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File metadata and controls

295 lines (224 loc) · 9.74 KB


This is the official SDK to build apps for d.velop cloud using node.js and typescript.

Getting started

This SDK is diveded into apps. Install individual packages per d-velop app you want to use.

npm i @dvelop-sdk/dms
import { Repository, getRepository } from "@dvelop-sdk/dms";

(async function main() {

  const repo: Repository = await getRepository({
    systemBaseUri: "",
    authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  }, {
    repositoryId: "qnydFmqHuVo",

  console.log(; // Booty Bay Documents
npm i @dvelop-sdk/task
import { createTask } from "@dvelop-sdk/task";

(async function main() {

  const taskLocation = await createTask({
    systemBaseUri: "",
    authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  }, {
    subject: "Cover up lab accident",
    assignees: ["XiFkyR35v2Y"]

  console.log(taskLocation); // some/task/location

You can also run them in ES6 javascript without typescript:

npm i @dvelop-sdk/dms

import { Repository, getRepository } from "@dvelop-sdk/dms";

async function main() {

  const repo = await getRepository({
    systemBaseUri: "",
    authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  }, {
    repositoryId: "qnydFmqHuVo",

  console.log(; // Booty Bay Documents

await main();

Build a d.velop app in no time with express

This SDK was designed framework agnostic but with express in mind.

Install dependencies:

npm i express cookie-parser @dvelop-sdk/express-utils
npm i typescript @types/express @types/cookie-parser -D

Be sure to set the esModuleInterop-flag for typescript:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    // ...

Set up your app:

import express, { Application, NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express"
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import { authenticationMiddleware, contextMiddleware, validateSignatureMiddlewareFactory, InvalidRequestSignatureError, UnauthorizedError, redirectToLoginPage } from "@dvelop-sdk/express-utils";

const app: Application = express();
const appName: string = "acme-myapp";
const appPort: number = 5000;

app.use(contextMiddleware); // Make the req.dvelopContext-property available
app.use(validateSignatureMiddlewareFactory(process.env.APP_SECRET)); // Check the d.velop signature.

app.get(`/${appName}/me`, authenticationMiddleware, (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  res.status(200).send(`<h1>Hello ${req.dvelopContext.user.displayName}</h1>`);

app.get(`/${appName}`, (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  res.status(200).send(`<h1>Hello Tenant ${req.dvelopContext.systemBaseUri} (${req.dvelopContext.tenantId})</h1>`);

app.use((err: any, req: Request, res: Response, _: NextFunction) => {
  if (err instanceof InvalidRequestSignatureError) {
    res.status(403).send("Forbidden"); // Indicates a problem with the App-Secret
  } else if (err instanceof UnauthorizedError) {
    redirectToLoginPage(req, res); // Not authenticated => send to IDP login-page
  } else {
    res.status(500).send("Internal Server Error");

app.listen(appPort, () => {
  console.log(`D.velop app listening on port ${appPort} ...`);

Don't forget to set your APP_SECRET and then start your app:

npx tsc && node src/main.js

The req.dvelopContext-property can now be used for other SDK-functions.

Advanced Topics

Under the hood this SDK uses a functional programming approach. Generally all top-level SDK methods are created by factory-methods. This allows to inject default implementations and at the same time give consumers next-to-full control over steps taken.

SDK-functions usually have at two seperate steps:

  • A HTTP-Call to the corresponding app
  • A transform-function which handles the JSON-response

Let's look at the getRepository-factoryFunction:

export function getRepositoryFactory<T>(
  httpRequestFunction: (context: DvelopContext, config: HttpConfig) => Promise<HttpResponse>,
  transformFunction: (response: HttpResponse, context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => T,
): (context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => Promise<T> {
  return async (context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => {
    const response: HttpResponse = await httpRequestFunction(context, {
      method: "GET",
      url: "/dms",
      follows: ["repo"],
      templates: { "repositoryid": params.repositoryId }
    return transformFunction(response, context, params);

export async function getRepository(context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams): Promise<Repository> {
  return getRepositoryFactory(defaultHttpRequestFunction, getRepositoryDefaultTransformFunction)(context, params);

The getRepository-function itself is a function in the form of

(context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => Promise<Repository>

The getRepository-factoryFunction is a function that returns this function. As input it requires two functions itself that are used:

  • A HTTP-Function which accepts a DvelopContext and a DvelopHttpConfig to make the Http-Request

    (context: DvelopContext, config: HttpConfig) => Promise<HttpResponse>
  • A transform-function which accepts a DvelopHttpResponse, the initial context and the initial paramters. It returns a generic type.

    (response: HttpResponse, context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => T

The exported getRepository-function itself is created by this factory with default implementations. This gives you control over the individual tasks done by the method.

  • You can access the original response and transform it in any way you want:

      const myGetRepositoryFunction = getRepositoryFactory(
        // inject the default httpRequestFunction
        // inject a custom transform-function
        (response: HttpResponse, context: DvelopContext, params: GetRepositoryParams) => {
          return `The name of a repository in '${context.systemBaseUri}' is '${}.'`;
      const info: string = myGetRepositoryFunction({
        systemBaseUri: "",
        authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
      }, {
        repositoryId: "qnydFmqHuVo"
      console.log(info); // The name of a repository in '' is 'Booty Bay Documents'.
  • You can supply a different httpRequestFunction

  • Some methods have additional steps (eg. the createDmsObject-function needs a storeFile-function which uploads a file and provides a download-url).

All DvelopHttp-stuff is provided by the @dvelop-sdk/core package. At the moment it mostly wraps axios as its main http-framework.


This project is maintained by d-velop but is looking for contributers. If you consider contributing to this project please read CONTRIBUTING for details on how to get started.


Please read LICENSE for licensing information.


Thanks to the following projects for inspiration