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Carolina Fernández edited this page May 11, 2015 · 5 revisions

Home > Management > RO

Disclaimer: The following management manual assumes that configuration of the whole software has been done according to the configuration manual.


Managing consistency

Cleaning up the database

RO retrieves information based on the resources advertised by its managed RMs. As these resources may change in a future (some new may be added, others may be removed), there is sometimes necessary to clean up the RO database and restart it.

If you find a message like ObjectId(...) not found in a log or as an output returned by a GENIv3 method; please stop the RO, clean its database and restart it:

  1. Execute special command in initscript:

    /etc/init.d/felix-ro force-reload

If this did not work or is not available in your deployment, do the following:

  1. Stop RO bykill -9 $PID on the correct process(es)

  2. Enter RO database. In a console:

    $ mongo
    root@dc1-ro:~# mongo
    MongoDB shell version: 2.0.6
    connecting to: test
    > show dbs
    felix_ro	0.203125GB
    local	(empty)
    test	(empty)
    > use felix_ro
    switched to db felix_ro
    > db.dropDatabase()
  3. Add the peers to RO (only once after cleaning!):

    # Manually inserting data for managed RMs
    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/deploy
    # OR
    # Running a script where the entries are already configured (create one if it does not exist)
    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/src/admin/db
  4. Restart RO:

    cd /opt/felix/resource-orchestrator/modules/resource/orchestrator/src
    # Use init script
    /etc/init.d/felix-ro start
    # OR
    # Send process to background
    python > /dev/null 1>&2 &
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