Papers Published:
- D. Flemström, "Industrial System Level Test Automation" - (Doctoral Thesis 2021)
- D. Flemström, W. Afzal, and E. Enoiu, "Specification of Passive Test Cases using an Improved T-EARS Language", (SWQD'22),
- H. Jonsson, E. Enoiu, W. Azal, "Industrial Scale Passive Testing with T-EARS", (ICST’21)
- D. Flemström, E. Enoiu, W. Azal, D. Sundmark, T. Gustafsson, A. Kobetski, "From Natural Language Requirements to Independent Guarded Assertions", (QRS'18)
- D. Flemström, T. Gustafsson, and A. Kobetski, “A case study ofinteractive development of passive tests”, (RET’18)
- D. Flemström, T. Gustafsson, and A. Kobetski, “Saga toolbox: Interac-tive testing of guarded assertions”, (ICST'17)
- 2022-05-18 - "Specification of Passive Test Cases using an Improved T-EARS Language", Paper Presentation (Popular version) -
- 2021-04-04 - Industrial Scale Passive Testing with T-EARS -
- 2020-04-16 - SAGA Short Demo -
- 2019-10-03 - GA-Creation Obfuscated -
- 2019-10-03 - SAGA Tool Overview -
- 2019-10-03 - Saga DEMO-II Creating Signals -
Previous Publications on Independent Guarded Assertions
- Gustafsson, M. Skoglund, A. Kobetski, and D. Sundmark, “Automotive system testing by independent guarded assertions,” inProceedings ofthe 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verificationand Validation Workshops (ICSTW’15), pp. 1–7, 2015.
- G. Rodriguez-Navas, A. Kobetski, D. Sundmark, and T. Gustafsson,“Offline analysis of independent guarded assertions in automotiveintegration testing,” inThe 12th IEEE International Conference onEmbedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2015.
- T. Gustafsson, M. Skoglund, A. Kobetski, and D. Sundmark, “Automo-tive system testing by independent guarded assertions,” in2015 IEEEEighth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification andValidation Workshops (ICSTW), 2015.