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Carolina Fernández edited this page May 11, 2015 · 5 revisions

Home > Management > RO

Disclaimer: The following management manual assumes that configuration of the whole software has been done according to the configuration manual.

Basic Operations

The following shows typical usage for RO:

# Start
/etc/init.d/felix-ro start

# Stop
/etc/init.d/felix-ro stop

# Restart
/etc/init.d/felix-ro restart

# Clean database (peers are kept) and restart
/etc/init.d/felix-ro force-reload


Managing consistency

Cleaning up the database

RO retrieves information based on the resources advertised by its managed RMs. As these resources may change in a future (some new may be added, others may be removed), there is sometimes necessary to clean up the RO database and restart it.

If you find a message like ObjectId(...) not found in a log or as an output returned by a GENIv3 method; please stop the RO, clean its database and restart it:

  1. Execute special command in initscript:

    /etc/init.d/felix-ro force-reload

If this did not work or is not available in your deployment, do the following:

  1. Stop RO bykill -9 $PID on the correct process(es)

  2. Enter RO database. In a console:

    $ mongo
    root@dc1-ro:~# mongo
    MongoDB shell version: 2.0.6
    connecting to: test
    > show dbs
    felix_ro	0.203125GB
    local	(empty)
    test	(empty)
    > use felix_ro
    switched to db felix_ro
    > db.dropDatabase()
  3. Add the peers to RO (only once after cleaning!):

    # Manually inserting data for managed RMs
    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/deploy
    # OR
    # Running a script where the entries are already configured (create one if it does not exist)
    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/src/admin/db
  4. Restart RO:

    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/src
    # Use init script
    /etc/init.d/felix-ro start
    # OR
    # Send process to background
    python > /dev/null 1>&2 &
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