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378 lines (282 loc) · 7.95 KB

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378 lines (282 loc) · 7.95 KB



Required tools for this repo are task-runner and docker-ce.




Fork the repo using the 'Fork' dialog at the top right corner of the github UI.

Clone the new fork into your local development environment (assuming your github login is 'githubUserHandle'):

Note: all references to '[email protected]' assume that your local github user has adequate rights. If using ~/.ssh/config to manage ssh identities then replace all mentions of '[email protected]' with the clause name in ~/.ssh/config which references the appropriate ssh key::

For example:

Host ssh-githubUserHandle
    User git
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_githubUserHandle

Host ssh-otherUserHandle
    User git
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_otherUserHandle

Host *
    IdentitiesOnly yes

i.e. 'githubUserHandle' viz:

git clone ssh-githubUserHandle:githubUserHandle/datatrails-python.git

mkdir githubUserHandle
cd githubUserHandle
git clone ssh-githubUserHandle:githubUserHandle/datatrails-python.git

Enter the new cloned fork and add the original upstream repo as a remote:

cd datatrails-python
git remote add upstream ssh-githubUserHandle:datatrails/datatrails-python.git
git remote -v

Now add a branch for your proposed changes:

git status
git checkout -b dev/githubUserHandle/some-proposed-fix
git status

Development flow

To see what options are available simply execute:


All development is done using a docker image. To create the image execute the following command. This command only has to be repeated if requirements.txt or requirements-dev.txt change.

Dependencies are defined in requirements.txt for the archivist package and requirements-dev.txt for the tools used to build, test and publish the archivist package.

To build the docker builder image:

task builder

Generate documentation:

task docs

and point a browser to docs/_build/html/index.html.

Making changes

Make a change to the code and validate the changes:

task check

If ok run the unittests:

task unittests

If you have access to an archivist instance then one can run functional tests. The URL and authtoken are required. The authtoken must be stored in a file in the credentials subdirectory credentials/authtoken (say).

These tests will create artefacts on the archivist instance so it is not recommended that they be run in a production environment.

Set 2 environment variables and execute:

export DATATRAILS_AUTHTOKEN_FILENAME=credentials/authtoken
task functests

NOTE: For the access policy functional tests, two separate tenancy tokens are needed for successful test execution. Therefore add a another env variable for the second tenancy's auth token:

export DATATRAILS_AUTHTOKEN_FILENAME_2=credentials/authtoken_tenant_2

Alternatively one can use a direct environment variable for the authtoken:

export DATATRAILS_AUTHTOKEN="ey.....==="
task functests

Alternatively one can use a client id and secret obtained from the appregistrations endpoint:

export DATATRAILS_APPREG_CLIENT=c5db8230-6e1c-4b80-9481-d70e647c0429
export DATATRAILS_APPREG_SECRET_FILENAME=credentials/client_secret
task functests

Additionally one set the appregistration directly in the environment:

export DATATRAILS_APPREG_CLIENT=c5db8230-6e1c-4b80-9481-d70e647c0429
export DATATRAILS_APPREG_SECRET="ey.....................ab=="
task functests

When running the runner tests one can specify a namespace to isolate instances of assets in differnt runs:

FUNCTEST=execrunner task functests

Additional environment variables:

For testing sharing via an access policy requires a second auth token:


Testing of the client token refresh logic can take 10 to 20 minutes to complete. To enable this test set:


Testing Other Python Versions

Python 3.8 (default)

To build the docker builder image with default Python 3.8:

task builder

To check the style

task check

To run the unittests:

task unittests
Python 3.10

To build the docker builder image with Python 3.10:

task builder-3.10

To check the style

task check

To run the unittests:

task unittests
Python 3.11

To build the docker builder image with Python 3.11:

task builder-3.11

To check the style

task check

To run the unittests:

task unittests
Python 3.12

To build the docker builder image with Python 3.12:

task builder-3.12

To check the style

task check

To run the unittests:

task unittests
Python 3.13

To build the docker builder image with Python 3.13:

task builder-3.13

To check the style

task check

To run the unittests:

task unittests

Seeking a review

Synchronizing the upstream

Bring in latest changes from upstream:

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main
git checkout dev/githubUserHandle/some-proposed-fix
git rebase -i --autosquash main

Ensure that your email and name are correct:

git config
git config

Pushing changes upstream

Add all changes to a commit using the example-commit file as a template for the commit message.

git add .
git commit

Push the changes upstream(the set-upstream option is only required the first time this is executed):

git push --set-upstream origin dev/githubUserHandle/some-proposed-fix

Enter the github ui at and generate a pull request.

Reviewers will be notified when a PR is generated and you will receive feedback. Reviewers will trigger QC checks on your code. Failure will result in automatic rejection.

Making further changes

If changes are requested push the changes as a fixup:

git add .
git commit --fixup HEAD
git push

Removing Fixups After Reviewer Approval

Eventually the reviewer(s) will approve your changes. At this point you must squash all your fixups after syncing upstream:

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main
git checkout dev/githubUserHandle/some-proposed-fix
git rebase -i --autosquash main
git push -f

PR is merged.

The reviewer will then merge your PR into main.

At this point one must tidy up the local fork:

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main
git log
git branch -d dev/githubUserHandle/some-proposed-fix

Some notes on adding a new endpoint

Adding a new endpoint will involve the following steps:

(for a new endpoint called widgets...)

  • edit archivist/
  • add archivist/
  • add archivist/
  • edit archivist/
  • add unittests/
  • add unittests/
  • add functests/
  • add functests/test_resources/widgets_story.yaml
  • edit functests/
  • add examples/ # and other examples as well
  • add notebooks/'Create Widgets....ipynb' # and other examples
  • add docs/create_widgets.rst
  • edit docs/index.rst
  • edit docs/getting_started.rst
  • add docs/runner/components/widgets.rst
  • edit docs/runner/components/index.rst
  • add docs/runner/demos/widgets.rst
  • edit docs/runner/demos/index.rst