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342 lines (228 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

342 lines (228 loc) · 11.3 KB

A collection of LPEG patterns

Use cases

  • Strict validation of user input
  • Searching free-form input



A small module implementing commonly used rules from RFC-5234 appendix B.1

  • ALPHA (pattern)
  • BIT (pattern)
  • CHAR (pattern)
  • CR (pattern)
  • CRLF (pattern)
  • CTL (pattern)
  • DIGIT (pattern)
  • DQUOTE (pattern)
  • HEXDIG (pattern)
  • HTAB (pattern)
  • LF (pattern)
  • LWSP (pattern)
  • OCTET (pattern)
  • SP (pattern)
  • VCHAR (pattern)
  • WSP (pattern)


  • IPv4address (pattern): parses an IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation. on success, returns addresses as an IPv4 object
  • IPv4_methods (table):
    • unpack (function): the IPv4 address as a series of 4 8 bit numbers
    • binary (function): the IPv4 address as a 4 byte binary string
  • IPv4_mt (table): metatable given to IPv4 objects
    • __index (table): IPv4_methods
    • __tostring (function): returns the IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation

IPv4 "dotted decimal notation" in this document refers to "strict" form (see RFC-6943 section 3.1.1) unless otherwise noted.


  • IPv6address (pattern): parses an IPv6 address
  • IPv6addrz (pattern): parses an IPv6 address with optional "ZoneID" (see RFC-6874)
  • IPv6_methods (table): methods available on IPv6 objects
    • unpack (function): the IPv6 address as a series of 8 16bit numbers, optionally followed by zoneid
    • binary (function): the IPv6 address as a 16 byte binary string
    • setzoneid (function): set the zoneid of this IPv6 address
  • IPv6_mt (table): metatable given to IPv6 objects
    • __tostring (function): will return the IPv6 address as a valid IPv6 string


Parses URIs as described in RFC-3986.

  • uri (pattern): on success, returns a table with fields: (similar to luasocket)
    • scheme
    • userinfo
    • host
    • port
    • path
    • query
    • fragment
  • absolute_uri (pattern): similar to uri, but does not permit fragments
  • uri_reference (pattern): similar to uri, but permits relative URIs
  • relative_part (pattern): matches a relative uri not including query and fragment; data is held in named group captures "userinfo", "host", "port", "path"
  • scheme (pattern): matches the scheme portion of a URI
  • userinfo (pattern): matches the userinfo portion of a URI
  • host (pattern): matches the host portion of a URI
  • IP_literal (pattern): matches an IP based host portion of a URI. Capture is an IPv4, IPv6 or IPvFuture object
  • port (pattern): matches the port portion of a URI
  • authority (pattern): matches the authority portion of a URI; data is held in named group captures of "userinfo", "host", "port"
  • path (pattern): matches the path portion of a URI. Captures nil for the empty path.
  • segment (pattern): matches a path segment (a piece of a path without a /)
  • query (pattern): matches the query portion of a URI
  • fragment (pattern): matches the fragment portion of a URI
  • sane_uri (pattern): a variant that shouldn't match things that people would not normally consider URIs. e.g. uris without a hostname
  • sane_host (pattern): a variant that shouldn't match things that people would not normally consider valid hosts.
  • sane_authority (pattern): a variant that shouldn't match things that people would not normally consider valid hosts.
  • pct_encoded (pattern): matches a percent encoded octet, produces a capture of the normalised form.
  • sub_delims (pattern): the set of subcomponent delimeters


  • mailbox (pattern): the mailbox format: matches either name_addr or an addr-spec.
  • name_addr (pattern): the name and address format i.e. Display Name<[email protected]> Has captures of the local_part and the domain. Captures the display name in the named capture "display"
  • email (pattern): also known as an "addr-spec"; follows RFC-5322 section 3.4.1 Has captures of the local_part and the domain Be careful trying to reconstruct the email address from the captures; you may need escaping
  • local_part (pattern): the bit before the @ in an email address
  • domain (pattern): the bit after the @ in an email address
  • email_nocfws (pattern): a variant that doesn't allow for comments or folding whitespace
  • local_part_nocfws (pattern): the bit before the @ in an email address; no comments or folding whitespace allowed.
  • domain_nocfws (pattern): the bit after the @ in an email address; no comments or folding whitespace allowed.


These patterns should be considered to have non stable APIs.

  • DAV (pattern)
  • Depth (pattern)
  • Destination (pattern)
  • If (pattern)
  • Lock_Token (pattern)
  • Overwrite (pattern)
  • TimeOut (pattern)
  • SLUG (pattern)
  • DASL (pattern)
  • Accept_Patch (pattern)
  • Link (pattern)
  • Set_Cookie (pattern)
  • Cookie (pattern)
  • Content_Disposition (pattern)
  • Origin (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Accept (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Key (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Extensions (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Protocol_Client (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Protocol_Server (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Version_Client (pattern)
  • Sec_WebSocket_Version_Server (pattern)
  • Schedule_Reply (pattern)
  • Schedule_Tag (pattern)
  • If_Schedule_Tag_Match (pattern)
  • Strict_Transport_Security (pattern)
  • X_Frame_Options (pattern)
  • Accept_Datetime (pattern)
  • Memento_Datetime (pattern)
  • request_line (pattern)
  • field_name (pattern)
  • field_value (pattern)
  • header_field (pattern)
  • OWS (pattern)
  • RWS (pattern)
  • BWS (pattern)
  • token (pattern)
  • qdtext (pattern)
  • quoted_string (pattern)
  • comment (pattern)
  • Content_Length (pattern)
  • Transfer_Encoding (pattern)
  • chunk_ext (pattern)
  • TE (pattern)
  • Trailer (pattern)
  • request_target (pattern)
  • Host (pattern)
  • Via (pattern): captures are a list of tables with fields .protocol, .by and .comment
  • Connection (pattern)
  • Upgrade (pattern): captures are a list of strings containing protocol or protocol/version
  • IMF_fixdate (pattern)
  • Content_Encoding (pattern)
  • Content_Type (pattern)
  • Content_Language (pattern)
  • Content_Location (pattern)
  • Expect (pattern)
  • Max_Forwards (pattern)
  • Accept (pattern)
  • Accept_Charset (pattern)
  • Accept_Encoding (pattern)
  • Accept_Language (pattern)
  • From (pattern)
  • Referer (pattern)
  • User_Agent (pattern)
  • Date (pattern): capture is a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • Location (pattern)
  • Retry_After (pattern): capture is either a table describing an absolute time in the same format as used by os.time, or a relative time as a number of seconds
  • Vary (pattern)
  • Allow (pattern)
  • Server (pattern)
  • Last_Modified (pattern): capture is a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • ETag (pattern)
  • If_Match (pattern)
  • If_None_Match (pattern)
  • If_Modified_Since (pattern): capture is a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • If_Unmodified_Since (pattern): capture is a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • Accept_Ranges (pattern)
  • Range (pattern)
  • If_Range (pattern): capture is either an entity_tag or a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • Content_Range (pattern)
  • Age (pattern)
  • Cache_Control (pattern): captures are grouped into key/value pairs (where a directive with no value has a value of true)
  • Expires (pattern): capture is a table in the same format as used by os.time
  • Pragma (pattern)
  • Warning (pattern)
  • WWW_Authenticate (pattern)
  • Authorization (pattern)
  • Proxy_Authenticate (pattern)
  • Proxy_Authorization (pattern)
  • Forwarded (pattern)
  • Public_Key_Pins (pattern)
  • Public_Key_Pins_Report_Only (pattern)
  • Hobareg (pattern)
  • Authentication_Info (pattern)
  • Proxy_Authentication_Info (pattern)
  • ALPN (pattern)
  • CalDAV_Timezones (pattern)
  • Alt_Svc (pattern)
  • Alt_Used (pattern)
  • Expect_CT (pattern)
  • Referrer_Policy (pattern)


  • phone (pattern): includes detailed checking for:
    • USA phone numbers using the NANP


Patterns for definitions from RFC-4646 Section 2.1

  • langtag (pattern): Capture is a table with the language tag decomposed into components:
    • language
    • extlang (optional)
    • script (optional)
    • region (optional)
    • variant (optional): an array
    • extension (optional): a dictionary from singleton to value
    • privateuse (optional): an array
  • privateuse (pattern): captures an array
  • Language_Tag (pattern): captures the whole language tag