Welcome to the databio schema registry. This repository holds schemas that are then hosted using simple static API on GitHub pages. You can browse the API
at https://schema.databio.org/. To get a specific schema, construct a URL like: https://schema.databio.org/{namspace}/{schema}.yaml
-- for example, https://schema.databio.org/pep/2.0.0.yaml would give you the file found in this repository under schemas/pep/2.0.0.yaml
First, you have to write a schema yaml file. It should follow json-schema format.
After creating your schema file, you can contribute it to this repository so that you and others can more easily load it. Name your schema yaml file with the name of the schema. Schemas in the registry are divided into namespaces, which are represented as subfolders in this repository. So, place your schema into an appropriate subfolder, and then open a pull request.
The front-end is built in React, using vite
. Clone the repository and then start a development server with:
npm run dev
You need to run index_contents.py
will create all the API endpoints and copy the schemas themselves into /public
, so they will be served by React. This will be done by the github action for the deployed verison. For testing locally, you'll need to run it yourself. These resulting files are not checked into git since they are generated from the source schemas found in the /schemas