In order to use the template I created, you need to update a few configuration described in the following lines.
I've created a template for symfony/form in order to make it render Foundation markup.
In the configuration of KnpMenuBundle, you just need to update the following part :
- '@Darkanakin41Core/form/foundation.html.twig'
I've created a template for KnpLabs/KnpMenuBundle in order to make it render Foundation markup.
In the configuration of KnpMenuBundle, you just need to update the following part :
knp_menu :
twig :
template : "@Darkanakin41Core/knp/menu/foundation.html.twig"
I've created a template for KnpLabs/KnpMenuBundle in order to make it render Foundation markup.
In the configuration of KnpPaginatorBundle, you just need to update the following part :
pagination: "@Darkanakin41Core/knp/pagination/foundation.html.twig"