Experimental slidedeck viewer based on pdf.js: it renders Apple Keynote exported PDFs with speaker notes in the browser, extracts and cuts off the notes and displays them as HTML.
When Christophe came back from MobX conference where he gave a talk he promised to publish his slidedeck online. Existing tools like slideshare or speakerdeck did not match our needs. Though we like the simplicity of uploading just one file, we where not happy with how these plattforms treat the speakernotes - which are important bits of information, especially on image-rich presentations. Also, we wanted a more integrated way to embed slidedeck content on our website.
Check out the live demo
- scaling
- loading incator
could be realized via a callback - remove jquery and History.js dependency
- better API
- links on slides (as seen in pdf.js viewer code)
- SpeakerNoteParser should anaylse and keep line breaks
- node
- npm
- gruntjs
- bower
git clone ...
cd slidedeck-pdf.js
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install
bower install
node vendor/pdf.js/make generic
to update the example on the fly
grunt watch
grunt build