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Tim Büchner edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the JeFaPaTo Wiki! In this wiki, we give a short overview of how to use JeFaPaTo and try to support you with simple tutorials to help you create your interesting studies later. If you have any questions or issues or find errors, please let us know via the issue function of GitHub.


This page contains an overview of the tutorials on how to use JeFaPaTo. We focus on these tutorials to be short when using the GUI version of our tool. After that, you should be able to use the tool independently and adapt the settings or workflow to your needs.

For now, we explain how to extract the EAR score and, afterward, the actual blinks from the time series. All steps include annotated images with red boxes, arrows, or numbers to guide you through the UI and UX. If you have any problem with something being unclear, please open an issue so we can improve the wiki tutorials together for other users 😄

The current tutorials are:

Helpful Information

This section will discuss some details of the inner workings of JeFaPaTo. Mainly, information about expected input files and generated output formats, computer vision models, and the correctness of the calculation will be addressed. Also, we give more insights into how and which facial features are computed and how to read the visual summary of the statistics.