diff --git a/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml b/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml
index 5d338066d..5e68e888a 100644
--- a/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml
+++ b/curve25519-dalek/Cargo.toml
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ hex = "0.4.2"
json = "0.12.4"
rand = "0.8"
rand_core = { version = "0.6", default-features = false, features = ["getrandom"] }
+rand_distr = "0.4.3"
+kolmogorov_smirnov = "1.1.0"
rustc_version = "0.4.0"
diff --git a/curve25519-dalek/src/edwards.rs b/curve25519-dalek/src/edwards.rs
index 7392a5715..f1978f986 100644
--- a/curve25519-dalek/src/edwards.rs
+++ b/curve25519-dalek/src/edwards.rs
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ use core::ops::{Mul, MulAssign};
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
-#[cfg(feature = "digest")]
-use crate::elligator2::map_to_point;
+#[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
+use crate::elligator2::{map_fe_to_edwards, MASK_UNSET_BYTE};
#[cfg(feature = "digest")]
use digest::{generic_array::typenum::U64, Digest};
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ impl EdwardsPoint {
let sign_bit = (res[31] & 0x80) >> 7;
- let fe1 = map_to_point(&res);
+ let fe1 = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point_unbounded(&res);
let E1_opt = fe1.to_edwards(sign_bit);
@@ -606,49 +606,34 @@ impl EdwardsPoint {
- #[cfg(elligator2)]
- /// Build an [`EdwardsPoint`] using the birational mapping from (the
- /// extended `(u, v)` form of) a montgomery point.
- pub fn from_uv(u: &[u8; 32], v: &[u8; 32]) -> EdwardsPoint {
- let u_fe = FieldElement::from_bytes(u);
- let v_fe = FieldElement::from_bytes(v);
- let (x, y) = Self::new_edwards_point(&u_fe, &v_fe);
- Self::from_xy(x, y)
- }
- #[cfg(elligator2)]
- fn new_edwards_point(u: &FieldElement, v: &FieldElement) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement) {
- // Per RFC 7748: (x, y) = (sqrt(-486664)*u/v, (u-1)/(u+1))
- let two = &FieldElement::ONE + &FieldElement::ONE;
- let (_, sqrt_neg_a_plus_two) =
- FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i(&(&MONTGOMERY_A_NEG + &two), &FieldElement::ONE);
- let mut x = &(u * &v.invert()) * &sqrt_neg_a_plus_two;
- let u_plus_one = u + &FieldElement::ONE;
- let u_minus_one = u - &FieldElement::ONE;
- let mut y = &u_minus_one * &u_plus_one.invert();
- // This mapping is undefined when t == 0 or s == -1, i.e., when the
- // denominator of either of the above rational functions is zero.
- // Implementations MUST detect exceptional cases and return the value
- // (v, w) = (0, 1), which is the identity point on all twisted Edwards
- // curves.
- let result_undefined = v.is_zero() | u_plus_one.is_zero();
- x.conditional_assign(&FieldElement::ZERO, result_undefined);
- y.conditional_assign(&FieldElement::ONE, result_undefined);
- // Convert from Edwards (x, y) to extended (x, y, z, t) coordinates.
- // new_edwards_from_xy(x, y)
- (x, y)
+ #[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
+ /// Perform the Elligator2 mapping to an [`EdwardsPoint`].
+ ///
+ /// Calculates a point on elliptic curve E (Curve25519) from an element of
+ /// the finite field F over which E is defined. See section 6.7.1 of the
+ /// RFC.
+ ///
+ /// The input u and output P are elements of the field F. Note that
+ /// the output P is a point on the edwards curve and as such it's byte
+ /// representation is distinguishable from uniform random.
+ ///
+ /// Input:
+ /// * u -> an element of field F.
+ ///
+ /// Output:
+ /// * P - a point on the Edwards elliptic curve.
+ ///
+ /// See
+ pub fn map_to_point(r: &[u8; 32]) -> EdwardsPoint {
+ let mut clamped = *r;
+ clamped[31] &= MASK_UNSET_BYTE;
+ let r_0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&clamped);
+ let (x, y) = map_fe_to_edwards(&r_0);
+ Self::from_xy(&x, &y)
- #[cfg(elligator2)]
+ #[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
fn from_xy(x: &FieldElement, y: &FieldElement) -> EdwardsPoint {
- // Yeah yeah yeah, no where better to put this. :(
let z = FieldElement::ONE;
let t = x * y;
@@ -2275,10 +2260,6 @@ mod test {
- vec![
- "84cbe9accdd32b46f4a8ef51c85fd39d028711f77fb00e204a613fc235fd68b9",
- "93c73e0289afd1d1fc9e4e78a505d5d1b2642fbdf91a1eff7d281930654b1453",
- ],
@@ -2291,22 +2272,27 @@ mod test {
- vec![
- "48b73039db6fcdcb6030c4a38e8be80b6390d8ae46890e77e623f87254ef149c",
- "ca11b25acbc80566603eabeb9364ebd50e0306424c61049e1ce9385d9f349966",
- ],
- vec![
- "80a6ff33494c471c5eff7efb9febfbcf30a946fe6535b3451cda79f2154a7095",
- "57ac03913309b3f8cd3c3d4c49d878bb21f4d97dc74a1eaccbe5c601f7f06f47",
- ],
+ // Non Least-Square-Root representative values. (i.e. representative > 2^254-10 )
+ vec![
+ "84cbe9accdd32b46f4a8ef51c85fd39d028711f77fb00e204a613fc235fd68b9",
+ "93c73e0289afd1d1fc9e4e78a505d5d1b2642fbdf91a1eff7d281930654b1453",
+ ],
+ vec![
+ "48b73039db6fcdcb6030c4a38e8be80b6390d8ae46890e77e623f87254ef149c",
+ "ca11b25acbc80566603eabeb9364ebd50e0306424c61049e1ce9385d9f349966",
+ ],
+ vec![
+ "80a6ff33494c471c5eff7efb9febfbcf30a946fe6535b3451cda79f2154a7095",
+ "57ac03913309b3f8cd3c3d4c49d878bb21f4d97dc74a1eaccbe5c601f7f06f47",
+ ],
@@ -2314,12 +2300,16 @@ mod test {
#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", feature = "digest"))]
fn elligator_signal_test_vectors() {
- for vector in test_vectors().iter() {
- let input = hex::decode(vector[0]).unwrap();
- let output = hex::decode(vector[1]).unwrap();
+ for (n, vector) in test_vectors().iter().enumerate() {
+ let input = hex::decode(vector[0]).expect("failed to decode hex input");
+ let output = hex::decode(vector[1]).expect("failed to decode hex output");
let point = EdwardsPoint::nonspec_map_to_curve::(&input);
- assert_eq!(point.compress().to_bytes(), output[..]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ hex::encode(point.compress().to_bytes()),
+ hex::encode(&output[..]),
+ "signal map_to_curve failed for test {n}"
+ );
diff --git a/curve25519-dalek/src/elligator2.rs b/curve25519-dalek/src/elligator2.rs
index 085cdbfa9..18b3b9264 100644
--- a/curve25519-dalek/src/elligator2.rs
+++ b/curve25519-dalek/src/elligator2.rs
@@ -12,17 +12,53 @@ use subtle::{
+/// bitmask for a single byte when clearing the high order two bits of a representative
+pub(crate) const MASK_UNSET_BYTE: u8 = 0x3f;
+/// bitmask for a single byte when setting the high order two bits of a representative
+pub(crate) const MASK_SET_BYTE: u8 = 0xc0;
/// (p - 1) / 2 = 2^254 - 10
pub(crate) const DIVIDE_MINUS_P_1_2_BYTES: [u8; 32] = [
0xf6, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f,
-/// Gets the public representative for a key pair using the private key
-pub fn representative_from_privkey(privkey: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<[u8; 32]> {
+/// Gets a public representative for a key pair using the private key.
+/// The `tweak` parameter is used to adjust the computed representative making
+/// it computationally indistinguishable from uniform random. If this property
+/// is not required then the provided tweak value does not matter.
+/// The tweak allows us to overcome three limitations:
+/// - Representatives are not always canonical.
+/// - Bit 255 (the most significant bit) was always zero.
+/// - Only points from the large prime-order subgroup are represented.
+/// In order for the returned representative to be canonical a tweak to the
+/// high order two bits must be applied.
+/// ```txt
+/// [An adversary could] observe a representative, interpret it as a field
+/// element, square it, then take the square root using the same
+/// non-canonical square root algorithm. With representatives produced by
+/// an affected version of [the elligator2 implementation], the output of
+/// the square-then-root operation would always match the input. With
+/// random strings, the output would match only half the time.
+/// ```
+/// For a more in-depth explanation see:
+/// https://github.com/agl/ed25519/issues/27
+/// https://www.bamsoftware.com/papers/fep-flaws/
+pub fn representative_from_privkey(privkey: &[u8; 32], tweak: u8) -> Option<[u8; 32]> {
let pubkey = EdwardsPoint::mul_base_clamped(*privkey).to_montgomery();
let v_in_sqrt = v_in_sqrt(privkey);
- point_to_representative(&pubkey, v_in_sqrt.into()).into()
+ let p: Option<[u8; 32]> = point_to_representative(&pubkey, v_in_sqrt.into()).into();
+ match p {
+ None => None,
+ Some(mut a) => {
+ a[31] |= MASK_SET_BYTE & tweak;
+ Some(a)
+ }
+ }
/// This function is used to map a curve point (i.e. an x25519 public key)
@@ -116,7 +152,7 @@ fn is_encodable(u: &FieldElement) -> Choice {
pub(crate) fn high_y(d: &FieldElement) -> Choice {
let d_sq = &d.square();
- let au = &MONTGOMERY_A * &d;
+ let au = &MONTGOMERY_A * d;
let inner = &(d_sq + &au) + &FieldElement::ONE;
let eps = d * &inner; /* eps = d^3 + Ad^2 + d */
@@ -184,32 +220,9 @@ pub fn v_in_sqrt_pubkey_edwards(pubkey: &EdwardsPoint) -> Choice {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#[allow(unused, non_snake_case)]
-/// Perform the Elligator2 mapping to Curve25519 in accordance with RFC9380.
-/// Calculates a point on elliptic curve E (Curve25519) from an element of
-/// the finite field F over which E is defined. See section 6.7.1 of the
-/// RFC.
-/// The input r and outputs u and v are elements of the field F. The
-/// affine coordinates (u, v) specify a point on an elliptic curve
-/// defined over F. Note, however, that the point (u, v) is not a
-/// uniformly random point.
-/// Input:
-/// * r -> an element of field F.
-/// Output:
-/// * Q - a point in `(u,v)` for on the Montgomery elliptic curve.
-/// See
-pub fn map_to_curve(r: &[u8; 32]) -> ([u8; 32], [u8; 32]) {
- let fe = FieldElement::from_bytes(r);
- let (x, y) = map_fe_to_curve(&fe);
- (x.as_bytes(), y.as_bytes())
-pub(crate) fn map_fe_to_curve(r: &FieldElement) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement) {
+fn map_to_curve_parts(
+ r: &FieldElement,
+) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement, FieldElement, FieldElement) {
let zero = FieldElement::ZERO;
let one = FieldElement::ONE;
let mut minus_one = FieldElement::ONE;
@@ -239,30 +252,49 @@ pub(crate) fn map_fe_to_curve(r: &FieldElement) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement)
let (_, mut y) = FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i(&y2, &one);
y.conditional_negate(eps_is_sq ^ y.is_negative());
- (x, y)
+ (&x * &d_1, d_1, y, one)
-#[allow(unused, non_snake_case)]
-/// Perform the Elligator2 mapping to a [`MontgomeryPoint`].
-/// Calculates a point on elliptic curve E (Curve25519) from an element of
-/// the finite field F over which E is defined. See section 6.7.1 of the
-/// RFC.
-/// The input u and output P are elements of the field F. Note, however, that
-/// the output point P is not a uniformly random point.
-/// Input:
-/// * u -> an element of field F.
-/// Output:
-/// * P - a point on the Montgomery elliptic curve.
-/// See
-pub fn map_to_point(r: &[u8; 32]) -> MontgomeryPoint {
- let r_0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(r);
- let (p, _) = map_fe_to_curve(&r_0);
- MontgomeryPoint(p.as_bytes())
+pub(crate) fn map_fe_to_montgomery(r: &FieldElement) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement) {
+ let (xmn, xmd, y, _) = map_to_curve_parts(r);
+ (&xmn * &(xmd.invert()), y)
+pub(crate) fn map_fe_to_edwards(r: &FieldElement) -> (FieldElement, FieldElement) {
+ // 1. (xMn, xMd, yMn, yMd) = map_to_curve_elligator2_curve25519(u)
+ let (xmn, xmd, ymn, ymd) = map_to_curve_parts(r);
+ // c1 = sqrt(-486664)
+ // this cannot fail as it computes a constant
+ let c1 = &(&MONTGOMERY_A_NEG - &FieldElement::ONE) - &FieldElement::ONE;
+ let (_, c1) = FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i(&c1, &FieldElement::ONE);
+ // 2. xn = xMn * yMd
+ // 3. xn = xn * c1
+ let mut xn = &(&xmn * &ymd) * &c1;
+ // 4. xd = xMd * yMn # xn / xd = c1 * xM / yM
+ let mut xd = &xmd * &ymn;
+ // 5. yn = xMn - xMd
+ let mut yn = &xmn - &xmd;
+ // 6. yd = xMn + xMd # (n / d - 1) / (n / d + 1) = (n - d) / (n + d)
+ let mut yd = &xmn + &xmd;
+ // 7. tv1 = xd * yd
+ // 8. e = tv1 == 0
+ let cond = (&xd * &yd).is_zero();
+ // 9. xn = CMOV(xn, 0, e)
+ // 10. xd = CMOV(xd, 1, e)
+ // 11. yn = CMOV(yn, 1, e)
+ // 12. yd = CMOV(yd, 1, e)
+ xn = FieldElement::conditional_select(&xn, &FieldElement::ZERO, cond);
+ xd = FieldElement::conditional_select(&xd, &FieldElement::ONE, cond);
+ yn = FieldElement::conditional_select(&yn, &FieldElement::ONE, cond);
+ yd = FieldElement::conditional_select(&yd, &FieldElement::ONE, cond);
+ // 13. return (xn, xd, yn, yd)
+ (&xn * &(xd.invert()), &yn * &(yd.invert()))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -275,7 +307,7 @@ pub fn map_to_point(r: &[u8; 32]) -> MontgomeryPoint {
mod test {
use super::*;
- const MASK_UNSET_BYTE: u8 = 0x3f;
+ use hex::FromHex;
// Ntor tests //
@@ -286,26 +318,26 @@ mod test {
fn repres_from_pubkey_kleshni() {
// testcases from kleshni
for (i, testcase) in encoding_testcases().iter().enumerate() {
- let point: [u8; 32] = hex::decode(testcase.point).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ let point = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(testcase.point).expect("failed to decode hex point");
let edw_point = MontgomeryPoint(point)
.to_edwards(testcase.high_y as u8)
- .unwrap();
+ .expect("failed to convert point to edwards");
let v_in_sqrt = v_in_sqrt_pubkey_edwards(&edw_point);
let repres: Option<[u8; 32]> =
point_to_representative(&MontgomeryPoint(point), v_in_sqrt.into()).into();
if testcase.representative.is_some() {
- testcase.representative.unwrap(),
- hex::encode(repres.unwrap()),
+ testcase.representative.expect("checked, is some"),
+ hex::encode(repres.expect("failed to get representative from point")),
"[good case] kleshni ({i}) bad pubkey from true representative"
} else {
"[good case] kleshni ({i}) expected none got repres {}",
- hex::encode(repres.unwrap())
+ hex::encode(repres.expect("this should not fail"))
@@ -317,17 +349,16 @@ mod test {
/// are generated from agl/ed25519 to ensure compatibility.
fn repres_from_privkey_agl() {
for (i, vector) in ntor_valid_test_vectors().iter().enumerate() {
- let privkey: [u8; 32] = hex::decode(vector[0]).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ let privkey = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(vector[0]).expect("failed to decode hex privatekey");
let true_repres = vector[2];
- let repres_res = representative_from_privkey(&privkey);
+ let repres_res = representative_from_privkey(&privkey, 0u8);
"failed to get representative when we should have gotten one :("
- let mut repres = repres_res.unwrap();
+ let repres = repres_res.expect("failed to get representative from pubkey");
- repres[31] &= MASK_UNSET_BYTE;
@@ -341,27 +372,33 @@ mod test {
fn pubkey_from_repres() {
// testcases from kleshni
for (i, testcase) in decoding_testcases().iter().enumerate() {
- let repres: [u8; 32] = hex::decode(testcase.representative)
- .unwrap()
- .try_into()
- .unwrap();
+ let repres = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(testcase.representative)
+ .expect("failed to decode hex representative");
- let point = MontgomeryPoint::from_representative(&MontgomeryPoint(repres));
+ let point = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&repres);
"[good case] kleshni ({i}) bad representative from point"
+ let point_from_unbounded = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point_unbounded(&repres);
+ assert_eq!(
+ testcase.non_lsr_point,
+ hex::encode(point_from_unbounded.to_bytes()),
+ "[good case] kleshni ({i}) bad representative from point"
+ );
// testcases from golang agl/ed25519
for (i, vector) in ntor_valid_test_vectors().iter().enumerate() {
let true_pubkey = vector[1];
- let repres: [u8; 32] = hex::decode(vector[2]).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ let repres =
+ <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(vector[2]).expect("failed to decode hex representative");
// ensure that the representative can be reversed to recover the
// original public key.
- let pubkey = MontgomeryPoint::from_representative(&MontgomeryPoint(repres));
+ let pubkey = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&repres);
@@ -374,15 +411,15 @@ mod test {
#[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
fn non_representable_points() {
for (i, key) in ntor_invalid_keys().iter().enumerate() {
- let privkey: [u8; 32] = hex::decode(key).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ let privkey = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(key).expect("failed to decode hex privkey");
// ensure that the representative can be reversed to recover the
// original public key.
- let res: Option<[u8; 32]> = representative_from_privkey(&privkey).into();
+ let res: Option<[u8; 32]> = representative_from_privkey(&privkey, 0u8);
"[bad case] agl/ed25519 ({i}) expected None, got Some({})",
- hex::encode(res.unwrap())
+ hex::encode(res.expect("this shouldn't happen"))
@@ -534,7 +571,7 @@ mod test {
- const ENCODING_TESTS_COUNT: usize = 6;
+ const ENCODING_TESTS_COUNT: usize = 10;
struct EncodingTestCase {
high_y: bool,
point: &'static str,
@@ -585,13 +622,50 @@ mod test {
+ // A not encodable point with both "high_y" values
+ EncodingTestCase {
+ point: "10745497d35c6ede6ea6b330546a6fcbf15c903a7be28ae69b1ca14e0bf09b60",
+ high_y: false,
+ representative: Some(
+ "d660db8cf212d31ce8c6f7139e69b9ac47fd81c7c0bfcb93e364b2d424e24813",
+ ),
+ },
+ EncodingTestCase {
+ point: "10745497d35c6ede6ea6b330546a6fcbf15c903a7be28ae69b1ca14e0bf09b60",
+ high_y: true,
+ representative: Some(
+ "489a2e0f6955e08f1ae6eb8dcdbc0f867a87a96a02d2dfd2aca21d8b536f0f1b",
+ ),
+ },
+ // A not encodable point with both "high_y" values
+ EncodingTestCase {
+ point: "6d3187192afc3bcc05a497928816e3e2336dc539aa7fc296a9ee013f560db843",
+ high_y: false,
+ representative: Some(
+ "63d0d79e7f3c279cf4a0a5c3833fd85aa1f2c004c4e466f3a3844b3c2e06e410",
+ ),
+ },
+ EncodingTestCase {
+ point: "6d3187192afc3bcc05a497928816e3e2336dc539aa7fc296a9ee013f560db843",
+ high_y: true,
+ representative: Some(
+ "0f03b41c86aeb49acf2f76b39cc90a55a0b140b7290f1c9e032591ddcb074537",
+ ),
+ },
const DECODING_TESTS_COUNT: usize = 7;
struct DecodingTestCase {
representative: &'static str,
+ /// if we only allow least-square-root values as the representative and
+ /// clear the high order two bits (effectively) ensuring that the
+ /// representative value is less than `2^254 - 10`, this is the point
+ /// that we should receive.
point: &'static str,
+ /// if we allow unbounded values to be used directly as representatives,
+ /// not only least-square-root values, this is the point we should receive.
+ non_lsr_point: &'static str,
fn decoding_testcases() -> [DecodingTestCase; DECODING_TESTS_COUNT] {
@@ -600,36 +674,45 @@ mod test {
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "e73507d38bae63992b3f57aac48c0abc14509589288457995a2b4ca3490aa207",
point: "1e8afffed6bf53fe271ad572473262ded8faec68e5e67ef45ebb82eeba52604f",
+ non_lsr_point: "1e8afffed6bf53fe271ad572473262ded8faec68e5e67ef45ebb82eeba52604f",
// A small representative with true "high_y" property
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "95a16019041dbefed9832048ede11928d90365f24a38aa7aef1b97e23954101b",
point: "794f05ba3e3a72958022468c88981e0be5782be1e1145ce2c3c6fde16ded5363",
+ non_lsr_point: "794f05ba3e3a72958022468c88981e0be5782be1e1145ce2c3c6fde16ded5363",
// The last representative returning true: (p - 1) / 2
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "f6ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3f",
point: "9cdb525555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
+ non_lsr_point: "9cdb525555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
// The first representative returning false: (p + 1) / 2
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "f7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff3f",
point: "9cdb525555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
+ non_lsr_point: "9cdb525555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555",
+ // 0
+ DecodingTestCase {
+ representative: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ point: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ non_lsr_point: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ },
+ // These two tests are not least-square-root representations.
// A large representative with false "high_y" property
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "179f24730ded2ce3173908ec61964653b8027e383f40346c1c9b4d2bdb1db76c",
- point: "10745497d35c6ede6ea6b330546a6fcbf15c903a7be28ae69b1ca14e0bf09b60",
+ point: "e6e5355e0482e952cc951f13db26316ab111ae9edb58c45428a984ce7042d349",
+ non_lsr_point: "10745497d35c6ede6ea6b330546a6fcbf15c903a7be28ae69b1ca14e0bf09b60",
// A large representative with true "high_y" property
DecodingTestCase {
representative: "8a2f286180c3d8630b5f5a3c7cc027a55e0d3ffb3b1b990c5c7bb4c3d1f91b6f",
- point: "6d3187192afc3bcc05a497928816e3e2336dc539aa7fc296a9ee013f560db843",
- },
- // 0
- DecodingTestCase {
- representative: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- point: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ point: "27e222fec324b0293842a59a63b8201b0f97b1dd599ebcd478a896b7261aff3e",
+ non_lsr_point: "6d3187192afc3bcc05a497928816e3e2336dc539aa7fc296a9ee013f560db843",
@@ -645,15 +728,13 @@ mod rfc9380 {
fn map_to_curve_test_go_ed25519_extra() {
- for i in 0..CURVE25519_ELL2.len() {
- let testcase = &CURVE25519_ELL2[i];
+ for (i, testcase) in CURVE25519_ELL2.iter().enumerate() {
let u = testcase[0].must_from_be();
- let mut clamped = u.clone();
+ let mut clamped = u;
clamped[31] &= 63;
// map point to curve
- let (q_x, _) = map_fe_to_curve(&FieldElement::from_bytes(&clamped));
+ let (q_x, _) = map_fe_to_montgomery(&FieldElement::from_bytes(&clamped));
// check resulting point
@@ -666,12 +747,11 @@ mod rfc9380 {
fn map_to_curve_test_curve25519() {
- for i in 0..curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU.len() {
- let testcase = &curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU[i];
+ for (i, testcase) in curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU.iter().enumerate() {
let u = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_0.must_from_le());
// map point to curve
- let (q_x, q_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u);
+ let (q_x, q_y) = map_fe_to_montgomery(&u);
// check resulting point
@@ -687,14 +767,13 @@ mod rfc9380 {
- for i in 0..curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO.len() {
- let testcase = &curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO[i];
+ for (i, testcase) in curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO.iter().enumerate() {
let u0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_0.must_from_le());
let u1 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_1.must_from_le());
// map points to curve
- let (q0_x, q0_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u0);
- let (q1_x, q1_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u1);
+ let (q0_x, q0_y) = map_fe_to_montgomery(&u0);
+ let (q1_x, q1_y) = map_fe_to_montgomery(&u1);
// check resulting points
@@ -726,59 +805,55 @@ mod rfc9380 {
fn map_to_curve_test_edwards25519() {
- for i in 0..edwards25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU.len() {
- let testcase = &curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU[i];
+ for (i, testcase) in edwards25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_NU.iter().enumerate() {
let u = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_0.must_from_le());
- // map point to curve
- let (q_x, q_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u);
+ let (q_x, q_y) = map_fe_to_edwards(&u);
// check resulting point
- "({i}) incorrect Q0_x curve25519 NU\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q0_x edwards25519 NU\n{:?}",
- "({i}) incorrect Q0_y curve25519 NU\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q0_y edwards25519 NU\n{:?}",
- for i in 0..edwards25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO.len() {
- let testcase = &curve25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO[i];
+ for (i, testcase) in edwards25519_XMD_SHA512_ELL2_RO.iter().enumerate() {
let u0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_0.must_from_le());
let u1 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&testcase.u_1.must_from_le());
// map points to curve
- let (q0_x, q0_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u0);
- let (q1_x, q1_y) = map_fe_to_curve(&u1);
+ let (q0_x, q0_y) = map_fe_to_edwards(&u0);
+ let (q1_x, q1_y) = map_fe_to_edwards(&u1);
// check resulting points
- "({i}) incorrect Q0_x curve25519 RO\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q0_x edwards25519 RO\n{:?}",
- "({i}) incorrect Q0_y curve25519 RO\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q0_y edwards25519 RO\n{:?}",
- "({i}) incorrect Q1_x curve25519 RO\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q1_x edwards25519 RO\n{:?}",
- "({i}) incorrect Q1_y curve25519 RO\n{:?}",
+ "({i}) incorrect Q1_y edwards25519 RO\n{:?}",
@@ -790,7 +865,7 @@ mod rfc9380 {
/// 2. associated point
/// These test cases need the upper two bits cleared to be properly mapped.
- const CURVE25519_ELL2: [[&'static str; 2]; 14] = [
+ const CURVE25519_ELL2: [[&str; 2]; 14] = [
@@ -1051,12 +1126,12 @@ mod rfc9380 {
impl<'a> FromByteString for &'a str {
fn must_from_le(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
- let mut u = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(self).unwrap();
+ let mut u = <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(self).expect("failed to unhex");
fn must_from_be(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
- <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(self).unwrap()
+ <[u8; 32]>::from_hex(self).expect("failed to unhex from be")
@@ -1069,7 +1144,7 @@ mod rfc9380 {
fn encode_le(&self) -> String {
let mut b = self.as_bytes();
- hex::encode(&b)
+ hex::encode(b)
fn encode_be(&self) -> String {
@@ -1079,9 +1154,9 @@ mod rfc9380 {
impl ToByteString for [u8; 32] {
fn encode_le(&self) -> String {
- let mut b = self.clone();
+ let mut b = *self;
- hex::encode(&b)
+ hex::encode(b)
fn encode_be(&self) -> String {
@@ -1089,3 +1164,186 @@ mod rfc9380 {
+#[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
+mod randomness {
+ use super::*;
+ use kolmogorov_smirnov as ks;
+ use rand::{thread_rng, RngCore};
+ use rand_distr::{Binomial, Distribution};
+ use std::vec::Vec;
+ struct BitCounts {
+ counts: [[u64; 100]; 32 * 8],
+ entries: usize,
+ }
+ impl BitCounts {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ BitCounts {
+ counts: [[0u64; 100]; 256],
+ entries: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn entry(&mut self, arr: &[u8; 32]) {
+ for (i, arr_byte) in arr.iter().enumerate() {
+ for j in 0..8 {
+ self.counts[i * 8 + j][self.entries % 100] += ((arr_byte >> j) & 0x01) as u64;
+ }
+ }
+ self.entries += 1;
+ }
+ fn outliers(&self) -> Vec {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let binomial_100 =
+ Binomial::new(100, 0.5).expect("failed to build binomial distribution");
+ let expected_dist: [u64; 100] = binomial_100
+ .sample_iter(&mut rng)
+ .take(100)
+ .collect::>()
+ .try_into()
+ .expect("failed to build example binomial expected distribution");
+ // this is a high confidence, but we want to avoid this test failing
+ // due to statistical variability on repeat runs.
+ let confidence = 0.95;
+ let mut outlier_indices = vec![];
+ for (n, bit_trial) in self.counts.iter().enumerate() {
+ let result = ks::test(bit_trial, &expected_dist, confidence);
+ // require reject_probability == 1.0 to avoid statistical variability on re-runs
+ if result.is_rejected && result.reject_probability == 1.0 {
+ // samples definitely not from same distribution
+ outlier_indices.push(n);
+ println!(
+ "{n}, {} {} {} {}",
+ result.statistic,
+ result.reject_probability,
+ result.critical_value,
+ result.confidence
+ );
+ if n == 255 {
+ println!("{:?}\n{:?}", bit_trial, expected_dist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outlier_indices
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ /// If we use a "random" value for the tweak the high order bits will be
+ /// set such that the representative is:
+ /// 1) unchanged w.r.t. the public key value derived from the representative
+ /// i.e) it still derives the same public key value from the (clamped)
+ /// representative that we get from the private key.
+ /// 2) statistically indistinguishable from uniform random.
+ /// 4) computationally indistinguishable from random strings for the `a ?= sqrt(a^2)` test.
+ ///
+ /// (To see this test fail change `rng.next_u32() as u8` to `0u8`)
+ fn bitwise_entropy() {
+ const ITERATIONS: usize = 10000;
+ // number of iterations
+ let mut i = 0usize;
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let mut privkey = [0u8; 32];
+ // count of occurences of a 1 per bit in the representative
+ let mut bitcounts = BitCounts::new();
+ while i < ITERATIONS {
+ rng.fill_bytes(&mut privkey);
+ let alice_representative =
+ match representative_from_privkey(&privkey, rng.next_u32() as u8) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(r) => r,
+ };
+ bitcounts.entry(&alice_representative);
+ let pub_from_repr = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&alice_representative);
+ let pub_from_priv = EdwardsPoint::mul_base_clamped(privkey).to_montgomery();
+ assert_eq!(
+ hex::encode(pub_from_priv.as_bytes()),
+ hex::encode(pub_from_repr.as_bytes()),
+ "failed pubkey match at iteration {i}"
+ );
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ let outliers = bitcounts.outliers();
+ assert!(outliers.is_empty(), "bad bits: {:?}", outliers);
+ }
+ /// TLDR: The sqrt_ratio_i function is canonical so this library does not
+ /// suffer from the describbed computational distinguisher.
+ ///
+ /// The specific issue that this is testing for can be described as:
+ /// ```txt
+ /// An instantiation of Elligator is parameterized by what might be called
+ /// a “canonical” square root function, one with the property that
+ /// `√a2 = √(−a)2` for all field elements `a`. That is, we designate just
+ /// over half the field elements as “non-negative,” and the image of the
+ /// square root function consists of exactly those elements. A convenient
+ /// definition of “non-negative” for Curve25519, suggested by its authors,
+ /// is the lower half of the field, the elements `{0, 1, …, (q − 1) / 2}`.
+ /// When there are two options for a square root, take the smaller of the two.
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Any Elligator implementation that does not do this canonicalization of
+ /// the final square root, and instead it maps a given input systematically
+ /// to either its negative or non-negative root is vulnerable to the
+ /// following computational distinguisher.
+ ///
+ /// ```txt
+ /// [An adversary could] observe a representative, interpret it as a field
+ /// element, square it, then take the square root using the same
+ /// non-canonical square root algorithm. With representatives produced by
+ /// an affected version of [the elligator2 implementation], the output of
+ /// the square-then-root operation would always match the input. With
+ /// random strings, the output would match only half the time.
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// For a more in-depth explanation see:
+ /// https://github.com/agl/ed25519/issues/27
+ /// https://www.bamsoftware.com/papers/fep-flaws/
+ #[test]
+ fn test_canonical() {
+ const ITERATIONS: usize = 10000;
+ // number of iterations
+ let mut i = 0usize;
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let mut privkey = [0u8; 32];
+ // number of times the representative (interpreted as a point) squared, then square_rooted,
+ // equals the original representative. Should happen w/ 50% probability.
+ let mut squares_equal = 0usize;
+ while i < ITERATIONS {
+ rng.fill_bytes(&mut privkey);
+ let alice_representative = match representative_from_privkey(&privkey, 0u8) {
+ None => continue,
+ Some(r) => r,
+ };
+ if is_canonical(&alice_representative) {
+ squares_equal += 1;
+ }
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ let expected_range = 4500..5500; // if truly binomial n=10000, p=0.5 then this should "always" pass (> 10x std dev)
+ assert!(
+ expected_range.contains(&squares_equal),
+ "squares_equal: {squares_equal} is not in [4500:5500]"
+ );
+ }
+ fn is_canonical(repres: &[u8; 32]) -> bool {
+ let r_fe = FieldElement::from_bytes(repres);
+ let (ok, r_fe_prime) = FieldElement::sqrt_ratio_i(&r_fe.square(), &FieldElement::ONE);
+ (r_fe.ct_eq(&r_fe_prime) & ok).into()
+ }
diff --git a/curve25519-dalek/src/montgomery.rs b/curve25519-dalek/src/montgomery.rs
index 1f2352746..d0a3087e9 100644
--- a/curve25519-dalek/src/montgomery.rs
+++ b/curve25519-dalek/src/montgomery.rs
@@ -248,9 +248,61 @@ impl MontgomeryPoint {
#[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
- /// This decodes an elligator2 hidden point to a curve point on Curve25519.
- pub fn from_representative(&self) -> MontgomeryPoint {
- elligator2::map_to_point(&self.0)
+ /// Perform the Elligator2 mapping to a [`MontgomeryPoint`].
+ ///
+ /// Calculates a point on elliptic curve E (Curve25519) from an element of
+ /// the finite field F over which E is defined. See section 6.7.1 of the
+ /// RFC. The unbounded variant does NOT assume that input values are always
+ /// going to be the least-square-root representation of the field element.
+ /// This is divergent from both the elligator2 specification and RFC9380,
+ /// however, some implementations miss this detail. This allows us to be
+ /// compatible with those alternate implementations if necessary, since the
+ /// resulting point will be different for inputs with either of the
+ /// high-order two bits set.
+ ///
+ /// The input u and output P are elements of the field F. Note that
+ /// the output P is a point on the Montgomery curve and as such it's byte
+ /// representation is distinguishable from uniform random.
+ ///
+ /// Input:
+ /// * u -> an element of field F.
+ ///
+ /// Output:
+ /// * P - a point on the Montgomery elliptic curve.
+ ///
+ /// See
+ pub fn map_to_point_unbounded(r: &[u8; 32]) -> MontgomeryPoint {
+ let r_0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(r);
+ let (p, _) = elligator2::map_fe_to_montgomery(&r_0);
+ MontgomeryPoint(p.as_bytes())
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
+ /// Perform the Elligator2 mapping to a [`MontgomeryPoint`].
+ ///
+ /// Calculates a point on elliptic curve E (Curve25519) from an element of
+ /// the finite field F over which E is defined. See section 6.7.1 of the
+ /// RFC. It is assumed that input values are always going to be the
+ /// least-square-root representation of the field element in allignment
+ /// with both the elligator2 specification and RFC9380.
+ ///
+ /// The input u and output P are elements of the field F. Note that
+ /// the output P is a point on the Montgomery curve and as such it's byte
+ /// representation is distinguishable from uniform random.
+ ///
+ /// Input:
+ /// * u -> an element of field F.
+ ///
+ /// Output:
+ /// * P - a point on the Montgomery elliptic curve.
+ ///
+ /// See
+ pub fn map_to_point(r: &[u8; 32]) -> MontgomeryPoint {
+ let mut clamped = *r;
+ clamped[31] &= elligator2::MASK_UNSET_BYTE;
+ let r_0 = FieldElement::from_bytes(&clamped);
+ let (p, _) = elligator2::map_fe_to_montgomery(&r_0);
+ MontgomeryPoint(p.as_bytes())
@@ -408,6 +460,7 @@ mod test {
use crate::constants;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
+ #[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
@@ -625,7 +678,7 @@ mod test {
let bytes: Vec = (0u8..32u8).collect();
let bits_in: [u8; 32] = (&bytes[..]).try_into().expect("Range invariant broken");
- let eg = elligator2::map_to_point(&bits_in);
+ let eg = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&bits_in);
@@ -633,7 +686,7 @@ mod test {
#[cfg(feature = "elligator2")]
fn montgomery_elligator_zero_zero() {
let zero = [0u8; 32];
- let eg = elligator2::map_to_point(&zero);
+ let eg = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&zero);
assert_eq!(eg.0, zero);
diff --git a/x25519-dalek/src/x25519.rs b/x25519-dalek/src/x25519.rs
index cb18c1b0e..244889e28 100644
--- a/x25519-dalek/src/x25519.rs
+++ b/x25519-dalek/src/x25519.rs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ impl AsRef<[u8]> for PublicKey {
/// secret is used at most once.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", derive(Zeroize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", zeroize(drop))]
-pub struct EphemeralSecret(pub(crate) [u8; 32]);
+pub struct EphemeralSecret(pub(crate) [u8; 32], pub(crate) u8);
impl EphemeralSecret {
/// Perform a Diffie-Hellman key agreement between `self` and
@@ -94,8 +94,10 @@ impl EphemeralSecret {
pub fn random_from_rng(mut csprng: T) -> Self {
// The secret key is random bytes. Clamping is done later.
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
+ let mut tweak = [0u8; 1];
csprng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
- EphemeralSecret(bytes)
+ csprng.fill_bytes(&mut tweak);
+ EphemeralSecret(bytes, tweak[0])
/// Generate a new [`EphemeralSecret`].
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a EphemeralSecret> for PublicKey {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", derive(Zeroize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", zeroize(drop))]
-pub struct ReusableSecret(pub(crate) [u8; 32]);
+pub struct ReusableSecret(pub(crate) [u8; 32], pub(crate) u8);
#[cfg(feature = "reusable_secrets")]
impl ReusableSecret {
@@ -157,8 +159,10 @@ impl ReusableSecret {
pub fn random_from_rng(mut csprng: T) -> Self {
// The secret key is random bytes. Clamping is done later.
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
+ let mut tweak = [0u8; 1];
csprng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
- ReusableSecret(bytes)
+ csprng.fill_bytes(&mut tweak);
+ ReusableSecret(bytes, tweak[0])
/// Generate a new [`ReusableSecret`].
@@ -195,7 +199,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a ReusableSecret> for PublicKey {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", derive(Zeroize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "zeroize", zeroize(drop))]
-pub struct StaticSecret([u8; 32]);
+pub struct StaticSecret([u8; 32], u8);
#[cfg(feature = "static_secrets")]
impl StaticSecret {
@@ -218,8 +222,10 @@ impl StaticSecret {
pub fn random_from_rng(mut csprng: T) -> Self {
// The secret key is random bytes. Clamping is done later.
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
+ let mut tweak = [0u8; 1];
csprng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
- StaticSecret(bytes)
+ csprng.fill_bytes(&mut tweak);
+ StaticSecret(bytes, tweak[0])
/// Generate a new [`StaticSecret`].
@@ -245,7 +251,7 @@ impl StaticSecret {
impl From<[u8; 32]> for StaticSecret {
/// Load a secret key from a byte array.
fn from(bytes: [u8; 32]) -> StaticSecret {
- StaticSecret(bytes)
+ StaticSecret(bytes, 0u8)
@@ -473,7 +479,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a [u8; 32]> for PublicRepresentative {
impl<'a> From<&'a EphemeralSecret> for Option {
/// Given an x25519 [`EphemeralSecret`] key, compute its corresponding [`PublicRepresentative`].
fn from(secret: &'a EphemeralSecret) -> Option {
- let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0);
+ let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0, secret.1);
let res: Option<[u8; 32]> = repres;
@@ -484,7 +490,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a EphemeralSecret> for Option {
impl<'a> From<&'a ReusableSecret> for Option {
/// Given an x25519 [`ReusableSecret`] key, compute its corresponding [`PublicRepresentative`].
fn from(secret: &'a ReusableSecret) -> Option {
- let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0);
+ let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0, secret.1);
let res: Option<[u8; 32]> = repres;
@@ -495,7 +501,7 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a ReusableSecret> for Option {
impl<'a> From<&'a StaticSecret> for Option {
/// Given an x25519 [`StaticSecret`] key, compute its corresponding [`PublicRepresentative`].
fn from(secret: &'a StaticSecret) -> Option {
- let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0);
+ let repres = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::representative_from_privkey(&secret.0, secret.1);
let res: Option<[u8; 32]> = repres;
@@ -505,7 +511,8 @@ impl<'a> From<&'a StaticSecret> for Option {
impl<'a> From<&'a PublicRepresentative> for PublicKey {
/// Given an elligator2 [`PublicRepresentative`], compute its corresponding [`PublicKey`].
fn from(representative: &'a PublicRepresentative) -> PublicKey {
- let point = curve25519_dalek::elligator2::map_to_point(&representative.0);
+ let point = MontgomeryPoint::map_to_point(&representative.0);