Have questions about Commons In A Box? Visit commonsinabox.org, where you'll find robust documentation, as well as a community of Commons In A Box users and developers.
Think you've found a bug? You may consider posting your issue first in the commonsinabox.org support forum. If you're comfortable using Github, you can also post issues directly to our issue tracker. Before posting, please include as many details as possible with your report.
Developers who are interested in contributing to Commons In A Box can send pull requests to this repo.
Please note that the master branch mirrors the last stable release. The current maintenance branch is 1.0.x; please submit pull requests against this branch. Thanks!
The Commons In A Box theme (cbox-theme) is separately maintained at http://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cbox-theme. Please submit issues regarding the theme to that repository. The theme is a deriviative of the Infinity theme developed by PressCrew.