Configure/add your event as any news item before. The item is extended with a lot of event options tried to explain here:
1.Event Type (Structured Data ->
if you choose "not an event" the news will be handled as normal news. The other options specifiy the event type as of schema .org. Inside the Fluid Template EventDetail you can see allready integrated the needed microdata markup. For more details about this see
1. Show in Calendar
- Flag if the event should be shown in calendarview or not
2. User can book / Applicate
- Flag if User should be able to registrate for an event. In Fluid a condition is used to hide/show the application form.
3. Text / Background Color (calendar view)
- Colors in which the event appears in calendar. This overwrites the color settings in categories.
4. Event Start / End / Allday
- ofcourse, you know start and end.... Allday just means the event is the whole day. If in Calendar view the Allday slot is enabled, this event will be shown in agenda views on top of the agenda.
5. Recurrence
- a lot of possible event recurrence options. Userdefined opens a new tab where you can configure any imaginable recurrences.
6. Target Group
- Just a text field which will be available in Fluid templates. You of course can use it for any additional inofrmation you want to provide to the user.
7. Slots available / Prices and Earlybirds
- Number of users whcih can registrate to an event. Prices and earlybird configuration you understand too.
8. Locations / Persons
- You can have records of locations and persons and add them here.
9. Application Bookings
- Applications / Registrations by users will be shown here if the event is an single Event (no recurrences)!
1. Behavior of building and overriding recurring events.
Thats an really important option! Handly it carefully!
do nothing
Just stores the data you entered before without touching existing recurrences or building new ones.
If your event is configured as an event which will recurr, then with this option on save the recurring events will be generated. All existing recurrences will be deleted and the existing applications to it are lost!
rebuild all none modified
Creates all recurring events. Events where user already registered or you manually changed something (check flag modified!) will not be overwritten. If on rebuilding a new recurrence matches an existing modified version, it will not be rebuilded.
overwrite all fields in all events
usefull if you changed some text and don't want wo do it for all your recurrences of the event.
overwrite all fields in all none modified events
The same but if an application exists or the modified flag is set in the recurrence of the event, that recurrence will not be changed.
overwrite only changed fields in all events
-- and so further......
2. News Recurrence
All builded recurrences will be shown here. You can change details in them but than you should set the flag modified so it might not be changed when you rebuild something. See the option above for more details on this flag.
All registrations/Bookings to recurrences of an event, you can see here.