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482 lines (339 loc) · 25.2 KB

File metadata and controls

482 lines (339 loc) · 25.2 KB


[10.0.1] - 2017-11-23


  • Fixed a bug that Decodable mapping to object other than Array and Dictionary in a key path cause crash. #1405 by @ufosky.
  • Fixed a bug with missing Content-Type header when using .requestJSONEncodable #1410 by @Vict0rS.
  • Fixed linker settings, enabling RxMoya and ReactiveMoya to be used in app extensions #1417 by @spookyvision.
  • Fixed carthage OS X not targeting 10.10 #1444 by @lucas34.

[10.0.0] - 2017-10-21


  • Fixed a bug that Decodable mapping won't decode nested JSON array in a key path #1382 by @devxoul.

[10.0.0-beta.1] - 2017-10-08



  • Breaking Change Changed Endpoint.init so it doesn't have any default arguments (removing default argument .get for method parameter and nil for httpHeaderFields parameter). #1289 by @sunshinejr.
  • Breaking Change Changed NetworkActivityPlugin so its networkActivityClosure has now target: TargetType argument in addition to change: NetworkActivityChangeType. #1290 by @sunshinejr.
  • Breaking Change Changed Endpoint's urlRequest property to urlRequest() a throwing method. #1248 by @SD10.


  • Breaking Change Removed RxMoyaProvider and ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider. #1320 by @SD10


  • Fixed a MoyaProvider+Rx self-retaining bug in requestWithProgress. #1311 by @AndrewSB.


  • Removed default value for task from Endpoint initializer


  • Breaking Change Replaced parameters & parameterEncoding in TargetType with extended Task cases.
  • Breaking Change Flattened UploadType and DownloadType into Task cases.
  • Breaking Change Replaced shouldAuthorize: Bool in AccessTokenAuthorizable with authorizationType: AuthorizationType.
  • Breaking Change Replaced token in AccessTokenPlugin with tokenClosure.
  • Breaking Change TargetTypes no longer receive the Authorization: Bearer <token> header by default when using AccessTokenPlugin.
  • Added Swift 4.0 support for Moya core (without RxSwift/ReactiveSwift extensions for now).
  • Added all the filter/map operators that were available for Observable<Response> to Single<Response> as well.
  • Added AuthorizationType to AccessTokenAuthorizable representing request headers of .none, .basic, and .bearer.
  • Added tests for Single<Response> operators.
  • Added Progress object into the response when calling progress callback on completion.
  • Added tests for creating URLRequest from Task.
  • Fixed a bug where you weren't notified on progress callback for data request.


  • Breaking Change Added support to get the response (if any) from MoyaError.
  • Breaking Change Added headers to TargetType.
  • Breaking Change Updated RxMoyaProvider.request to return a Single<Request>.
  • Breaking Change Updated Moya.Response's responseto use an HTTPURLResponse instead of a URLResponse.
  • Breaking Change Renamed all occurrences of queue to callbackQueue.
  • Breaking Change Deprecated ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider and RxSwiftMoyaProvider. Use MoyaProvider with reactive properties now: provider.reactive._, provider.rx._. In case you were subclassing reactive providers, please take a look at this PR from Eidolon. It covers migration from subclassing given providers, to usage by composition.
  • Breaking Change Removed parameter name in requestWithProgress for ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider.
  • Breaking Change Removed deprecated in Moya 8.0.0: Moya.Error, endpointByAddingParameters(parameters:), endpointByAddingHttpHeaderFields(httpHeaderFields:), endpointByAddingParameterEncoding(newParameterEncoding:), endpointByAdding(parameters:httpHeaderFields:parameterEncoding), StructTarget, filterStatusCodes(range:), filterStatusCode(code:), willSendRequest(request:target:), didReceiveResponse(result:target:), ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider, ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider.request(token:).
  • Added optional callback queue parameter to reactive providers.
  • Added public URL(target:) initializator that creates url from TargetType.
  • Added an optional requestDataFormatterin NetworkLoggerPlugin to allow the client to interact with the request data before logging it.
  • Updated minimum version of RxSwift to 3.3.
  • Updated minimum version of ReactiveSwift to 2.0.
  • Fixed a bug where you would have two response events in requestWithProgress method on ReactiveSwift module.
  • Enabled the "Allow app extension API only" flag.


  • Fixed a bug where you would have two response events in requestWithProgress method on RxMoya module.


  • Bumped minimum version of ReactiveSwift to 1.1.
  • Changed use of deprecated DateSchedulerProtocol to DateScheduler.
  • Move project to using a single target for all platforms.
  • Changed default endpoint creation to only append path to baseURL when path is not empty.


  • Fixed reversedPrint arguments for output.
  • Fixed memory leak when request with stub.
  • Changed Moya.Error to MoyaError in MoyaAvailablity for Swift 3.1 compatibility.


  • Changed dependency pinning to rely only on major versions.


  • Fixed an issue where RxMoyaProvider never sends next or errors if it's disposed before a subscription is made.


  • Breaking Change Renamed Moya.Error to MoyaError.
  • Breaking Change Renamed verbose in the NetworkLoggerPlugin to isVerbose.
  • Breaking Change TargetType now specifies its ParameterEncoding.
  • Breaking Change Removed unused
  • Breaking Change Renamed adding(newHttpHeaderFields:) to adding(newHTTPHeaderFields:).
  • Moya.Error now conforms to LocalizedError protocol.
  • Added documentation for TargetType and associated data structures.
  • Re-add MultiTarget to project.
  • Adopted an SPM-compatible project structure.
  • Moved tests to Moya.xcodeproj.
  • Supported the Swift package manager
  • Added AccessTokenPlugin for easier authorization.
  • Added AccessTokenAuthorizable protocol for optionally controlling the authorization behavior of TargetTypes when using AccessTokenPlugin.
  • Added availability tags for renamed functions included in the Swift 3 migration.


  • Breaking Change Renamed ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider to ReactiveSwiftMoyaProvider.
  • Breaking Change Renamed PluginType functions to comply with Swift 3 design guideline:
    • willSendRequest renamed to willSend.
    • didReceiveResponse renamed to didReceive.
  • Breaking Change Renamed filterStatusCodes(:) to filter(statusCodes:) (and filterStatusCode(:) to filter(statusCode:)).
  • Breaking Change Renamed request(token:) to simply request(:_) (ReactiveSwift).
  • Breaking Change Renamed notifyPluginsOfImpendingStub(request:) to notifyPluginsOfImpendingStub(for:).
  • Renamed the ReactiveCocoa subspec to ReactiveSwift.
  • PluginType can now modify requests and responses through prepare and process


  • Breaking Change Renamed cancelled in the Cancellable protocol to isCancelled.
  • Breaking Change Renamed URL in Endpoint to url.
  • Breaking Change Renamed StructTarget to MultiTarget.
  • Demo project has been updated with new DemoMultiTarget target, new project structure and more.
  • Readded support for iOS 8 and macOS 10.10.
  • Added validate option in TargetType, to allow enabling Alamofire automatic validation on requests.
  • Added mapString(atKeyPath:) to Response, SignalProducerProtocol, and ObservableType


  • Breaking Change Made some class funcs mimicking enum cases lowercased.
  • Updates for RxSwift 3.0 final release.
  • Added default empty implementation for willSendRequest and didReceiveResponse in PluginType.
  • Use String(data:encoding:) instead of NSString(data:encoding:) while converting Data to String.


  • Breaking Change Throw dedicated Error.jsonMapping when mapJSON fails to parse JSON.
  • Breaking Change Renamed endpointByAddingHTTPHeaders to adding(newHttpHeaderFields:).
  • Breaking Change Renamed endpointByAddingParameters to adding(newParameters:).
  • Breaking Change Renamed endpointByAddingParameterEncoding to adding(newParameterEncoding:).
  • Breaking Change Renamed endpointByAdding(parameters:httpHeaderFields:parameterEncoding) to adding(parameters:httpHeaderFields:parameterEncoding).
  • Breaking Change Changed HTTP verbs enum to lowercase.
  • urlRequest property of Endpoint is now truly optional. The request will fail if the urlRequest turns out to be nil and a requestMapping error will be returned together with the problematic url.
  • Breaking Change Made RxMoya & ReactiveMoya frameworks dependant on Moya framework, making them slimmer and not re-including Moya source in the Reactive extensions. (PR)
  • Removed the unused StreamRequest typealias that was causing watchOS failures.
  • Fixes download requests never calling the completion block.
  • Added a new internal Requestable protocol.
  • Added a new case to SampleResponseClosure which allows mocking of the whole URLResponse.
  • Added a test for new SampleResponseClosure case.


  • Breaking Change Transition from ReactiveCocoa to ReactiveSwift. (PR)


  • Breaking Change Support for Swift 3 in favor of Swift 2.x.
  • Breaking Change fileName and mimeType are now optional properties on a MultipartFormData object.
  • Correct Alamofire appendBodyPart method id called in MultipartFormData.
  • Breaking Change Removes multipartBody from TargetType protocol and adds a task instead.
  • Breaking Change Successful Response instances that have no data with them are now being converted to .Success Results.
  • Adds Download and Upload Task type support to Moya.
  • Corrects SwiftLint warnings.
  • Separates Moya.swift into multiple files.
  • Updated mapJSON API to include an optional named parameter failsOnEmptyData: that when overridden returns an empty NSNull() result instead of throwing an error when the response data is empty.
  • Added supportsMultipart to the Method type, which helps determine whether to use multipart/form-data encoding.
  • Added PATCH and CONNECT to the Method cases which support multipart encoding.
  • Added request for Response.


  • Carthage support for Swift 2.3.


  • Swift 2.3 support.


  • Identical to 7.0.0, see #594 for an explanation.


  • Breaking Change Drops support for RACSignal.
  • Breaking Change Changes Moya.Error.Underlying to have NSError instead of ErrorType.
  • Breaking Change Implements inflights tracking by adding trackInflights = true to your provider.
  • Breaking Change Changes MoyaProvider.RequestClosure to have Result<NSURLRequest, Moya.Error> -> Void instead of NSURLRequest -> Void as a done closure parameter.
  • Breaking Change New community guidelines.
  • New multipart file upload.
  • New cURL-based logging plugin.
  • Moves from OSSpinLock to dispatch_semaphor to avoid deadlocks.
  • Integrates Danger into the repo.
  • Fixes a xcodeproj referencing bug introduced by the new cURL-based logging plugin.
  • Calls completion even when cancellable token is canceled


  • Added queue parameter to request and sendRequest. This open up option to use other queue instead of main queue for response callback.


  • Makes convertResponseToResult public to make use of this method when dealing with Alamofire directly
  • Updates to ReactiveCocoa 4.1
  • Updates to Result 2.0


  • Updates for Swift 2.2 / Xcode 7.3 compatibility.


  • Fixed endpoint setup when adding parameters or headers when parameters or headers or nil.
  • Adds StructTarget for using Moya with structs.


  • Adds response computed property to Error type, which yields a Response object if available.
  • Added URLEncodedInURL to ParameterEncoding.
  • Adds convenience endpointByAdding method.
  • Remove our own implementation of ParameterEncoding and make it a public typealias of Alamofire.ParameterEncoding.


  • Updated to ReactiveCocoa 4.0 final.
  • Added formatter parameter to plugin for pretty-printing response data. See #392.


  • Compatibility with RxSwift 2.x.


  • Compatibility with RxSwift 2.1.x.


  • The built-in DefaultAlamofireManager as parameter's default value instead of the singleton Alamofire.Manager.sharedinstance is now used when instantiating ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider and RxMoyaProvider as well.


  • Updates to ReactiveCocoa 4 RC 2.


  • Breaking Change pass a built-in DefaultAlamofireManager as parameter's default value instead of passing the singleton Alamofire.Manager.sharedinstance when initialize a provider
  • Fixes issue that stubbed responses still call the network.


  • Updates to RXSwift 2.0.0
  • Moves to use Antitypical/Result


  • Update to ReactiveCocoa v4.0.0-RC.1
  • Fixes cases where underlying network errors were not properly propagated.
  • Moves to antitypical Result type


  • Updated to RxSwift 2.0.0-beta.4


  • Update to ReactiveCocoa v4.0.0-alpha.4


  • Breaking Change rename MoyaTarget protocol to TargetType
  • Breaking Change rename MoyaRequest protocol to RequestType
  • Breaking Change rename Plugin protocol to PluginType
  • Removes conversion from Moya.Method to Alamofire.Method since it was unused
  • Changes NetworkLoggingPlugin's initializer to also take a function that has the same signature as print to simplify testing
  • Breaking Change renames ParameterEncoding's parameterEncoding method to toAlamofire and makes it internal only
  • Breaking Change Plugin<Target> is now a protocol and as such no longer sends a typed MoyaProvider. - @swizzlr
  • Breaking Change The types that were subtypes of Moya are now defined at the top level; you should find no compatibility issues since they are still invoked by Moya.X – @swizzlr
  • Breaking Change Completion closure now returns a Result instead of multiple optional parameters.
  • Breaking Change MoyaResponse is now Response, and also final. It will be changed to a struct in a future release. - @swizzlr
  • Breaking Change ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider can now be supplied with an optional stubScheduler – @swizzlr (sponsored by Network Locum)
  • Breaking Change Introduce Error type for use with reactive extensions - @tomburns
  • Breaking Change Deprecate ReactiveCocoa 2 support


  • Adds mapping methods to MoyaResponse


  • Adds tvOS and watchOS support
  • Fixes carthage OS X target not having source files
  • Makes base OS X target 10.9 instead of 10.10


  • Updates to latest ReactiveCocoa alpha. Again.


  • Updates to latest ReactiveCocoa alpha.


  • Removed extraneous SignalProducer from ReactiveCocoa extension – @JRHeaton
  • Removed extraneous deferred() from RxSwift extension
  • Moved to new RxSwift syntax – @wouterw
  • Updated RxSwift to latest beta – @wouterw


  • OS X support.


  • Fixes Carthage integration problem.


  • CancellableTokens can now debug print the requests cURL.


  • Plugins now subclasses NSObject for custom subclasses.
  • Plugins' methods are now public, allowing custom subclasses to override.


  • Updates Alamofire dependency to ~> 3.0


  • Changes mapImage() RxSwift function to use UIImage! instead of UIImage.


  • Makes parameters on MoyaTarget an optional [String: AnyObject] dictionary.
  • Makes parameters and httpHeaderFields on Endpoint to be optionals.
  • Renamed stubbing identifiers: Breaking Change
    • Moya.StubbedBehavior renamed to Moya.StubBehavior
    • Moya.MoyaStubbedBehavior renamed to Moya.StubClosure
    • Moya.NoStubbingBehavior -> Moya.NeverStub
    • Moya.ImmediateStubbingBehaviour -> Moya.ImmediatelyStub
    • Moya.DelayedStubbingBehaviour -> Moya.DelayedStub
  • Default class functions have been moved to extensions to prevent inadvertent subclassing.
  • Renamed other identifiers: Breaking Change
    • MoyaProvider.MoyaEndpointsClosure to MoyaProvider.EndpointClosure
    • MoyaProvider.MoyaEndpointResolution to MoyaProvider.RequestClosure
    • MoyaProvider.endpointResolver to MoyaProvider.requestClosure
    • MoyaProvider.stubBehavior to MoyaProvider.stubClosure
    • MoyaCredentialClosure to CredentialClosure
    • MoyaProvider initializer parameter names
    • MoyaCompletion to Moya.Completion
    • DefaultEndpointResolution to DefaultRequestMapping
  • Renamed T generic types of MoyaProvider and Endpoint classes to Target.
  • Removed errantly named DefaultEndpointResolution
  • Changes the closure to map Endpoints to NSURLRequests asynchonous.
  • Removes inflight request tracking for ReactiveCocoa and RxSwift providers. Breaking Change
  • Adds support for ReactiveCocoa 4 by moving ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider to use SignalProducer instead of RACSignal
  • Renamed EndpointSampleResponse cases: Breaking Change
    • Success to NetworkResponse, now contains NSData instead of () -> NSData.
    • Error to NetworkError
    • Additionally, NetworkError no longer has a status code or data associated with it. This represents an error from the underlying iOS network stack, like an inability to connect. See #200 for more details.
    • Also additionally, removed Closure case (see below).
  • Changed Endpoint to use a sampleResponseClosure instead of a sampleResponse, making all sample responses lazily executed. Breaking Change
  • New plugin architecture Breaking Change
    • This replaces networkActivityClosure with a plugin.
  • ReactiveCocoa provider no longer replaces errors that contain status codes (an unlikely situation) with its own errors. It passes all errors directly through.
  • Renames token to target (it was usually target anyway, just made it consistent).


  • Corrects problem with ignoring the specified Alamofire manager


  • Adds HTTP basic auth support.


  • Adds data processing functions for use with RxMoyaProvider


  • Adds convenience endpointByAddingParameterEncoding method.


  • Adds Moya files as members of RxMoya and ReactiveMoya frameworks.


  • Add backward-compatible call from DefaultEnpointResolution to DefaultEndpointResolution on MoyaProvider class. DefaultEndpointResolution is now used internally as the default resolver. DefaultEnpointResolution can be removed in a future major release.
  • Carthage support.


  • Add option to pass an Alamofire.Manager to MoyaProvider initializer


  • Updates Demo directory's RxSwift version.


  • Updates Demo directory's Moya version for pod try compatbility.


  • Breaking change Combines MoyaPath and MoyaTarget protocols.
  • Breaking change Renames Moya/Reactive subspec to Moya/ReactiveCocoa.
  • Breaking change Removes stubResponses from initializer; replaced with new stubbing behavior .NoStubbing. Added class methods to MoyaProvider to provide defaults, while allowing users to still change stubbing behavior on a per-request basis.
  • Breaking change Redefines types of DefaultEndpointMapping and DefaultEnpointResolution class functions on MoyaProvider. You no longer invoke these functions to return a closure, rather, you reference the functions themselves as closures.
  • Breaking change Renames endpointsClosure parameter and property of MoyaProvider to endpointClosure.
  • Breaking change Renames ReactiveMoyaProvider to ReactiveCocoaMoyaProvider for consistency.
  • Fixes problem that the ReactiveMoyaProvider initializer would not respect the stubbing behavior it was passed.
  • Adds official Carthage support – @neonichu
  • Relaxes version dependency on RxSwift - @alcarvalho
  • Fixes possible concurrency bugs with reactive providers - @alcarvalho


  • Fixes problem where RxMoyaProvider would not respect customized stubbing behavior (delays).



  • Breaking change Changes EndpointSampleResponse to require closures that return NSData, not NSData instances themselves. This prevents sample data from being loaded during the normal, non-unit test app lifecycle.
  • Breaking change Adds method to MoyaTarget protocol and removes method parameter from request() functions. Targets now specify GET, POST, etc on a per-target level, instead of per-request.
  • Breaking change Adds parameters to MoyaTarget protocol and removes ability to pass parameters into request() functions. Targets now specify the parameters directly on a per-target level, instead of per-request.
  • Adds a sane default implementation of the MoyaProvider initializer's endpointsClosure parameter.


  • Updates to Swift 1.2.



  • Adds network activity closure to provider.


  • Updates podspec to refer to 3.0.0-aplha.1 of ReactiveCocoa. -@ashfurrow


  • First release on CocoaPods trunk.
  • Add data support for stubbed error responses. – @steam
  • Fixes #66, a problem with outdated Alamofire dependency and it's serializer type signature. -@garnett
  • Delete note about ReactiveCocoa installation -@garnett


  • Fixes #52 to change submodules to use http instead of ssh. -@ashfurrow)
  • Migrate to support Xcode beta 6.1 -@orta)
  • Adds the original NSURLResponse to a MoyaResponse -@orta)
  • Fixes #63, a problem where stale inflight requests were kept around if they error'd down the pipline (discussed here) -@ashfurrow


  • Implements #46, the code property of the NSError sent through by ReactiveMoyaProvider will now match the failing http status code. -@powerje


  • Fixes #48 that modifies Moya to execute completion blocks of stubbed responses immediately, instead of using dispatch_async to defer it to the next invocation of the run loop. This is a breaking change. Because of this change, the ReactiveCocoa extensions had to be modified slightly to deduplicate inflight stubbed requests. Reactive providers now vend RACSignal instances that start the network request when subscribed to. -@ashfurrow


  • Fixes #44 where status codes weren't being passed through to completion blocks. This also modified the behavior of the ReactiveCocoa extensions significantly but sending MoyaResponse objects instead of just NSData ones. —@ashfurrow


  • Initial release.