitr Translate text using rofi. Link
RofiTranspose A pipe to display a content line by line in rofi. Link
scrotmenu Take screenshots using scrot Link
session-manager-rofi Lock/logoff/reboot/etc from rofi dmenu Link
Short-Rofi You can show all shortcuts from the running Programm Link
slip Take screenshots, gifs, and screencasts and upload them to imgur and gfycat Link
snag A screenshot and screencast utility specifically designed for the Sway window manager Link
swytch Window switcher for Sway WM Link
SxhkdRofi Lets you view your Sxhkd (bspwm) keybindings with Rofi/dmenu Link
teiler Create screenshots and screencasts and upload to remote server Link
udiskie-dmenu Manage removable devices (mount/umount) Link Search the web by selecting a website and providing a query Link
wifi-manager-rofi list and connect to wifi networks from rofi dmenu Link Select a word or words to look up on wikipedia with wikit and display in rofi Link
wireguard-rofi-waybar Toggle NetworkManager-WireGuard connections from rofi and display status in Waybar Link
rofi-firefox-bookmark Open a firefox bookmark from rofi. (Last Updated: Sept 2023) Link
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