[root@centos7 tmp]# python --help
usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
[--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
[--log-file binlog-file-name]
[--log-pos binlog-file-pos]
[--server-id server-id] [--slave-uuid slave-uuid]
[--blocking False/True] [--start-time start-time]
[--sorted-by insert/update/delete]
Description: The script parse MySQL binlog and statistic column.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Connect MySQL host
--port PORT Connect MySQL port
--username USERNAME Connect MySQL username
--password PASSWORD Connect MySQL password
--log-file binlog-file-name
Specify a binlog name
--log-pos binlog-file-pos
Specify a binlog file pos
--server-id server-id
Specify a slave server server-id
--slave-uuid slave-uuid
Specify a slave server uuid
--blocking False/True
Specify is bloking and parse, default False
--start-time start-time
Specify is start parse timestamp, default None,
example: 2016-11-01 00:00:00
--sorted-by insert/update/delete
Specify show statistic sort by, default: insert
--log-file: binlog 文件名称
--log-pos: binlog 文件位置(从哪个位置开始解析)
--blocking: 是否需要使用阻塞的方式进行解析始终为 False 就好(默认就是False)
--start-time: 从什么时间开始解析
--sorted-by: 展示的结果通过什么来排序, 默认是通过 insert 的行数的多少降序排列, 设置的值有 insert/update/delete
root@(none) 09:17:12>show binary logs;
| Log_name | File_size |
| mysql-bin.000012 | 437066170 |
| mysql-bin.000013 | 536884582 |
| mysql-bin.000014 | 537032563 |
| mysql-bin.000015 | 536950457 |
| mysql-bin.000016 | 87791004 |
| mysql-bin.000017 | 143 |
| mysql-bin.000018 | 143 |
| mysql-bin.000019 | 143 |
| mysql-bin.000020 | 143 |
| mysql-bin.000021 | 1426 |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)
[root@centos7 tmp]# time python --log-file=mysql-bin.000012 --log-pos=120 --username=root --password=root --sorted-by='insert'
"app_db.business_item_sku_detail": {
"row_insert_count": {
"market_price": 273453,
"sku_id": 273453,
"weight": 273453,
"sku_info": 273453,
"created": 273453,
"pre_sale_stock": 273453,
"price": 273453,
"sku_name": 273453,
"limit_sale_time": 273453,
"sku_no": 273453,
"limit_sale_num": 273453,
"business_item_id": 273453,
"channel_sku_lowest_price": 273453,
"tmall_shop_id": 273453,
"guid": 273453,
"pic_url": 273453,
"stock": 273453
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 273453,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
"app_db.business_item_sku_property": {
"row_insert_count": {
"sku_id": 273112,
"created": 273112,
"property_value_id": 273112,
"business_item_id": 273112,
"record_id": 273112,
"property_id": 273112
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 273112,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
"app_db.business_item_pic": {
"row_insert_count": {
"created": 270993,
"business_item_id": 270993,
"pic_id": 270993,
"pic_no": 270993,
"tmall_shop_id": 270993,
"pic_url": 270993
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 270993,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
"app_db.business_item": {
"row_insert_count": {
"guide_commission": 264803,
"commission_type": 264803,
"pstatus": 264803,
"num_iid": 264803,
"limit_sale_time": 264803,
"sell_point": 264803,
"abbreviation": 264803,
"distribution_time": 264803,
"view_num": 264803,
"tariff_rate": 264803,
"tmall_shop_id": 264803,
"is_pre_sale": 264803,
"pic_url": 264803,
"pre_sale_begin_time": 264803,
"business_item_id": 264803,
"sale_tax": 264803,
"guid": 264803,
"recommend_time": 264803,
"is_top_newgood": 264803,
"is_delete": 264803,
"is_open_item_property": 264803,
"mstatus": 264803,
"pre_sale_end_time": 264803,
"top_time": 264803,
"country_id": 264803,
"vir_sales_num": 264803,
"content": 264803,
"commission": 264803,
"wholesale_sales_num": 264803,
"is_associated_type": 264803,
"recommend": 264803,
"is_cross_border": 264803,
"sales_num": 264803,
"custom_discount_type": 264803,
"use_item_type_tax_rate": 264803,
"one_type_id": 264803,
"new_good_time": 264803,
"ship_time": 264803,
"value_add_tax": 264803,
"new_good_words": 264803,
"top_time_newgood": 264803,
"bar_code": 264803,
"price": 264803,
"business_no": 264803,
"limit_sale_num": 264803,
"is_top_hot_sell": 264803,
"discount_type": 264803,
"is_top": 264803,
"tax_rate": 264803,
"hot_sell_time": 264803,
"is_taobao_item": 264803,
"business_item_brand_id": 264803,
"logistics_costs": 264803,
"business_type": 264803,
"guide_commission_type": 264803,
"is_top_recommend": 264803,
"created": 264803,
"pre_sale_stock": 264803,
"title": 264803,
"two_type_id": 264803,
"new_good_flag": 264803,
"custom_clear_type": 264803,
"top_time_recommend": 264803,
"store_commission_type": 264803,
"store_commission": 264803,
"is_hot_sell": 264803,
"like_num": 264803,
"distribution": 264803,
"stock": 264803,
"channel_item_lowest_price": 264803,
"top_time_hot_sell": 264803
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 264803,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
"test.t_binlog_event": {
"row_insert_count": {
"auto_id": 5926,
"dml_sql": 5926,
"dml_start_time": 5926,
"dml_end_time": 5926,
"start_log_pos": 5926,
"db_name": 5926,
"binlog_name": 5926,
"undo_sql": 5926,
"table_name": 5926,
"end_log_pos": 5926
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 5926,
"update": 0,
"delete": 4017
"row_update_count": {}
"test.ord_order": {
"row_insert_count": {
"order_id": 184,
"pay_type": 181,
"amount": 184,
"create_time": 184,
"serial_num": 181
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 184,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
"test.t1": {
"row_insert_count": {
"id": 7,
"name": 7
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 7,
"update": 2,
"delete": 2
"row_update_count": {
"name": 2
"test.area": {
"row_insert_count": {},
"table_dml_count": {
"insert": 0,
"update": 0,
"delete": 0
"row_update_count": {}
real 5m42.982s
user 5m26.080s
sys 0m8.958s
Tips: 当程序在运行的时候使用
kill pid
也会打印出相关信息, 不过排序是按默认的insert
排序,使用Ctrl + c