Faster and more stable port scanner than nmap or rustscan to scan for all open ports
This is created to shorten the time of detecting open ports for CTF
Using threading from python, this port scanner is able to scan 85 ports at a time, meaning 85x speed
There's a recheck after every all-port-scan to ensure stability
edit the /usr/bin/env to suit the python version in your machine. Ideally, this tool works only for python3
nano ./speedy
#!/usr/bin/env python3 <-- edit this
give permissions to the binary to run
chmod +x ./speedy
move the speedy binary to your /usr/bin or anywhere else in the PATH
sudo mv ./speedy /usr/bin/
choose as option:
1 - check all ports
2 - manual check
type in 1 to check all 65535 ports for ipv4 address
type in 2 to check for single port
target ip
> (example)
#Ports Detected:
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 771/771 [00:27<00:00, 28.10it/s]
#Checking for false positives...
Ports 1716 are open!
target ip
> (example)
check port
Port 80 is open
Feel free to give any suggestions or help to contribute to this tool.